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Windows Phone 7


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by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes the development of a cross-platform HTML5 application for Windows Phone and iPhone.
by roscler
Azure based pet adoption agent that helps pet lovers find the perfect pet while saving the lives of kittens & puppies
by Daniel Vaughan
Create best-in-breed cross-platform MVVM apps using Calcium for Xamarin.Forms.
by Giannakakis Kostas
Port your libgdx games to run in Windows Phone and Windows 8 platforms

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by roscler
Azure based pet adoption agent that helps pet lovers find the perfect pet while saving the lives of kittens & puppies
by Michael Janulaitis
Provides an introduction to the open source client/server DotNetOpenServer SDK project for Android, iOS, Windows Phone, Windows, Mac and Java Platforms
by charles922
Math Function Tutor - Part 1
by Dan Colasanti
AutoResetEvent can be used in place of AsyncWaitHandle and provides a thread-blocking WaitOne signaled timeout function, which can be put on a background thread in order to not block the main UI thread.

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Windows Phone 7 

3 Sep 2012 by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes the development of a cross-platform HTML5 application for Windows Phone and iPhone.
7 Oct 2020 by roscler
Azure based pet adoption agent that helps pet lovers find the perfect pet while saving the lives of kittens & puppies
15 Sep 2014 by Daniel Vaughan
Create best-in-breed cross-platform MVVM apps using Calcium for Xamarin.Forms.
14 Apr 2014 by Giannakakis Kostas
Port your libgdx games to run in Windows Phone and Windows 8 platforms
3 Jan 2013 by Colin Eberhardt
A look at how Xamarin MonoTouch allows you to create cross-platform applications, using the native C# / Silverlight for Windows Phone and C#, via Xamarin MonoTouch, for iOS.
21 May 2012 by Dave Kerr
Write your first MVVM application in ten minutes using the Apex SDK!
8 May 2015 by Vahe Karamian
The ninth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
26 May 2015 by Vahe Karamian
This article will cover the basics of network programming using Network View in Unity 3D. We will be creating an Authoritative Server based networking environment showcasing the basics functions of network programming using Unity 3D and C#.
17 Sep 2014 by Daniel Vaughan
Create a Xamarin Forms tabbed page or carousel page by binding to a collection of ViewModels; extending beyond the current capabilities of Xamarin Forms.
8 Jul 2015 by Vahe Karamian
This article will cover the basics of Leap Motion integration into your Unity 3D project. We will look at the basic setup and implementation of the basics to get you started. In order for you to try the code, you will need to have the Leap Motion hardware.
23 Aug 2012 by Harald Heide Gundersen
Geocoordinate positioned Xna model viewable thru Photocamera
15 Aug 2011 by Arik Poznanski
How to use Windows Phone as Windows 7 Accelerometer sensor
13 Aug 2012 by gggustafson
This article discusses two lessons learned during the development of a mobile application.
3 Oct 2013 by NitinShrivastava
In this tip, we will discuss a quick way of how to locate a point in the Map and then adding a customized pushpin to these locations through a sample XML.
23 Jul 2014 by Saad_Mahmood
Expression Blend - Playing with Sample Data (WPF , Windows Phone)
16 Jan 2011 by Nikos Baxevanis
How to use types implementing the IAsyncResult interface on Windows Phone 7.
14 Nov 2011 by Bahrudin Hrnjica
Imlementation of HTML5 Widget apps in offline mode on Windows Phone 7 Mango.
15 Mar 2012 by David Rousset
How to create HTML5 apps on Windows Phone with PhoneGap
7 May 2013 by zoyobar
I will explore and learn XNA for Windows Phone with you.
14 Dec 2010 by Jesse Liberty
In this tutorial we will build a meaningful, and nontrivial Windows phone 7 application. This will give us the opportunity to explore layout controls, interactive controls, Visual Studio and a good bit more.
14 Dec 2010 by Jesse Liberty
In this second part of the tutorial, we will describe how to wire up the MainPage.xaml.cs file and bring all of the objects in the Bird Hunt game together into a running application
3 Apr 2011 by Arik Poznanski
This document introduces a helper library for identifying shake gestures by using the accelerometer built into Windows Phone 7 devices.
6 Sep 2011 by EmitsorGrp
Automatically generate a Windows Phone 7 settings page.
8 Aug 2012 by Nicolas Humann
Include static JS / CSS / image files from IsolatedStorage in the WebBrowser control
23 May 2012 by Sergeant Kolja
This is an alternative for "Memory leak detection for WinCE".
