is a powerful C++ class library for image manipulation. Its features include load, save, display, transformation, and nearly 100 special image effects. It can be used cross platform (includes Windows, Linux, Mac), and especially under Windows, it can be used as a DIB wrapper class.
How to Use
Similar to STL and Boost library, ImageStone
is a header-only C++ library, it consists entirely of header files, so you can begin to use it just add #include "ImageStone.h"
at the beginning of your source code, But in order to take full advantage of operating system features, there are some differences between various platforms.
On Windows
Only need to add #include "ImageStone.h"
in your project, normally to be added at the end of StdAfx.h file.
uses raw Win32 GDI+ API to implement image load
function, so it has high efficiency and small final file size.
On Non-Windows (Unix, Linux, Mac...)
uses FreeImage
lib to implement image load/save function.
- Get
from, then compile it. - Include
header before include ImageStone
#include "FreeImage.h"
#include "ImageStone.h"
- Now you can use
Advanced Image Effect
In order to reduce compile time, a lot of rarely-used image effects (emboss, twist, ripple...) are not to be included by default, you can use them by the following way:
#include "ImageStone.h"
... Load Image from File, Memory or Resource, Save Image to File
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (L"test.jpg") ;
img.Load (pMemory, nSize, IMG_JPG) ;
img.LoadBitmap (ID_BITMAP) ;
img.LoadResource (ID_JPG_FILE, _T("JPG"), IMG_JPG) ;
img.Save (L"test.jpg", 90) ;
In order to better support for multiple languages, ImageStone
only supports wide char
filename, so you need to call a conversion function for ANSI filename.
std::wstring A_to_W (const char* p)
std::wstring ws ;
if (p)
setlocale (LC_CTYPE, "") ;
std::vector<wchar_t> buf (strlen(p)+1, 0) ;
mbstowcs (&buf[0], p, buf.size()-1) ;
ws = &buf[0] ;
return ws ;
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (A_to_W("test.jpg").c_str()) ;
img.Load (_bstr_t("test.jpg")) ;
... Load multi-page GIF
std::vector<FCObjImage*> frame_list ;
FCImageProperty prop ;
FCObjImage::Load (L"test.gif", frame_list, &prop) ;
prop.m_frame_delay ;
for (size_t i=0 ; i < frame_list.size() ; i++)
delete frame_list[i] ;
... Apply Image Effect
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (L"test.jpg") ;
img.Stretch (200, 200) ;
img.Stretch_Smooth (500, 500) ;
FCEffectBlur_Gauss c1 (16, true) ;
img.ApplyEffect (c1) ;
FCEffectSplash c2 (20) ;
img.ApplyEffect (c2) ;
FCEffectMosaic c3 (20) ;
img.ApplyEffect (c3) ;
FCEffectBrightnessContrast c4 (30, 0) ;
img.ApplyEffect (c4) ;
You can monitor the progress of image processing by setting an observer:
class CMyProgressMonitor : public FCProgressObserver
virtual bool OnProgressUpdate (int nFinishPercentage)
MSG msg ;
if (PeekMessage (&msg, NULL, WM_KEYDOWN, WM_KEYDOWN, PM_REMOVE) &&
(msg.wParam == VK_ESCAPE))
return false ;
return true ;
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (L"test.jpg") ;
CMyProgressMonitor aProgress ;
FCEffectMosaic c1 (20) ;
