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by Thorsten Ottosen
Are you tired of filling data manually into STL containers? With the Initialization Library it gets a lot easier.
by Shmuel Zang
This article shows how we can implement a thread-safe events (similar to .NET events) mechanism using the standard C++ library.
by JadBenAutho
Efficient and standalone library for NTP server/client utilizing pure C++
by Michael Dunn
Create custom tasks in your app's jump list on Windows 7

Latest Articles

by JadBenAutho
Efficient and standalone library for NTP server/client utilizing pure C++
by Vadim Stadnik
Simple and useful alternative to traditional memory pool
by Steffen Ploetz
Is LINQ the right technology for processing large amounts of data in runtime-relevant environments?
by honey the codewitch
std::chrono doesn't work on the Teensy? Oh no! Here's how to fix it.

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16 Apr 2001 by Igor Sukhov
The ATL and MFC versions of the class that implements a dialog for selecting users(computers) within the Windows Network.
19 Aug 2003 by Ryan Binns
An implementation of synchronous .NET style delegates in non - .NET VC++ 6.
27 Sep 2010 by ZhaoRuFei
This article provides a macro + template solution to support .NET-like Reflection for enums such as ToString, IsDefined, Parse, GetValues, GetNames.
19 Jan 2003 by peterchen
Setting up doxygen, a free tool to document your code, in a few simple steps.
15 Jun 2003 by Mike Melnikov
Google-like Toolbar with customization from xml file and update from web features
2 Aug 2003 by Nikolai Teofilov
An ATL/STL ActiveX control based on OpenGL library for 3D data visualization
10 Sep 2013 by Pablo Aliskevicius
Memory reallocation generated by string concatenations can create performance bottlenecks. .NET has System.Text.StringBuilder, JavaScript has Array.join, and we have string::reserve.
24 Jan 2005 by Christos Malliopoulos
A template-library for calculating arithmetic and logical expressions.
7 Jun 2004 by Giannakakis Kostas
A generic class implementing an exhaustive searching algorithm for solving a variety of puzzles and riddles
16 May 2008 by freejack
An STL based C++ utility class to parse structured config files.
22 May 2008 by Alex C. Punnen
The Command Pattern and Chain of Responsibility for implementing a plug-in Thread Pool library.
13 Oct 2001 by George Anescu
A C++ STL Tokenizer class capable to tokenize a string when the set of character separators is specified by another string
26 May 2003 by George Anescu
Presenting some algorithms for operations with large integer numbers in a C++ class using the STL vector container
18 Apr 2006 by Carl Ge
A string class based on STL and that can be used like the CStringT in MFC.
30 Oct 2006 by Joaquín M López Muñoz
A block allocator for use with STL containers that greatly improves speed in programs doing massive data insertions and extractions.
23 May 2008 by Jeffrey Walton
Create a File Checksum Shell Menu Extension using ATL and Crypto++
24 May 2007 by Nicolas Bonamy
A grid to display and edit properties of objects (as in Visual Studio)
21 Mar 2004 by Nemanja Trifunovic
A policy based deletion functor that can be used with for_each function.
15 Aug 2004 by __PPS__
Shows how simple accessing Windows Registry can be if you do not need bells and whistles.
6 Mar 2006 by Joerg Wiedenmann
A handy and customizable tokenizer function that works with STL strings.
9 Feb 2006 by Gary J. Kuehn
A small introduction to the Boost Bind and Function libraries.
26 May 2020 by stefan stammberger
A novel allocator implementation for managing huge sets of data in STL's std:: containers for Windows operating systems
25 Apr 2010 by Scot Brennecke
A string array class using MFC or STL that performs very fast multiple string searches
3 Nov 2003 by Nitron
Presenting the std::vector with a discussion on STL algorithms and predicates.
12 Nov 2002 by User 9885
A ref-counted pointer class that supports polymorphic types
29 Jan 2009 by logicchild
An article to help explain how C/C++ use pointers.
