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Articles by Dany McCarthy (Article: 1)

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Mobile Apps
28 May 2004   Updated: 28 May 2004   Rating: 4.14/5    Votes: 22   Popularity: 5.38
Licence: CPOL    Views: 100,223     Bookmarked: 60   Downloaded: 1,479
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Shopping is an application written in C# for the Pocket PC. It is a program which can be used to assist you in your daily shopping needs.

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Architect Dany McCarthy Consultant Inc.
Canada Canada
I am located in Quebec City, Canada. I have a Bachelor degree in Computer Science and another one in economic science.

I currently work as a software architect as a self-employee for my Company Dany McCarthy Consultant Inc. I am specialized in backend development, mainly SOA and development infrastructure in .Net.

I have worked as a consultant for several big governmental agencies and private companies in the last decade. I have been involved in very large projects.