img.ApplyEffect (c1, &aProgress) ;
... Custom Image Effect
class CEffectSplitChannel : public FCImageEffect
FCObjImage m_red, m_green, m_blue ;
virtual bool IsSupport (const FCObjImage& img)
return img.IsValidImage() && (img.ColorBits() >= 24) ;
virtual void OnBeforeProcess (FCObjImage& img)
int w = img.Width() ;
int h = img.Height() ;
m_red.Create (w, h, 24) ;
m_green.Create (w, h, 24) ;
m_blue.Create (w, h, 24) ;
virtual void ProcessPixel (FCObjImage& img, int x, int y, BYTE* pPixel)
PCL_R(m_red.GetBits(x,y)) = PCL_R(pPixel) ;
PCL_G(m_green.GetBits(x,y)) = PCL_G(pPixel) ;
PCL_B(m_blue.GetBits(x,y)) = PCL_B(pPixel) ;
void Test()
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (L"test.jpg") ;
CEffectSplitChannel cmd ;
img.ApplyEffect (cmd) ;
cmd.m_red.Save (L"red.jpg") ;
cmd.m_green.Save (L"green.jpg") ;
cmd.m_blue.Save (L"blue.jpg") ;
... Read and Modify EXIF (Win Only)
FCObjImage img ;
FCImageProperty prop ;
img.Load (L"d:\\test.jpg", &prop) ;
prop.m_EquipMake = "PhoXo" ;
prop.m_ExifDTOrig = "2011:11:26 09:26:00" ;
std::vector<std::string> & ls = prop.m_other_gdiplus_prop ;
for (size_t i=0 ; i < ls.size() ; i++)
Gdiplus::PropertyItem it = FCImageCodec_Gdiplus::ReferencePropertyBuffer (ls[i]) ;
if ( == PropertyTagExifISOSpeed)
short nISO = 400 ;
ls[i] = FCImageCodec_Gdiplus::CreatePropertyBuffer(, it.type, 2, &nISO) ;
img.Save (L"d:\\test.jpg", prop) ;
... Draw Image (Win Only)
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (L"c:\\test.png") ;
if (img.ColorBits() == 32)
img.ApplyEffect (FCEffectPremultipleAlpha()) ;
img.Draw (hdc, 0, 0) ;
RECT rcOnDC = {100, 100, 200, 200} ;
img.Draw (hdc, rcOnDC) ;
RECT rcOnImage = {20, 20, 50, 50} ;
img.Draw (hdc, rcOnDC, &rcOnImage) ;
SIZE img_size = {img.Width(), img.Height()} ;
RECT rcWindow = {0, 0, 500, 500} ;
RECT rc = FCObjImage::CalcFitWindowSize(img_size, rcWindow) ;
img.Draw (hdc, rc) ;
Although BitBlt is faster than AlphaBlend, it will destroy the alpha channel of destination. Some features such as: layered window, DWM need alpha channel, so these cases we have to convert image to 32bpp, using AlphaBlend to draw.
... Convert between HBITMAP and Gdiplus::Bitmap (Win Only)
FCObjImage img ;
SelectObject (hdc, img) ;
img.FromHBITMAP (hBitmap) ;
Gdiplus::Bitmap * pBmp = img.CreateBitmap() ;
if (pBmp)
delete pBmp ;
Gdiplus::Bitmap gpBmp (L"c:\\test.jpg") ;
img.FromBitmap (gpBmp) ;
... Add Text on Image (Win Only)
void DrawText (HDC dc)
SetTextColor (dc, RGB(0,0,255)) ;
TextOut (dc, 0, 0, _T("PhoXo"), 5) ;
Gdiplus::Graphics g(dc) ;
g.SetSmoothingMode (Gdiplus::SmoothingModeAntiAlias) ;
g.SetInterpolationMode (Gdiplus::InterpolationModeHighQualityBicubic) ;
Gdiplus::FontFamily ffami (L"Arial") ;
Gdiplus::StringFormat fmt ;
Gdiplus::GraphicsPath str_path ;
str_path.AddString (L"PhoXo", -1, &ffami,
Gdiplus::FontStyleBold, 48, Gdiplus::Point(20,20), &fmt) ;
Gdiplus::Pen gp (Gdiplus::Color(0,0,160), 8) ;
gp.SetLineJoin (Gdiplus::LineJoinRound) ;
Gdiplus::Rect rc (20, 20, 30, 60) ;
Gdiplus::Color cStart (255,255,255) ;
Gdiplus::Color cEnd (0,128,255) ;
Gdiplus::LinearGradientBrush gb (rc, cStart, cEnd,
