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Articles by Neil Barnwell (Article: 1)

Article: 1

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Programming Languages
16 Nov 2006   Updated: 16 Nov 2006   Rating: 3.82/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 2.67
Licence: CPOL    Views: 61,902     Bookmarked: 24   Downloaded: 0
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An article describing a simple way to provide transaction support to an application designed using the DataSet wizard, and avoiding the DTC requirement with using TransactionScope and SQL Server 2000.

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Web Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
I started out as a Visual Basic 6 hobbyist, before moving into Java after I decided (rightly or wrongly) that it would be a better move than C++. Eventually though, I settled on .NET and am now a C# 2.0 developer for a logistics firm in the UK, working with a mixture of desktop and web environments.