The following function allows you to print the file size,
given the number of bytes, which is obtained from the
FileInfo.Length property.
The function always print the size in 2 decimal digits and will automatically determine the correct layman unit label.
Public Shared Function PrintFileSize(ByVal size As Long) As String
Dim unit As String
Dim d As Double
Select Case size
Case Is < 1024
d = size
unit = "B"
Case Is < 1048576
d = System.Math.Round(size / 1024, 2)
unit = "KB"
Case Is < 1073741824
d = System.Math.Round(size / 1048576, 2)
unit = "MB"
Case Is < 1099511627776
d = System.Math.Round(size / 1073741824, 2)
unit = "GB"
Case Else
d = System.Math.Round(size / 1099511627776, 2)
unit = "TB"
End Select
Return d.ToString("0.00") & unit
End Function
The following is the example on printing the file size of notepad.exe.
Dim fi As New System.IO.FileInfo("C:\Windows\notepad.exe")