Gdiplus::LinearGradientModeVertical) ;
g.DrawPath (&gp, &str_path) ;
g.FillPath (&gb, &str_path) ;
void Test()
FCObjImage img ;
img.Create (300, 200, 24) ;
img.ApplyEffect (FCEffectFillGrid(FCColor(192,192,192), FCColor(255,255,255), 16)) ;
DrawText (FCImageDrawDC(img)) ;
img.Save (L"d:\\test.png") ;
... Using in DLL (Win Only)
In most cases, there is no difference on using between in DLL and in client:
extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) HBITMAP LoadFileToDDB (LPCWSTR sFilename)
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (sFilename) ;
HDC screen_dc = GetDC(NULL) ;
HBITMAP hBmp = CreateCompatibleBitmap(screen_dc, img.Width(), img.Height()) ;
ReleaseDC (NULL, screen_dc) ;
img.Draw (FCImageDrawDC(hBmp), 0, 0) ;
return hBmp ;
But, if you want to call Load
or Save
method of FCObjImage
in DllMain
or constructor of global object in DLL, you need use FCAutoInitGDIPlus
to init GDI+ module in your clients before load DLL, and disable auto GDI+ init of ImageStone
in DLL.
class CGlobalObj
FCImageCodec_Gdiplus::AUTO_INIT_GDIPLUS() = FALSE ;
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (L"c:\\test.jpg") ;
CGlobalObj g_obj ;
FCImageCodec_Gdiplus::AUTO_INIT_GDIPLUS() = FALSE ;
FCObjImage img ;
img.Load (L"c:\\test.jpg") ;
return TRUE ;
... Miscellaneous Function (Win Only)
FCObjImage img ;
HDC screen_dc = GetDC(NULL) ;
RECT rc = {0, 0, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)} ;
img.CaptureDC (screen_dc, rc) ;
ReleaseDC (NULL, screen_dc) ;
img.CopyToClipboard() ;
img.GetClipboard() ;
img.ApplyEffect (FCEffectThreshold(128)) ;
::SetWindowRgn (hWnd, img.CreateHRGN(), TRUE) ;
- 2011 - 11 - 27, V7.0
+ Code Refactoring, more features, more efficient, more easier to use - 2007 - 03 - 11, V4.0
+ Add FCPixelFillGradientFrame
+ Add FCPixelLensFlare
/ FCPixelTileReflection
/ FCPixelSoftGlow
* Modify example
* Improve FCObjImage::AlphaBlend
* Modify FCPixelBlinds
* Modify brightness/contrast/hue/saturation/emboss
* Rewrite gauss blur processor
- Remove FCPixelDeinterlace
- Remove FCPixelAddRandomNoise
- Remove FCPixelFill3DSolidFrame
- Remove FCImageHandleFactory_IJL15
and FCImageHandle_IPicture
- 2006 - 10 - 25, V3.0
* Improve FCImageHandle_Gdiplus
class to load multi-frame gif/tiff image and load jpeg's EXIF information
* Improve FCImageHandle_FreeImage
class to save gif with transparency color
* Change FCPixelHueSaturation
's hue arithmetic
* Change FCPixelColorTone
's arithmetic, more look like old photo
* Change inner FCImageHandleBase
interface, it's never mind for user
* Substitute std::fstream
by ANSI C file function, because of a bug in VC2005
+ Add FCImageProperty
to store image's property, function FCObjImage::Load
and FCObjImage::Save
support it
+ Add example 010: Load jpeg's EXIF information via GDI+
- Remove FCObjImage::GetNextFrameDelay
and FCObjImage::SetNextFrameDelay
, you can get them from FCImageProperty
- 2006 - 09 - 07, V2.0
+ More mature - 2006 - 03 - 11, V1.0
+ Initial version
graduate from University of Science and Technology of China at 2002.
Now I work at