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Articles by RetarT (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
29 Feb 2004   Updated: 29 Feb 2004   Rating: 1.45/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 1.02
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I am 19 years olds and live in ohio. I have been programming for about 2 years. A game mainly got me into programming, Half-life Counter-Strike being the game. I started out trying to write cheats/hacks for the game later learning that programming isn't just something you pick up and can do. So I stopped me cheating ways(for the time being) and took my time to learn C++ and asm. Which took about a year then I returned to creating hacks/cheats for Counter-Strike. This was fun for a time, but I later realized i had more talent. So I have moved once again to learning as much as I can. Which lead me to this lovely site Smile | :) .