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Articles by Andre Ladeira (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
18 Jun 2007   Updated: 8 Aug 2007   Rating: 4.66/5    Votes: 17   Popularity: 5.48
Licence: CPOL    Views: 44,890     Bookmarked: 34   Downloaded: 1,164
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A class to create a NT service with a few lines of code

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Software Developer
Brazil Brazil
I taught myself C and then C ++ at college (I have a degree in Naval Engineering) just for the fun of it, and started creating some simple engineering applications, to replace the ones available to me back then (most were crap at that time, and still are today!)

Even before my Engineering graduation I got a job as a C/C++ programmer. I´ve been working with programming since then, in C/C++ most of the time but also in other languages ​​when needed or fun!