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Articles by Al Choudhury (Article: 1)

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Programming Languages
12 Apr 2004   Updated: 12 Apr 2004   Rating: 2.89/5    Votes: 19   Popularity: 3.70
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Web Developer
United Kingdom United Kingdom
After a formal education in the field of Physics and Engineering and with aspirations of becoming a Nobel Prize winning physicist Al become tired with the monotony of research in this field. This is when he made a conscious decision to turn what was a hobby into a career.

Graphic Design has always been one of his passions combined with his Vulcan-like (logical) mind; programming emerging web technologies was the perfect choice. In the early days he designed and coded webpages, programmed Java applets and taught HTML and Internet technology courses at university level. Nowadays he works as a Research and Development programmer for a company that produce award winning logistics software.

His current interests include .Net C#, Winforms, Web Services,, XML, XSLT, Macromedia Flex and any new software or technology that has a pulse.