25 Feb 2004 by Alberto Bar-Noy
A simple reminder tool to remind you of your overdue tasks in ToDoList throughout the day
12 Sep 2003 by Jonathan de Halleux
A helper framework for generation of SQL queries in C++ and Lua
8 Aug 2007 by Andre Ladeira
A class to create a NT service with a few lines of code
3 Jul 2002 by Daniel Andersson
Writing generic code with templates and the C++ standard library.
7 Jan 2008 by Jarl Ostensen
A finite field EC and simple ECC scheme in C++ to help understand the principles.
16 May 2000 by David Hubbard
This is a small non-validating XML parser based purely on STL
19 Jun 2005 by Tobias Wenig
Writing multiple enumerated configuration entries.
3 Dec 2006 by JPandya
A study of STL container, Iterator and Predicates with the discussion of std::vector
11 Feb 2006 by PJ Arends
Presents a header file that allows a single source file that uses STL to be built in either ANSI or Unicode, without any changes or lots of #ifdefs.
9 Apr 2008 by User 9885
A cross-platform thread pooling implementation
23 May 2003 by Tony Ioanides
An alternative approach to selecting date ranges.
15 Jul 2009 by Jeffrey Walton, Jordan Walters
A UTF-16 class derived from CStdioFile for reading and writing Unicode files
6 Jul 2008 by jangtimjang
A ready-to-use wrapper class for creating a shortcut (.lnk file) and a bookmark (.url file) and finally attaching an online icon resource to it.
21 Mar 2001 by Zhaohui Xing (Joey)
This article focuses on giving an example of using the DirectX API in PC game software development by using a DirectSound wrapper class
10 Apr 2006 by Yubo Dong
A simple wrapper class for the libid3tag to retrieve id3 tag information from a given MP3 file.
31 Aug 2001 by Paul A. Howes
A WTL adaptation of James Twine's Dim Edit control.
22 Jan 2002 by Noel Frankinet
16 Jun 2008 by MoustafaS
Solving old ACM problems
17 Nov 2006 by Vincent Godin
A tiny library that adds color to CRT programs.
24 Jul 2008 by Simon Parmenter
A VS2008 C++ project to add an icon resource in a file to an executable.
28 May 2003 by adrian cooper
A beginner's guide to adding a binary resource in visual studio and a simple class for programmatical extraction.
30 Sep 2002 by Ernest Laurentin
Shows how to use Microsoft Script Hosting inside existing ATL/WTL Application
28 Aug 2001 by Fayez Al-Mutairi
An advanced COM component that provides file upload capabilities for your ASP pages.
27 Feb 2011 by Mladen Janković
Implementing AI for the Target Number game using a genetic algorithm.
30 Jun 2001 by PaulWendt
A scrolling banner control containing strings with individual styles and colors.
23 Sep 2007 by rtybase
A Java like threading framework.
3 Feb 2002 by Michael Dunn
An advanced utility that scans computers for missing hotfixes, and helps you download and install them.
13 Sep 2005 by Dr. Goulu
DicoLib stores words in lists of anagrams indexed by their length and a 26 bits bitset which describe which letters are present in the words. This makes it extremely fast to search for words which contain specified letters, and to search for words which are "close" for spell checking appli
6 May 2020 by Arthur V. Ratz
In this article, I’d like to introduce the modern code in C++11, implementing the parallel three-way quicksort, which is asymptotically faster and more efficient than the famous heapsort and mergesort algorithms.
1 Jul 2012 by Ajay Vijayvargiya
Let's dwell deeper into C++ templates!
11 Nov 2003 by Nitron
This article presents an in-depth analysis of std::deque and offers guidance as to when to prefer using it as opposed to std::vector, by taking into consideration memory allocation and container performance.
6 Jul 2003 by Andrew Walker
An overview of the Boost library
9 Oct 2004 by Dave Handley
Basic introduction to producing parsers with the boost::spirit library.
17 Aug 2020 by Espen Harlinn
Ranges is coming to C++, and the Range-v3 library was the basis for the proposal to add range support to the C++ standard library
23 May 2000 by David Hubbard
An STL starter that introduces the various collection types, strings, streams, iterators and methods of STL
17 Jun 2013 by geoyar
An MFC linear chart control with enhanced appearance.
