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Handling HTML Element Events in CHtmlView and Reusing CDHtmlDialog Serial Class

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9 Jun 2005 1  
The enhanced CHtmlView class handles the HTML element event and exchanges data in the view.


CDHtmlSpecEventSink and CDHtmlViewSpec are very cool, they give you the macro that deals with the document event. Please have a look at the MSDN article: How to sink HTML document events for WebBrowser host.

Structure class CDHtmlViewSpec

CDHtmlDialog class inherits directly from CDHtmlEventSink class, CDHtmlViewSpec class does the same. The content of CDHtmlSpecEventSink class is given below:

class CDHtmlSpecEventSink: public CDHtmlEventSink
    //implement abstrace method

    virtual const DHtmlEventMapEntry* GetDHtmlEventMap();
    virtual BOOL DHtmlEventHook(HRESULT *phr, DISPID dispIdMember, 
            DISPPARAMS *pDispParams, VARIANT *pVarResult, 
            EXCEPINFO *pExcepInfo, UINT *puArgErr);
    virtual HRESULT GetDHtmlDocument(IHTMLDocument2 **pphtmlDoc);

    //give the interface to IHTMLDocument2,and 

    //I can't find reference in CDHtmlDialog 

    void InitEventSink(IHTMLDocument2* pDoc);
    IHTMLDocument2* m_pDocHtml;
    CHtmlView* m_pView;
class CDHtmlViewSpec : public CHtmlView,
                       public CDHtmlSpecEventSink
    //add releated function and copy 

    //the code from CDHtmlDialog


Copy your function from CDHtmlDialog when you want to modify.

Use class CDHtmlViewSpec

Using this class is very simple. Inherit a class directly from CHtmlView, then change CHtmlView class to CDHtmlViewSpec. Add the events and DDx. Please go through CDHtmlDialog's help. If you don't want to look at the help, refer to the code given below:

Add events support

Add DECLARE_DHTML_EVENT_MAP() into your HtmlView header file.
      //Add the code into your htmlView Implement file:

           DHTML_EVENT_ONCLICK(_T("btnEnd"), OnButtonEnd)
      //and then add OnButtonEnd function.

Add data exchange support

Add the code into the DoDataExchange function:

void ChtmlExView::DoDataExchange(CDataExchange* pDX)
         //support radio


About the author and the code

If you have any questions or suggestions, please email me at (luomh AT haitai.Com.Cn). You are free to use and revise this class. If your Chinese is good, please visit my website. Thanks!


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