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CWBButton - Resizable Bitmap Button

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2 Jun 2000 2  
CWBButton is a resizable bitmap button like GTK+ or Window Blinds.
  • Download source files - 8 Kb
  • Download demo project - 37 Kb
  • Sample Image - CWBButton.jpg


    CWBButton is a 'WindowBlinds' like resizable image button derived from a CButton. In MFC, You can use the class called CBitmapButton, but that's not enough. The size of button is the size of the bitmap, and you can't put a text by calling the API SetWindowText(). I wanted REAL Bitmap Button like GTK+ or WindowBlinds. So I try to create a REAL Bitmap Button referring WindowBlinds.

    How to Use

    Using CWBButton is simple.

    1. Add Files to your project. WBButton.h, WBButton.cpp, AutoFont.h, AutoFont.cpp
    2. To the Dialog's header file: #include "WBButton.h"
    3. Create a button on your dialog, and make sure you turn on the "Owner Draw" property.
    4. Inside the Dialog class: CButton m_btn1 to CWBButton m_btn1
    5. Initialize the CWBButton in the event handler OnInitDialog() as described below:
         IDB_BITMAP1,  // Bitmap resource ID
         5,            // Num of Bitmaps
         15,           // TopHeight
         6,            // BottomHeight
         15,           // LeftWidth
         8             // RightWidth

    To initialize correctly, you know how to be implemented in the WindowBlinds. Each rectangle lead by LeftWidth, RightWidth, TopHeight, and BottomHeight is static, and not stretched. The others are stretched by the size of button. So you can get natural button images. It may be difficult to set the parameters correctly, but you can refer the Initialize file of WindowBlinds, which name is '*.uis', on the section '[Buttons]'.


    1. The bitmap you load should be separate at least four parts. The First is 'Normal' state, the second is 'Select' state, the Third is 'Disable' state, and the fourth is 'Focus' state.
    2. To transparent the button, the bitmap background color should be RGB(255,0,255), also you can change the transparent color by calling the function SetBackColor()


    I tested this source on the Japanese version VC6.0 and Windows. Problems may occur on other language environments.


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