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ASP.NET MVC Single Page App with Upida/Jeneva.Net (Backend)

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17 Nov 2015 2  
MVC/SPA/REST in web development with Jeneva.Net


Let's try to create a simple web application using the most modern technologies and see what problems we may face. I will use the latest ASP.NET MVC with WebAPI and latest NHibernate. Please, don't worry, all the techniques are applicable to Entity Framework too (the downloadable ZIP archive contains Entity Framework example as well). I am going to use WebAPI to its full potential - i.e., all interactions between browser and server will go asynchronously in JSON. In order to accomplish this, I am going to use MVC JavaScript library - AngularJS.

Note, this article is about back-end only. If you are curious about front-end side, then follow this link: ASP.NET MVC Single Page App with Upida/Jeneva (Frontend/AngularJS).

Let's imagine we have a simple database with two tables: Client and Login, every client can have one to many logins. My application will have three pages - "list of clients", "create client", and "edit client". The "create client" and the "edit client" pages will be capable of editing client data as well as managing the list of child logins. You can see how it works here.

First of all, let's define the domain (or model) classes (mapping is defined in hbm files):

public class Client
    public virtual int? Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual string Lastname { get; set; }
    public virtual int? Age { get; set; }
    public virtual ISet<Login> Logins { get; set; }

public class Login
    public virtual int? Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual string Password { get; set; }
    public virtual bool? Enabled { get; set; }
    public virtual Client Client { get; set; }

Now, I can create Data-Access layer. First of all, I must have a base DAO class which is injected with NHibernate SessionFactory, and defines basic DAO operations: Save, Delete, Update, Load, Get, etc.

public class Daobase<T> : IDaobase
    public ISessionFactory SessionFactory { get; set; }

    public void Save(T entity)
    public void Update(T entity)
    public ITransaction BeginTransaction()
        return this.SessionFactory
    /* others basic methods */

I have only one DAO class - ClientDao.

public class ClientDao : Daobase<Client>, IClientDao
    public Client GetById(int id)
        return this.SessionFactory
            .CreateQuery("from Client client left outer join fetch 
                          client.Logins where client.Id = :id")
            .SetParameter<int>("id", id)

    public IList<client> GetAll()
	    return this.SessionFactory
            .CreateQuery("from Client client left outer join fetch client.Logins")

When DAO is done, we can switch to Service layer. Service is usually responsible for opening and closing transactions. I have only one service class. It is injected with respected DAO class.

Note, the Save and Update methods accept a Client object and its child Logins, and therefore perform save or update using NHibernate cascading (persisting parent and children at the same time).

public class ClientService : ICLientService
    public IClientDao ClientDao { get; set; }

    public Client GetById(int clientId)
        Client item = this.ClientDao.GetById(clientId);
        return item;
    public List<Client> GetAll()
        List<Client> items = this.ClientDao.getAll();
        return items;
    public void Save(Client item)
        using(ITransaction tx = this.clientDao.BeginTransaction())
            /* TODO: assign back-references of the child 
            Login objects - for each Login: item.Login[i].Client = item; */
    public void Update(Client item)
        using(ITransaction tx = this.clientDao.BeginTransaction())
            Client existing = this.clientDao.GetById(item.getId());
            /* TODO: copy changes from item to existing (recursively) */

Let's talk a bit about controllers. I am going to have two controllers - one for HTML views (MVC controller), and one for JSON requests (API Controller). Both of them will be called ClientController, but will reside in different namespaces. The MVC controller will derive from System.Web.Mvc.Controller, and the API controller - from System.Web.Http.ApiController. The MVC controller will be responsible for displaying correct view. Here is how it looks:

public class ClientController : System.Web.Mvc.Controller
    public ActionResult Index()
        return this.View();
    public ActionResult Create()
        return this.View();
    public ActionResult Edit()
        return this.View();

The API controller is a bit more complicated, because it is responsible for interactions with database. It is injected with the respective service layer class.

public class ClientController : System.Web.Http.ApiController
    public ClientService ClientService { get; set;}
    public IList<Client> GetAll()
        return this.ClientService.GetAll();
    public Client GetById(int id)
        return this.ClientService.GetById(id);
    public void Save(Client item)
    public void Update(Client item)

Now, we have almost everything we need. The MVC controller will give us HTML and JavaScript, which will interact asynchronously with the API controller and fetch data from database. AngularJS will help us to display the fetched data as beautiful HTML. I assume, that you are familiar with AngularJS (or KnockoutJS), though it is not that important in this article. The only thing you must know is - every page is loaded as static HTML and JavaScript (without any server-side scripts), after being loaded, it interacts with API controller to load all the needed data pieces from database through JSON asynchronously. And AngularJS helps to display that JSON as beautiful HTML.


