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Articles by NorthSpot (Article: 1)

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Desktop Programming
1 Jun 2003   Updated: 1 Jun 2003   Rating: 3.62/5    Votes: 16   Popularity: 4.36
Licence: Not specified    Views: 82,000     Bookmarked: 25   Downloaded: 1,989
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Web Developer
United States United States
Lot`s going on these days in my life, moving into a new house with my long-time girlfriend, so there`s a lot going on there. The main other thing is that I`m getting my daughter for the entire summer, so that is another big time commitment for me. I work as a Web-Developer and spend most of the time there working on various Microsoft products, and we are finally moving to .Net 2003 enviroment where I get to make most of the business decision, which makes the job fun.