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OnTop Utility

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11 Jun 2002CPOL 81.9K   1.4K   24   13
Utility to make selected windows remain on-top of others


Have you ever wanted to make an application float above others? No? Then this utility is not for you. For those of you that have, this utility will allow you to do just that.

On running the utility, an icon will appear in your taskbar. Clicking or right-clicking on it will produce a menu, similar to the following:

Sample Image - OnTop.jpg

This menu lists all of your visible top-level windows. Any windows that are already floating are shown ticked, while all others are shown un-ticked. Clicking on a window name will toggle its top-most state.

To exit the utility, click on Exit on the menu.

That's all there is to it - have fun!


Version 3.02 - 02 May 2002
Made sure menu closes when user clicks outside of it

Version 3.01 - 01 May 2002
First (public) version

Revision History

01 May 2002 - Originally Moved
12 Jun 2002 - Some Re-Formating


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
United Kingdom United Kingdom
Originally from an electronics background, I moved into software in 1996, partly as a result of being made redundant, and partly because I was very much enjoying the small amount of coding (in-at-the-deep-end-C) that I had been doing!

I swiftly moved from C to C++, and learned MFC, and then went on to real-time C on Unix. After this I moved to the company for which I currently work, which specialises in Configuration Management software, and currently program mainly in C/C++, for Windows. I have been gradually moving their legacy C code over to use C++ (with STL, MFC, ATL, and WTL). I have pulled in other technologies (Java, C#, VB, COM, SOAP) where appropriate, especially when integrating with third-party products.

In addition to that, I have overseen the technical side of the company website (ASP, VBScript, JavaScript, HTML, CSS), and have also worked closely with colleagues working on other products (Web-based, C#, ASP.NET, SQL, etc).

For developing, I mainly use Visual Studio 2010, along with an in-house-designed editor based on Andrei Stcherbatchenko's syntax parsing classes, and various (mostly freeware) tools. For website design, I use Dreaweaver CS3.

When not developing software, I enjoy listening to and playing music, playing electric and acoustic guitars and mandolin.

Comments and Discussions

GeneralOnTop closes by itself Pin
Doooodles25-Oct-05 18:06
Doooodles25-Oct-05 18:06 
GeneralOnTop Outlook Reminder Pin
Steve Zeile15-Aug-05 13:43
Steve Zeile15-Aug-05 13:43 
GeneralOnTop Utility - funny title Pin
Jim Crafton1-Apr-04 15:33
Jim Crafton1-Apr-04 15:33 
GeneralThanks! Pin
serup14-Jan-04 23:51
serup14-Jan-04 23:51 
GeneralRe: Thanks! Pin
Paul Vickery15-Jan-04 0:17
professionalPaul Vickery15-Jan-04 0:17 
GeneralIE Plugins. Pin
hien_ng807-Jan-03 16:44
hien_ng807-Jan-03 16:44 
I have some task writing a program one of whose task is that a web component can communicate with server via DOM. To make the communication process, a small software function called plugin is to be installed. But by now, I don't know how to develop the plugin.

Anyone have an idea about developing IE-Plugins that will be accessible by web Component(HTML Components, Java Applet...) via Document Object Model and can communicate with web server?

thanks in advance.Hmmm | :|

Generaladding functions taskbar buttons Pin
Anthony Winters5-Jul-02 14:14
Anthony Winters5-Jul-02 14:14 
GeneralRe: adding functions taskbar buttons Pin
Paul Vickery8-Jul-02 0:22
professionalPaul Vickery8-Jul-02 0:22 
GeneralRe: adding functions taskbar buttons Pin
Anthony Winters8-Jul-02 6:32
Anthony Winters8-Jul-02 6:32 
GeneralRe: adding functions taskbar buttons Pin
Paul Vickery8-Jul-02 23:27
professionalPaul Vickery8-Jul-02 23:27 
GeneralRe: adding functions taskbar buttons Pin
Anthony Winters16-Jul-02 12:51
Anthony Winters16-Jul-02 12:51 
QuestionXP? Pin
Jason Troitsky (was Hattingh)14-Jun-02 2:22
Jason Troitsky (was Hattingh)14-Jun-02 2:22 
AnswerRe: XP? Pin
Paul Vickery25-Jun-02 23:48
professionalPaul Vickery25-Jun-02 23:48 

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