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Articles by Bryan Ray (Articles: 2)

Articles: 2

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Average article rating: 3.85

Programming Languages
31 Dec 2006   Updated: 31 Dec 2006   Rating: 3.00/5    Votes: 12   Popularity: 3.24
Licence: Not specified    Views: 43,561     Bookmarked: 27   Downloaded: 1,301
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Implements a fractal christmas tree and fractal snowflakes.
16 Apr 2007   Updated: 16 Apr 2007   Rating: 4.71/5    Votes: 13   Popularity: 5.08
Licence: CPOL    Views: 128,772     Bookmarked: 75   Downloaded: 2,085
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In this article, I'm going to show how to generate a dynamic MenuStrip (.NET 2.0's replacement of the MainMenu control) using recursion in C#. The MenuStrip will be based on XML data which contains all the details about the generated Menu.

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Web Developer
United States United States
I've been working with C# since .NET Beta 1 and have been in the development scene since VB3.

I've always had a passion for development, technology, and computer as a whole. I consider myself one of the lucky few who actually love their job.

I've mostly been involed with web development in the corporate world, but I also work with Windows Forms development at home. Over the past 3 years or so the .NET applications I've developed have been backend maintenance applications. Transfering data, manipulating data, or doing some other back-end processes.