Now, let's talk about problems that we face in the current implementation.

Problem 1

The first problem is serialization. Data, returned from the API controller is serialized to JSON. You can see it in these two API controller methods:

public class ClientController : System.Web.Http.ApiController
{ ....
    public IList<Client> GetAll()
        return this.ClientService.GetAll();
    public Client GetById(int id)
        return this.ClientService.GetById(id);

The Client class is a domain class, and it is wrapped with NHibernate wrapper. So, serializing it can result in circular dependency and will cause StackOverflowException. But there are other minor concerns. For example, sometimes I need only Id and Name fields to be present in JSON, sometimes I need all the fields. The current implementation does not allow me to make that decision, it will always serialize all fields.

Problem 2

If you take a look at the ClientService class, method Save, you will see that there is some code missing.

public void Save(Client item)
    using(ITransaction tx = this.clientDao.BeginTransaction())
        /* code that assigns back-references of the child Login objects */

Which means, that before saving the Client object, you have to set up back-references of the children Login objects. Every Login class has a field - Client, which is actually a back-reference to the parent Client object. So, in order to save Client with Logins together using cascading save, you have to set up those fields to the actual parent instance. When Client is deserialized from JSON, it does not have back-references. It is a well-known problem among NHibernate users.

Problem 3

If you take a look at the ClientService class, method Update, you will see, that there is some code missing too.

public void Update(Client item)
    using(ITransaction tx = this.ClientDao.OpenTransaction())
        Client existing = this.ClientDao.GetById(item.getId());
        /* code that copies changes from item to existing */

I also have to implement logic which copies the fields from the deserialized Client object to the existing persistent instance of the same Client. My code must be smart enough to go through the children Logins. It must match the existing logins with the deserialized ones, and copy fields respectively. It must also append newly added Logins, and delete missing ones. After these modifications, the Merge() method will persist all the changes to database. So this is quite sophisticated logic.

In the next section, we will solve these three problems using Jeneva.Net.


Problem 1 - Smart Serialization

Let's see how Jeneva.Net can help us to solve the first problem. The ClientController has two methods that return Client objects - GetAll() and GetById(). The GetAll() method returns list of Clients, which is displayed as grid. I don't need all the fields of the Client object to be present in JSON. The GetById() method is used on the "Edit Client" page. Therefore, full Client information is required here.

In order to solve this problem, I have to go through each property of the returned objects, and assign NULL value to every property that I don't need. This seems pretty hard work, because I have to do it in every method differently. Jeneva.Net provides us with Jeneva.Mapper class which can do it for us. Let's modify the service layer using the Mapper class.

public class ClientService
    public IMapper Mapper { get; set; }
    public IClientDao ClientDao { get; set; }
    public Client GetById(int clientId)
        Client item = this.ClientDao.GetById(clientId);
        return this.Mapper.Filter(item, Leves.DEEP);
    public List<Client> GetAll()
        List<Client> items = this.ClientDao.getAll();
        return this.Mapper.FilterList(items, Levels.GRID);

It looks very simple, Mapper takes the target object or list of objects and produces a copy of them, but every unneeded property is set NULL. The second parameter is a numeric value which represents the level of serialization. Jeneva.Net comes with default levels, but you are free to define your own.

public class Levels
    public const byte ID = 10;
    public const byte LOOKUP = 20;
    public const byte GRID = 30;
    public const byte DEEP = 40;
    public const byte FULL = 50;
    public const byte NEVER = byte.MaxValue;

The last step is to decorate every property of my domain classes with corresponding level. I am going to use DtoAttribute from Jeneva.Net to decorate the <code>Client and Login class properties.

public class Client : Dtobase
    public virtual int? Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual string Lastname { get; set; }
    public virtual int? Age { get; set; }
    [Dto(Levels.GRID, Levels.LOOKUP)]
    public virtual ISet<Login> Logins { get; set; }
public class Login : Dtobase
    public virtual int? Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual string Password { get; set; }
    public virtual bool? Enabled { get; set; }
    public virtual Client Client { get; set; }

After all properties are decorated, I can use Mapper class. For example, if I call Mapper.Filter() method with Levels.ID, then only properties marked with ID will be included. If I call Mapper.Filter() method with Levels.LOOKUP, then properties marked with ID and LOOKUP will be included, because ID is less than LOOKUP (10 < 20). Take a look at the Client.Logins property, as you see there are two levels applied there, what it means ? It means that if you call Mapper.Filter() method with Levels.GRID, than logins will be included, but LOOKUP level will be applied to the properties of the Login class. And if you call Mapper.Filter() method with level higher than GRID, than the level applied to the Login properties will become respectively higher.

