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File Segmenter

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31 Mar 2001 56.4K   1.2K   13   2
This class creates from 1-9 segments of a single file which can be then desgmented.Useful for moving larger file on floppies.

Sample Image - Segment.jpg


Recently I had to copy a file from my computer to my friends computer. It was of 8 MB and was huge for one floppy. So, I created my own software for moving that file.

This software creates 1-9 segments of one file. Creating a segment means making rewriting the same file. The segments are named as xxx.fa1, xxx.fa2 xxx.fa3 ... xxx.fa9. It creates a file like xxx.faz which is the info file which holds information about the original file that was segmented. To desegment a file back to original file, xxx.faz has to be opened and it should be in the same directory where all the other segments are and the original file will be created in the same directory.

How to use

There are only three functions

  1. OpenSegFile()
  2. CreateSegments()
  3. DeSegment()

The concept is that to read a file's length and divide it into as many segments as the user wants by opening it in binary mode and then writing the amount of data to different segments. The CSegFile class supports two progress bars and one static control to provide information. First create your progress bars on a dialog (with ID's IDC_STATIC_INFO, IDC_PROGRESS_BAR, and IDC_PROGRESS_SEG respectively).

To use them, first add code like this into your program:

CSegFile  segFile // better to make it a public member in the header file

// for the static control
segFile.spStatic = (CStatic*) GetDlgItem(IDC_STATIC_INFO);

// for the progress bar (total)

//for segmenting bar 

To open a file you can use code like

CFileDialog fdl(TRUE,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,this); 
if (fdl.DoModal()==IDOK) 
    CString szFileName; 
    szFileName = fdl.m_ofn.lpstrFile; 
    m_currentFile = szFileName; 

Then you can use this line for segmenting:

segFile.CreateSegments(iSegs); //isegs is the number of segments to do

To desegment a file open the info file xxx.faz and call the the function like this one.


I tested it on my computer and my friend's computer. I had no means to check it on NT and win2000. For comments and suggestions contact me at


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Written By
CEO Nerdiacs Pte Ltd
Pakistan Pakistan
I'm a drop out of Chartered Accountancy at ICAP but currently continuing Managment Accountancy at CIMA (UK) but i do programming as hobby.
I usually work in C++, MFC, COM. Other languages/techs I like to play with are C#, VB, ASP, PHP, MSSQL, MySQL, Perl and Flash.
These days I usually play with Open Source Switch/PBX on Linux and VoIP products.
I am currently based in Karachi,Pakistan.

Comments and Discussions

QuestionWhy a limit? Pin
AlexMarbus1-Mar-01 7:38
AlexMarbus1-Mar-01 7:38 
AnswerRe: Why a limit? Pin
Tili2-Mar-01 11:13
Tili2-Mar-01 11:13 

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