28 Nov 2002 by Martin Holzherr
A template container which implements set/multiset functionality using a vector
7 Nov 2002 by Leor Zolman
A set of tools to shorten the length of VC++ STL-related error messages so that the most vital information from a message fits within the status bar in VS.
28 May 2002 by Jack Hui
A multi-node Tree class by using map and vector
31 Oct 2006 by Joaquín M López Muñoz
A template container implementing a bidirectional map that blends well with STL.
3 Apr 2003 by Mo Hossny
An STL-Like Vector with Matlab indexing facilities.
21 Mar 2004 by Kevin McFarlane
Explains how to apply STL algorithms to legacy arrays in a minimally invasive way
6 Feb 2023 by Vadim Stadnik
Simple and useful alternative to traditional memory pool
30 Aug 2002 by Hemant Kurdia
Shows dynamic creation of one ATL full control in a composite control and also to show images directly from database without file system intervention.
3 May 2000 by Shaun Wilde
A wizard that allows you to create an ATL Object Wizard Property Page
27 Feb 2004 by c-smile
Auto Value is an implementation of variables having undefined state
16 Jul 2001 by James R. Twine
An edit control that provides auto-completion functionality for small data sets.
16 Feb 2008 by Neeraj Sathe
This article talks about the usage of STL's auto_ptr class
31 Dec 2008 by David Crow
How to find the average of a set of numbers.
7 Dec 2006 by farhanx
This article is about the art of how to track bugs in programs and handle them beautifuly. Make yourself understand perfectly the reasons for exceptions and bugs.
29 Aug 2006 by amonlee
for some novice of STL, like me, who might make some low level errors when trying to release memory
9 Dec 2002 by #realJSOP
One technique for performing a binary insertion sort on a std::list
16 Nov 2004 by peterchen
Using boost, we can write "almost perfect" wrappers for GDI and other resource handles, in a few lines of code.
22 Oct 2010 by headmyshoulder
The article explains a method, how flexible and extendible decorator chains can be built in a generic way. Its power is best seen if it is used with boost::factory and boost::bind.
4 Oct 2013 by Marius Bancila
This article tries to show that writing code in C++ can be as productive and fun as in other mainstream languages.
4 May 2008 by xushiwei
Most of the C++ programmers do not benefit from "Garbage Collection" technique (GC). Here is a new memory management technique named "GC Allocator" (Note it is not "GC").
27 Nov 2015 by steveb
C++ numeric to string and string to numeric conversion functions
18 Aug 2003 by Lai Shiaw San Kent
Introduction to the allocator concept, as well as implementing a policy-driven allocator template class
3 Nov 2014 by Ciro Sisman Pereira
tCNode template: An indexed multi-node data tree using STL containers
26 Nov 2010 by Achilleas Margaritis
C++0x Dynamic Message Passing Ala Objective-C
13 Nov 2002 by Alex Vinokur
The program enables to get performance of C/C++ program and separated pieces of code for any metrics.
6 Jan 2003 by anandaji
This article shows how we can use caching while performing insert, edit and update functions in the DataGrid.
26 Sep 2005 by Tom Gee
A C++ implementation of a liitle game and its extended mathematic model.
27 Mar 2007 by Jim Xochellis
This article is discussing the efficiency of the most popular search_n implementations. Furthermore, it is introducing a new search_n specialization for random access iterators, which outruns by far the most commonly used implementations.
25 Aug 2011 by Chris Losinger
A simple command line parsing class.
1 Nov 2003 by Daniel Lohmann
Use an edit control for logging messages and redirect cout
31 Oct 2013 by DigitalInBlue
This article discusses how to implement and use a template-based C++ benchmarking library.
6 Dec 2008 by Loreia
CEnum is used for enumeration of files and directories using wildcard matching (globbing)
10 Apr 2003 by Joseph Dempsey
Provides a class capable of providing a CFile sytle interface with no MFC dependecies and more importantly providing the ability to read/write if full overlapped IO mode with a user defined callback between each segment read/write.
19 Feb 2001 by Rashid Thadha
7 Aug 2002 by DCUtility
Chat (Client/Server) project build with code found at Code Project.