Problem 2 - Back-references

Take a look at the service layer class, Save method. As you see, this method accepts Client object. I use cascading save - I save Client and its Logins together. In order to accomplish this, the children Login objects must have back-reference assigned correctly to the parent Client object. Basically, I have to loop through children Logins and assign Login.Client property to the root Client. When this is done, I can save the Client object using NHibernate tools.

Instead of writing a loop, I am going to use Jeneva.Mapper class again. Let's modify the ClientService class.

public class ClientService
    public IMapper Mapper { get; set; }
    public IClientDao ClientDao { get; set; }
    public void Save(Client item)
        using(ITransaction tx = this.ClientDao.BeginTransaction())

This code will recursively go through properties of the Client object and set up all the back-references. This is actually half of the solution, another half goes in this code. Every child class must implement IChild interface, where it can tell about who his parent is. The ConnectToParrent() method will be called internally by Mapper class. The Mapper will suggest possible parents based on JSON.

public class Login : Dtobase, IChild
    public virtual int? Id { get; set; }
    public virtual string Name { get; set; }
    public virtual string Password { get; set; }
    public virtual bool? Enabled { get; set; }
    public virtual Client Client { get; set; }
    public void ConnectToParent(Object parent)
        if(parent is Client)
            this.Client = parent as Client;

If IChild interface is implemented correctly, you only have to call Map() method from your service layer, and all back-references will be assigned correctly.

Problem 3 - Mapping Updates

The third problem is the most complicated, because updating client is a complicated process. In my case, I have to update client fields as well as update children logins' fields, and at the same time I have to append, delete children logins if user has deleted or inserted a new login. By the way, updating any object, even if you are not using cascading updates, is complicated. Mostly, because when you want to update an object, you always have to write custom code to copy changes from incoming object to existing one. Usually, the incoming object contains just several important fields to update, the rest are NULLs, and therefore you cannot rely on blind copy of all the fields, as you don't want NULLs to be copied to existing data.

The Mapper class can copy changes from the incoming object to the persistent one, without overwriting any important fields. How does it work? Jeneva.Net comes with a JenevaJsonFormatter class, which derives from the Json.Net formatter used in ASP.NET MVC 5 by default. JenevaJsonFormatter contains some minor adjustments. As you know, every domain class derives from Jeneva.Dtobase abstract class. This class contains a HashSet of property names. When UJenevaJsonFormatter parses JSON, it passes the information about parsed fields to Dtobase, and Dtobase object remembers which fields are assigned. Therefore, every domain object knows which fields of his are assigned during JSON parsing. Later, Mapper class goes through only assigned properties of the incoming deserialized object and copies their values to the existing persistent object.

Here is the service layer Update() method using the Mapper class:

public class ClientService
    public IMapper Mapper { get; set; }
    public IClientDao ClientDao { get; set; }
    public void Update(Client item)
        using(ITransaction tx = this.ClientDao.OpenTransaction())
            Client existing = this.ClientDao.load(item.getId());
            this.Mapper.MapTo(item, existing);

And here is Global.asax.cs, you can see how to set up JenevaJsonFormatter to be default formatter in your web application. Please, don't worry about switching from Json.Net formatter. If you take a look at Jeneva formatter, it derives from Json.Net and provides just minor changes. Execute this code in Application_Start event.

GlobalConfiguration.Configuration.Formatters.Add(new JenevaJsonFormatter()); 

JenevaJsonFormatter also converts all property names to Java conventions: Name becomes name, LoginName becomes loginName. These conversions make JSON more portable and more JavaScript friendly. It also enables you to replace WebAPI backend with Java/Spring without any modifications.


Solving the above-mentioned problems is the biggest side of what Jeneva.Net can do. However, there is another interesting feature that can help you in implementing validation routines - both server-side and client-side.

You can find out more detail on how to implement validation using Jeneva.Net in this article: Validating incoming JSON using Upida.Net/Jeneva.Net.

And also, you can find out how to create Single-Page web Application (SPA) using AngularJS in my next article: ASP.NET MVC Single Page App with Upida/Jeneva (Frontend/AngularJS).



  • 1st October, 2013: Initial version


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