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Articles by Javier Aroche (Article: 1)

Article: 1

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Programming Languages
26 Jan 2006   Updated: 26 Jan 2006   Rating: 2.71/5    Votes: 13   Popularity: 3.02
Licence: Custom    Views: 84,342     Bookmarked: 22   Downloaded: 968
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Back Orifice XP (BOXP) is a network administration tool based on BO2K

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Web Developer
Guatemala Guatemala
I'm a computers enthusiast, software developer and a bit as graphics designer; My computers experience is: LINUX, DOS, Windows 95/98/NT Operating Systems;
PHP, C, C++, Perl, Java, Javascript, few assembly, .NET Programming; Visual C++, Borland C, Visual Basic, Win32 API's, MFC, GUI design, SQL and database programming;
software design and project planning; networks configuration and design;
CorelDraw and Photoshop image design;
AES, Serpent, CAST-256, DES, 3DES, BLOWFISH Crypto modules;
and of course hardware handler.

I'm the Core BOXP Developer!

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