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Articles by NECDET COKYAZICI (Article: 1)

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Desktop Programming
18 Nov 2005   Updated: 18 Nov 2005   Rating: 2.64/5    Votes: 28   Popularity: 3.83
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An article good for beginners giving step by step instructions.

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Web Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Necdet got his first computer in 1996 at the age of 11, a 386 at 3MHz, with 4MB RAM and a 10MB hard disk. His next computer was a 486 which he got 6 months later, he was shown how to remove and install hardware on that computer. Then he got a Pentium one year after that, and then a Pentium 3 in 2000 which he still uses. He learned programming in 1999, when he finally had access to the Internet and was able to find tutorials on C++, he then found tutorials on ANSI standard C, and didn't see the point in C++ so he used ANSI C instead for all his programs. He made lots of small but useful programs (almost 100) until 2000, but with an unfortunate hard disk crash, all his programs were lost which made him very dishearted about programming. He done no programming whatsoever until 2003, when he decided that people could learn programming from his simple programs so he tried to remember all the programs he wrote in 1999-2000 which were lost in the hard disk crash, and rewrite them from scratch, as a single program having all the functions of all of them. He called this program najitool, and posted the first version on sourceforge in 2004 with 9 functions he rewrote which he could remember. In 2005, he realized that most people didn't use command line programs, so he decided to make a Windows GUI (Graphical User Interface) version of najitool called najitool GUI a.k.a. naji_gui, written in Visual C++ 6.0 using MFC.