This third part of the series deals with generative art based on sections of images.
The basis of the representational example in this post are the two following photos:

"Cold Inside" © 2014 Victoria C. Rhodes

"Hope Road" © 2014 Victoria C. Rhodes
Basic Approach
For producing an artwork based on sections of images, you can:
- create a canvas with a first input image
- add image sections of a second input image onto it
private static string inputFileBackground = "Victoria C Rhodes Hope Road.jpg";
private static string inputFile = "Victoria C Rhodes Cold Inside.jpg";
private static string currentDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory + @"\";
private static BitmapImage inputImageBackground = new BitmapImage
(new Uri(currentDirectory + inputFileBackground, UriKind.Absolute));
private Brush backgroundColor = new ImageBrush() { ImageSource = inputImageBackground };
public MainWindow()
var canvas = new GenArtCanvas(inputImageBackground.Width,
inputImageBackground.Height, backgroundColor);
canvas.Generate(currentDirectory + inputFile);
canvas.Save(currentDirectory + title + format);
Generate Artwork
This algorithm cuts out sections (squares in this case) following a regular pattern:
public void Generate(string InputImage)
Generator.ImageBasedSections(this, InputImage, Width, Height, 64);
public static void ImageBasedSections(Canvas Canvas, string InputImage2,
double Width, double Height, int NumberOfSquares)
double SquareSize = ((int)(Width / NumberOfSquares)) / 2;
for (var row = SquareSize * 0.5; row <= Height - SquareSize * 0.5; row += SquareSize * 2)
for (var column = SquareSize * 0.5; column <= Width - SquareSize * 0.5;
column += SquareSize * 2)
var shape = new Rectangle()
Width = SquareSize,
Height = SquareSize,
Fill = Section(InputImage2, Width, Height, SquareSize, row, column),
Canvas.SetLeft(shape, column);
Canvas.SetTop(shape, row);
Each section is made of an ImageBrush
with a specific Viewbox
and Viewport
private static ImageBrush Section(string InputImage2, double ImageWidth,
double ImageHeight, double SquareSize, double Row, double Column)
return new ImageBrush()
ImageSource = new BitmapImage(new Uri(InputImage2, UriKind.Absolute)),
Viewbox = new Rect(Column, Row, SquareSize, SquareSize),
ViewboxUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute,
Viewport = new Rect(0, 0, ImageWidth, ImageHeight),
ViewportUnits = BrushMappingMode.Absolute,
Stretch = Stretch.None,
AlignmentX = AlignmentX.Left,
AlignmentY = AlignmentY.Top
The generated result looks like this:

Changing the number of squares per line from 64 to 16 respectively 4 produces new results:

Points of Interest
A similar approach is used for a "woven collage".

public static void WovenCollage(Canvas Canvas, string InputImage2,
double Width, double Height, int NumberOfSquares)
int SquareSize = (int)(Width / NumberOfSquares);
for (var row = 0; row < Height; row += SquareSize)
for (var column = 0; column < Width; column += SquareSize * 2)
var shape = new Rectangle()
Width = SquareSize,
Height = SquareSize,
Fill = Section(InputImage2, Width, Height, SquareSize,
row, column + row % (2 * SquareSize)),
Canvas.SetLeft(shape, column + row % (2 * SquareSize));
Canvas.SetTop(shape, row);

- 2nd January, 2015 - Published
- 11th January, 2015 - Links to other articles in the series added
- 25th January, 2015 - Klimt example added