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Streaming IPicture to Compound Document file

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28 Oct 2001 3  
Serialization of IPicture object

Sample Image - PictureStream.jpg


I really like the IPicture object. This COM object works very well. However, I met some problems when I was trying to use this object in the Document-View architecture. The main problem is implementation of serialization. I built two classes to resolve those problems. The first class called CPictureObj. This class is responsible for drawing picture. The second one is collection of picture objects. By using both of them it is easy to implement the following functionality:

  • Load one or more images into document (*.bmp, *.jpeg, *.ico,...)
  • Scaling images (Zoom In, Zoom Out)
  • Move images by cursor
  • Alignment
  • Save/Load images to/from compound document file.


class <code>CPictureObj  :	public CPictureHolder, public CObject
	CPictureObj(const CRect position);
	virtual  ~CPictureObj();
	void RemoveAndDestroy();

	virtual  void Copy( CPictureObj &right);
	virtual  HRESULT WriteToStream(IStream* pStream);
	virtual  HRESULT ReadFromStream(IStream* pStream);
// Attributes

	HorzAlign	GetHorzAlign( void ) const;
	void		SetHorzAlign( HorzAlign eHorzAlign );
	VertAlign	GetVertAlign( void ) const;
	void		SetVertAlign( VertAlign eVertAlign );
	BOOL		GetSelected( void ) const;
	void		SetSelected( BOOL bValue );
	void		SetVisible(BOOL bValue);
	BOOL		GetVisible();
	CRect		GetPosition();
	void		SetPosition(const CRect pos);
	CRect		GetStartRect();
	void		SetStartRect(const CRect pos);
	CString		GetPathName();
	void		SetPathName(const CString pathname);

	OLE_HANDLE	GetHandle();
	CSize		GetSize();			// in himetric

	CSize		GetSize(CDC*pDC);	// in pixel

	CSize		GetSize(CWnd*pWnd);	// in pixel

	BOOL		IsValidPicture();

// Operations


	BOOL Load(LPCTSTR szFile);
	BOOL CreateFromFile(const CPoint pt);
	void ReleasePicture();
	void MoveTo(const CRect& position, CWnd* pView);

	// Drawing picture

	void Draw(CDC* pDC);
	void Draw(CDC* pDC, CRect& rcBounds);
	void Draw(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rcPosition, const CRect& rcBounds);
	void DrawTracker(CDC* pDC);
	void DrawTracker(CDC* pDC, const CRect& rect);
	void ZoomIn();
	void ZoomOut();


	void CalcZoom();
	void SetZoomToPosition();


	HorzAlign	m_eHorizAlign;
	VertAlign	m_eVertAlign;
	BOOL		m_bSelected;
	BOOL		m_bVisible;
	CRect		m_rcPosition;		// in pixels

	CRect		m_startRect;		// in pixels

	int		m_trackerStyle;
	int		m_zoomX,m_zoomY;

	// Not serialized

	CString		m_strPathName;


class  CPictureObjList : public CTypedPtrList {CObList, CPictureObj*}
public :

	void RemoveAndDestroy();
	void DeselectAll();
	CSize ComputeMaxSize();			// in himetric

	CSize ComputeMaxSize(CDC* pDC);		// in pixel

	CSize ComputeMaxSize(CWnd* pWnd);	// in pixel

	CRect GetRect();			// in pixel

	CPictureObj* FindSelected();
	CPictureObj* ObjectAt(const CPoint& pt);
	bool Remove(CPictureObj* pObj);
	void Draw(CDC* pDC);

	// Streaming

	HRESULT WriteToStream(IStream* pStream);
	HRESULT ReadFromStream(IStream* pStream);
	BOOL	WriteToStorage(LPSTORAGE lpRootStg);
	BOOL	ReadFromStorage(LPSTORAGE lpRootStg);


Using the classes

For use streaming picture create your document object derived from COleDocument.

class CYourDoc : public COleDocument

Inside of the document object define a picture collection like here:

CPictureObjList	m_objects;

Now, you can insert picture by this simple method:

CPictureObj* pObj =  new CPictureObj;

Also, you can load picture directly from the file:

CPictureObj* pObj =  new CPictureObj;

For scaling pictures you can use the ZoomIn, ZoomOut member functions:

CPictureObj* pObj = m_objects.FindSelected();

Moving the selected picture is easy:

   CPoint delta = point - c_last;
   CPictureObj* pSel = m_objects.FindSelected();
	CRect position = pSel->GetPosition();
	position += delta;
	pSel->MoveTo(position, this);

Drawing a collection of pictures is also easy:


Implementation of picture serialization you can get from here:

void CYourDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
	CWaitCursor wait;
	if (ar.IsStoring())

Good luck!


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