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Audio Mixer Functions Demo

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25 Oct 20024 min read 446.7K   28.5K   103   93
Several demo applications that illustrate how to use the Audio Mixer functions in your own applications.


Audio Mixer Functions are a set of functions that control the routing of audio lines to a destination device for playing or recording. They can also control volume and other effects. Although there are only ten functions and two messages in this API, some people feel a little difficult to use them because of the flexibility. Here I am going to present four simple programs to demonstrate how to use this powerful API. I kept these four programs as simple as possible and one program does one thing only so that you can understand them easily. I also tried to separate the actual operations from the user interface as much as possible. All the functions related to Audio Mixer Functions have the prefix "amd". I did not write C++ classes for those functions as the main purpose here is to give you a tutorial. In order to master this API, you may read the Platform SDK documentation on Audio Mixers and play around with these four programs. You may also wish to check out the Platform SDK Audio Sample "Mixapp: Sample Mixer Application", which is not so easy to read.

To better understand Audio Mixer Functions, keep in mind the following key facts.

  • There are zero, one or more audio mixer devices in a system.
  • Each audio mixer device has one or more destination audio lines.
  • Each destination audio line has zero, one or more source audio lines associated with it.
  • Each (destination or source) audio line has zero, one or more mixer controls associated with it. A mixer control can perform any number of functions (such as control volume), depending on the characteristics of the associated audio line.

All the four programs are MFC dialog based. For the sake of brevity, they always use the first mixer device if there are more than one mixer device present in the system. The mixerOpen() function is called with the CALLBACK_WINDOW flag in the fdwOpen parameter and a window handle in the dwCallback parameter in the Program 1, 2 and 4 so that the MM_MIXM_CONTROL_CHANGE message can be received in order to refresh the state of the controls.

Program 1. Master Mute

Master Mute

This program is equivalent to the "Mute all" check box of Windows Volume Control for Playback. The Master Mute control is the MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_MUTE control of the MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS destination audio line. It belongs to the switch controls (MIXERCONTROL_CT_CLASS_SWITCH), which are two-state switches. It uses the MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_BOOLEAN structure to retrieve and set control properties. Whenever the check box is clicked, CMuteDlg::amdSetMasterMuteValue() is called to set the Master Mute value accordingly. The MM_MIXM_CONTROL_CHANGE message is received once the state of the Master Mute control has changed. In this case, CMuteDlg::amdGetMasterMuteValue() is called to retrieve the current value of the Master Mute control and update the state of the check box accordingly.

Program 2. Master Volume

Master Volume

This program is equivalent to the "Volume Control" trackbar of Windows Volume Control for Playback. The Master Volume control is the MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_VOLUME control of the MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS destination audio line. It belongs to the fader controls (MIXERCONTROL_CT_CLASS_FADER), which have a linear scale. It uses the MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_UNSIGNED structure to retrieve and set control properties. Whenever the trackbar is clicked, CVolumeDlg::amdSetMasterVolumeValue() is called to set the Master Volume value accordingly. The MM_MIXM_CONTROL_CHANGE message is received once the state of the Master Volume control has changed. In this case, CVolumeDlg::amdGetMasterVolumeValue() is called to retrieve the current value of the Master Volume control and update the state of the trackbar accordingly.

Program 3. Wave Meter

Wave Meter

This program is equivalent to the "Wave Meter" control of Windows Volume Control for Playback. The Wave Meter control is the MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_PEAKMETER control of the MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_WAVEOUT source audio line associated with the MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_SPEAKERS destination audio line. It belongs to the meter controls (MIXERCONTROL_CT_CLASS_METER), which measure data passing through an audio line. It uses the MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_SIGNED structure to retrieve and set control properties. A timer is created in order to monitor the value of the Wave Meter control. CMeterDlg::amdGetWaveMeterValue() is called to retrieve the current value of the Wave Meter control and update the state of the progress bar accordingly once a WM_TIMER message is received.

Run it and play a sound file using other applications, you can see it dancing. Note that the sound from MIDI or CD Audio is not reflected here since it passes through the MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_SYNTHESIZER or MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_SRC_COMPACTDISC source audio lines respectively.

