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Articles by Software_Developer (Articles: 17, Tip/Tricks: 5)

Articles: 17, Tip/Tricks: 5

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Average article rating: 3.60

Desktop Programming
10 May 2010   Updated: 29 May 2010   Rating: 4.33/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 3.03
Licence: CPOL    Views: 25,280     Bookmarked: 14   Downloaded: 327
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A Mandelbrot Explorer/Zoom with Julia walkabout
28 May 2010   Updated: 2 Jun 2010   Rating: 4.56/5    Votes: 9   Popularity: 4.35
Licence: CPOL    Views: 42,434     Bookmarked: 28   Downloaded: 1,188
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A Star Wars Scroller Demo that moves smoothly from the bottom to the top in OpenGL (GLUT)
13 May 2010   Updated: 29 May 2010   Rating: 2.67/5    Votes: 10   Popularity: 2.67
Licence: CPOL    Views: 44,479     Bookmarked: 19   Downloaded: 911
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How to create an object oriented Win32 Console application
31 May 2010   Updated: 5 Jun 2010   Rating: 2.70/5    Votes: 9   Popularity: 2.58
Licence: CPOL    Views: 30,684     Bookmarked: 7   Downloaded: 482
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Have some fun with the console, animate the American flag
3 Jun 2010   Updated: 5 Jun 2010   Rating: 3.35/5    Votes: 18   Popularity: 4.21
Licence: CPOL    Views: 96,265     Bookmarked: 24   Downloaded: 4,700
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A Snake game in a Win32 Console
22 May 2010   Updated: 14 Jul 2010   Rating: 4.16/5    Votes: 26   Popularity: 5.66
Licence: CPOL    Views: 69,556     Bookmarked: 28   Downloaded: 1,497
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This article describes how to create a Realtime animation of a Mandelbrot Zoom in a Win32 Console with Visual C++ 6.0
14 Jul 2010   Updated: 15 Jul 2010   Rating: 4.00/5    Votes: 9   Popularity: 3.82
Licence: CPOL    Views: 45,329     Bookmarked: 20   Downloaded: 1,872
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Pong in a Win32 Console
Windows Forms
10 May 2010   Updated: 29 May 2010   Rating: 1.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 23,233     Bookmarked: 4   Downloaded: 133
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Step by step on how to create a Windows Forms joke jukebox app in C++.
10 May 2010   Updated: 29 May 2010   Rating: 3.64/5    Votes: 8   Popularity: 3.28
Licence: CPOL    Views: 84,336     Bookmarked: 23   Downloaded: 10,830
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How to create a simple Windows Forms C++ Database Application
10 May 2010   Updated: 10 May 2010   Rating: 4.09/5    Votes: 5   Popularity: 2.86
Licence: CPOL    Views: 24,731     Bookmarked: 6   Downloaded: 454
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A Windows Forms C++ Mandelbrot Explorer/Zoom with Julia walkabout
10 May 2010   Updated: 29 May 2010   Rating: 4.00/5    Votes: 9   Popularity: 3.82
Licence: CPOL    Views: 40,645     Bookmarked: 17   Downloaded: 1,563
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A Simulation of a Canadian F-86 fighter jet in Windows Forms using Visual C++ 2005
Mobile Apps
Windows Mobile
28 May 2010   Updated: 29 May 2010   Rating: 4.07/5    Votes: 11   Popularity: 4.07
Licence: CPOL    Views: 39,588     Bookmarked: 12   Downloaded: 2,370
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A Cessna Skyhawk Skeleton for further development in OpenGL (GLUT) using a Win32 Console
Programming Languages
13 May 2010   Updated: 4 Jun 2010   Rating: 4.21/5    Votes: 13   Popularity: 4.39
Licence: CPOL    Views: 52,178     Bookmarked: 28   Downloaded: 1,278
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Handling mouse events and simulating push buttons and list boxes in a Win32 Console
10 May 2010   Updated: 5 Jun 2010   Rating: 4.71/5    Votes: 12   Popularity: 4.91
Licence: CPOL    Views: 57,127     Bookmarked: 25   Downloaded: 1,960
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This article describes how to create a Breakout game in a Win32 console with Visual C++ 6.0
14 May 2010   Updated: 14 May 2010   Rating: 4.33/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 1.30
Licence: CPOL    Views: 23,611     Bookmarked: 10   Downloaded: 1
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How to create a Random Joke Generator in Java
Visual Basic 6
10 May 2010   Updated: 14 May 2010   Rating: 3.40/5    Votes: 13   Popularity: 3.79
Licence: CPOL    Views: 38,402     Bookmarked: 7   Downloaded: 612
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An article about how to create a Joke Jukebox in Visual Basic 6.0
23 Nov 2007   Updated: 28 Jun 2010   Rating: 1.94/5    Votes: 8   Popularity: 1.75
Licence: CPOL    Views: 46,084     Bookmarked: 22   Downloaded: 2,166
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How to create an automatic Wallpaper Changer with Visual Basic 6.0

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Average tips rating: 2.52

Desktop Programming
15 May 2010   Updated: 15 May 2010   Rating: 3.67/5    Votes: 2   Popularity: 1.10
Licence: CPOL    Views: 7,181     Bookmarked: 1   Downloaded: 0
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You can use one single button for more than one behaviour.Here is how.If you have the coordinates of a point in device coordinates and want to find the corresponding position in logcal view - use CDC::DPtoLP to convert the device coordinates to logcal coordinates.Call on...
Programming Languages
8 May 2010   Updated: 8 May 2010   Rating: 2.00/5    Votes: 6   Popularity: 1.56
Licence: CPOL    Views: 58,431     Bookmarked: 3   Downloaded: 0
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How to pass a two dimensional array to a function (C++)
31 May 2010   Updated: 31 May 2010   Rating: 2.00/5    Votes: 1   Popularity: 0.00
Licence: CPOL    Views: 8,221     Bookmarked: 2   Downloaded: 0
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Description of how to read a number input from the keyboard and then put each of its components in an array
18 May 2010   Updated: 10 Jun 2010   Rating: 3.50/5    Votes: 4   Popularity: 2.11
Licence: CPOL    Views: 141,156     Bookmarked: 3   Downloaded: 0
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set the variable count_down_time_in_secs in seconds for desired count down time.The Code is self explanatory.1 minute = 60 secs5 minutes = 60x5 secs30 minutes =60x30 secs1 hour = 60x60 secs#include #include int main (){ unsigned int...
16 May 2010   Updated: 11 Nov 2010   Rating: 1.44/5    Votes: 10   Popularity: 1.38
Licence: CPOL    Views: 48,258     Bookmarked: 3   Downloaded: 0
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A simple program to calculate quadratic equation with.Input MUST have the format:AX2 + BX + C = 0EXAMPLE: input the equation 2X2 + 4X -30 = 0 as:A= 2 B= 4 C= -30The answers for AX2 + BX + C = 0 should be 3 and -5.x1=3x2=-5 bool solver(float...

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About me:
I attended programming college and I have a degree in three most famous and successful programming languages. C/C++, Visual Basic and Java. So i know i can code. And there is a diploma hanging on my wall to prove it.
I am a professional, I am paid tons of cash to teach or do software development. I am roughly 30 years old .

I hold lectures in programming. I have also coached students in C++, Java and Visual basic.

In my spare time i do enjoy developing computer games, and i am developing a rather simple flight simulator game
in the c++ programming language using the openGL graphics libray.

I've written hundreds of thousands of code syntax lines for small simple applications and games.