7 Feb 2013 by Abdullatif M. Abu Al Rub
Simple example of reading RSS feeds from Facebook page using Syndication Library
23 Jul 2015 by Siddharth Chandra
How to use Angular in a Cordova Environment and its impact
26 Nov 2011 by Mohib Sheth
Invoking People Hub in Windows Phone 7 Emulator
14 Aug 2015 by Emiliano Musso
How to create a Windows Phone app to take timed pictures from camera, and upload them on an Apache webserver to view them remotely
10 Feb 2011 by Arik Poznanski
Another utility class I wrote to help me search Digg results asynchronously on a Windows Phone 7 application
14 Apr 2011 by Gil Fink
MIX11 Second Day Sessions Summary
2 May 2011 by Arik Poznanski
How to manage Tombstone State in a Windows Phone 7 Application
25 Jul 2011 by Shai Raiten
How to create your own WP7 deployment application
7 Mar 2012 by Kunal Chowdhury «IN»
The MarketplaceHubTask API to launch the Windows Phone 7 Hub client in your phone device
25 Oct 2010 by Derek Lakin
An application for Windows Phone 7 that integrates with Facebook
2 Nov 2010 by Resco Developer Tools
Learn how to build a typical List/Detail application for Windows Phone 7. The article presents simple customer list editor making use of various data editors — all built with the help of MobileLight Toolkit from Resco.
2 Dec 2010 by Resco Developer Tools
Article presents various data editors—all built with the help of MobileForms Toolkit from Resco.
16 Mar 2011 by R%S
Enable access from mobile phone emulator to Visual Studio WebDev.WebServer listening on localhost
4 Apr 2011 by rudigrobler
A fix to the TextBox TextChanged event firing twice on the Windows Phone 7 emulator
18 Apr 2011 by D Y Chan
Consume WCF service with Windows Phone 7
9 Sep 2011 by Resco Developer Tools
The article explains the process of migration from Window Phone 7 platform to the Mango upgrade. It also explains how the Mango support is implemented and discusses the ways how to support simultaneously different Windows Phone versions.
9 Sep 2011 by Addison-Wesley
This chapter will cover some of the core concepts of object-oriented programming (OOP) and how they apply to both iPhone and Windows Phone 7 programming
20 Sep 2011 by Julien Villers
This will walk you through the creation of a custom IMarkerProvider implementation, allowing to display SAMI subtitles in SMF (Silverlight Media Framework).
28 Apr 2013 by Ken Cenerelli
An application to store your list of medical shots in the cloud
30 Apr 2013 by jangooni
Create a chat program that will have self destructing messages
3 May 2013 by BigWCat
Be able located the urn from the shelf, which has 2000 slots.
2 Aug 2014 by K Stock
Article #3: Getting started with MoSync for Android (and other mobile platforms)
9 Nov 2010 by Katka Vaughan
Learn how to use the Pivot and Panorama controls, page navigation, OData and more!
17 Sep 2013 by Jani Giannoudis
Design patterns on the presentation layer for WPF, Silverlight and Windows Phone applications.
8 May 2015 by Vahe Karamian
The second article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
5 Feb 2014 by Dan Colasanti
This article describes my experience porting Invasion from XNA/WP7 to MonoGame/WP8 and includes Invasion's complete source code.
24 Jun 2012 by Patrick Kalkman
A complete WP7 application with SQL compact database, LINQ to SQL, MVVM Light and Dropbox integration
17 Jan 2013 by Don Kackman
A WP7 port of CPVanity with a CodeProject RSS reader.
12 Mar 2012 by Shai Raiten
Getting Started with Windows 8 Metro App Development in JavaScript
9 Oct 2012 by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes my experiences of porting a novel gesture-driven Windows Phone app to Windows 8.
8 Mar 2012 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
Learn how to integrate Silverlight and XNA for Windows Phone in the same application
11 Mar 2011 by mbcrump
A look at the new Windows Phone 7 controls by Coding4Fun
12 Apr 2011 by Vinit Yadav
In this article we are going to develop a game using Farseer Physics Engine and XNA for Windows Phone 7. This article provides you base for your games to make game development easy and fast.
13 Nov 2014 by Daniel Vaughan
Learn how to combine T4 and a custom markup extension to share and consume image files between projects.
21 May 2012 by Dave Kerr
Learn how to add Commands to your MVVM application to add functionality without breaking the separation of View and ViewModel.
7 Jan 2015 by Pooja Baraskar
Making the App World-Ready by adapting it for a specific culture and language.
8 May 2015 by Vahe Karamian
The fourth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
5 Jan 2011 by hoonzis
Learn how to build a small mobile application to visualize data from the city bike sharing system. Get the nearest stations, find the number of free bikes, and compute directions to other stations.
