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Articles by Denis Voituron (Article: 1)

Article: 1

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Web Development
28 Nov 2008   Updated: 28 Nov 2008   Rating: 4.85/5    Votes: 20   Popularity: 6.20
Licence: CPOL    Views: 170,832     Bookmarked: 88   Downloaded: 7,146
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This article describes how to develop a reverse proxy in C# using the IIS HTTPHandlers.

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Team Leader Trasys
Belgium Belgium
I am a trained civil engineer in computer science. After a few years as project manager of multimedia applications, I set up my IT company for almost 10 years. We created a CMS, software and websites for companies and public administrations. We received the award for “best company” for this job.

So, I obtained skills in several areas, and expertise in architecture, development and methodologies (MSF, Oracle, SQL Server, .NET).

I also have several years of experience in training for architecture and design software, database administration and network architecture of Windows.