Program 4. Microphone Select

Microphone Select

This program is equivalent to the "Microphone Select" check box of Windows Volume Control for Recording. The Microphone Select control is one of the items of the MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_MIXER or MIXERCONTROL_CONTROLTYPE_MUX controls of the MIXERLINE_COMPONENTTYPE_DST_WAVEIN destination audio line. It belongs to the list controls (MIXERCONTROL_CT_CLASS_LIST), which provide single-select or multiple-select states for complex audio lines. It uses the MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_BOOLEAN structure to retrieve and set control properties. Whenever the check box is clicked, CSelectDlg::amdSetMicSelectValue() is called to set the Microphone Select value accordingly. The MM_MIXM_CONTROL_CHANGE message is received once the state of the Microphone Select control has changed. In this case, CSelectDlg::amdGetMicSelectValue() is called to retrieve the current value of the Microphone Select control and update the state of the check box accordingly.

Happy programming and good luck!


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Written By
Software Developer
Canada Canada
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Comments and Discussions

GeneralRe: Project 3 failed Pin
meetquantcode20-Sep-05 0:58
meetquantcode20-Sep-05 0:58 
GeneralRe: Project 3 failed Pin
BytePtr23-Nov-05 14:44
BytePtr23-Nov-05 14:44 
GeneralRegarding capturing audio from two USb headsets Pin
GauravSaxena20028-Aug-05 6:45
GauravSaxena20028-Aug-05 6:45 
GeneralSelect Recording Source in VB Pin
Member 65111719-Jun-05 20:20
Member 65111719-Jun-05 20:20 
GeneralWith USB Headset and DSP> cant find input Pin
bartouze20-Apr-05 23:38
bartouze20-Apr-05 23:38 
GeneralAudio mixing to another WAV file Pin
CalicoSkies16-Feb-05 15:53
CalicoSkies16-Feb-05 15:53 
GeneralRe: Audio mixing to another WAV file Pin
robbor1814-Aug-05 15:30
robbor1814-Aug-05 15:30 
GeneralRe: Audio mixing to another WAV file Pin
CalicoSkies14-Aug-05 19:51
CalicoSkies14-Aug-05 19:51 
Yeah, I've found my solution since I posted my message. Thanks though Smile | :) The merging itself wasn't as simple as I thought, with making sure to avoid digital clipping..
Generalkey binding Pin
fireflame4-Feb-05 8:02
fireflame4-Feb-05 8:02 
GeneralAudio Balance Pin
Shilpa Maheshwari24-Nov-04 19:42
Shilpa Maheshwari24-Nov-04 19:42 
GeneralRe: Audio Balance Pin
Anonymous9-Mar-05 10:00
Anonymous9-Mar-05 10:00 
GeneralProblems matching MIXERCONTROLDETAILS_BOOLEAN and the list of source lines Pin
dit6a922-Sep-04 8:54
dit6a922-Sep-04 8:54 
GeneralProblem with ESS Maestro 3 Pin
Member 11274006-Jul-04 0:53
Member 11274006-Jul-04 0:53 
hernan2210-May-04 15:42
hernan2210-May-04 15:42 
GeneralMicrophone Select will do nothing. Pin
zhang lu27-Apr-04 5:03
zhang lu27-Apr-04 5:03 
QuestionHow to Select Mono mix like program 4. Pin
Kenlin42730-Mar-04 16:06
Kenlin42730-Mar-04 16:06 
AnswerRe: How to Select Mono mix like program 4. Pin
elaine fish29-Jul-04 18:19
elaine fish29-Jul-04 18:19 
GeneralRe: How to Select Mono mix like program 4. Pin
elaine fish1-Aug-04 21:20
elaine fish1-Aug-04 21:20 
GeneralRe: How to Select Mono mix like program 4. Pin
vclover@rediffmail.com20-Jan-06 21:52
vclover@rediffmail.com20-Jan-06 21:52 
AnswerRe: How to Select Mono mix like program 4. Pin
Artem Shiyanov11-Jan-06 0:25
Artem Shiyanov11-Jan-06 0:25 
Generaladjust balance Pin
avia29-Mar-04 21:36
avia29-Mar-04 21:36 
GeneralRoute mixed data back to application Pin
FritzR26-Feb-04 2:38
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Generalrequest for Code to mute microphone and adjust the mic. volume Pin
Namipage6-Feb-04 6:42
Namipage6-Feb-04 6:42 
GeneralMicrophone in Visual C Pin
Anonymous7-Oct-03 21:01
Anonymous7-Oct-03 21:01 
GeneralRe: Microphone in Visual C Pin
Dave90911-Nov-03 1:37
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