20 Dec 2010 by maciekgrabek
The Windows Phone 7 emulator doesn't support accelerometer. This project will help you to test accelerometer enabled applications on the Windows Phone 7 emulator!
16 Nov 2010 by dolhaig
How to detect the Zune connection and the Network State inside your WP7 Application
11 Oct 2010 by Roberto Sonnino
A tutorial explaining how to develop the "Turnstile" animation as featured in the Windows Phone 7 UI, along with an easy-to-use ItemsControl that applies the effect to its items.
15 Dec 2010 by Evgeny Vinnik
A simple workaround for Windows Phone 7 apps to work with SQL Azure directly.
16 Aug 2012 by Houssem_Dellai
16 May 2011 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
Math-based, sudoku-like game for Windows Phone 7
1 Mar 2012 by Vivek Pandey (V)
Stop Watch application for Windows Phone 7
8 Nov 2010 by dolhaig
How to Resume the User's music after we played a video or audio from our Silverlight/XNA WP7 Application.
22 Apr 2012 by Patrick Kalkman
This article describes the development of Blue Hour, a windows phone 7 application that calculates when the sunrises and sunsets at your location.
2 Apr 2011 by vankaandreev
Learn how to use 3D graphics and effects for Windows Phone 7.
23 Jan 2011 by Nish Nishant
This is a WP7 application that will analyze your most recent posts and give you summarized statistics on your forum wide posting split up.
18 May 2011 by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes the development of a Windows Phone 7 Jump List control, giving a step-by-step account of the control's development (and a pretty flashy control to use at the end of it!).
29 Jan 2011 by 69Icaro
Analyzing the Snake game, we'll study an application for the new Windows Phone 7 platform, focusing on localization, Inversion of Control, navigation, transition effects, triggers, Isolated Storage, audio and we'll also use Blend to create a rounded glowing button, and other things...
8 May 2015 by Vahe Karamian
The first article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
12 Jan 2012 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
Learn how to download your favorite TV transcripts and format it in your Smartphone.
21 Dec 2010 by Don Kackman
Building a WP7 browser app for
25 Feb 2013 by Florin Badea
This article is the second in the series that describes a set of gauge controls for WP7.
8 May 2015 by Vahe Karamian
The eighth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
14 Jul 2011 by Pete O'Hanlon
Learning how to program Windows Phone 7 from the very beginning
30 Jan 2012 by Don Kackman
An example of using Google APIs and OAuth2 authentication on Windows Phone 7
21 Sep 2011 by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes the development of XAML Finance, a cross-platform application which works on the desktop, using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF), on the web, using Silverlight and on Windows Phone 7 (WP7).
8 May 2015 by Vahe Karamian
The sixth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
8 May 2015 by Vahe Karamian
The third article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
9 Feb 2015 by Serge Desmedt
3 times CP Vantiy from a single codebase (hopefully)
6 Sep 2012 by Colin Eberhardt
This article describes the development of a Windows Phone to-do list application that eschews buttons and checkboxes in favour of gestures.
7 Oct 2014 by Daniel Vaughan
Using Xamarin Forms platform specific rendering to create a cross-platform application bar.
8 May 2015 by Vahe Karamian
The fifth article in a series to discuss Unity 3D and how to get started with your own 3D projects.
23 Feb 2012 by Shai Raiten
3 Oct 2012 by Jayson Ragasa
A Windows Phone ApplicationBar controller.
18 Jan 2012 by Dave Kerr
The quickest, easiest, and funkiest way to bind enumerations to a combo box in WPF, Silverlight, and Windows Phone 7.
30 Mar 2011 by Joel Ivory Johnson
Demonstration of what needs to be done to make a voice recorder on Windows Phone 7 including converting the raw bytes from the recording into a WAVE file.
3 Nov 2014 by Geert van Horrik
This article tries to explain why you should use Catel as the (or one of the) frameworks when developing WPF, Silverlight, and Windows Phone 7 applications.
12 Mar 2012 by Mattias Larsson
A small app that displays the audio captured by the microphone of a Windows Phone device and displays it as a continous waveform on the screen using the XNA framework.
2 Feb 2012 by Marcelo Ricardo de Oliveira
A 2D physics game for Windows Phone inspired on Angry Birds
6 Jul 2012 by Patrick Kalkman
A complete WP7 application with a central management website (ASP.NET MVC4) for recipe management and push notifications
6 Jan 2012 by Dan Colasanti
This is a port of Invasion (originally posted on CodeProject by Mauricio Ritter) to Windows Phone 7 (with some enhancements).