Just released a new tool called TRXER.
Git link: https://github.com/NivNavick/trxer
What it does is transform TRX file (mstest results file) into HTML report.
The HTML as shown below is clean, nice and understandable.
You can see the pie indicates statuses count and a table that includes test classes that contain the tests themselves.
Trxer is a new way to view Trx Reports, all you need is a browser.
So now you can transform your trx files into a clear HTML report.
Trxer's friendly UI will make your life easier, much easier. You can navigate through test classed, see outputs, messages, stacktrace, test duration and much more.
TRXER HTML report is eye friendly which means you will understand all you need in one glimpse. No mess, no misunderstood fonts.
With our friendly UI, you can watch stacktraces, outputs and messages so you can determine what's the problem as quickly as lightning.
We draw graphs for you so you can see the status of each test class and the total passed, failed and warnings of all tests which you can download and use later.
TRXER HTML report is colorful.
Each color:
indicates test status and tells you whether test passed, failed or got warned during run.
Failed Tests
The important thing we are looking for is why our test run failed.
Trxer will show you test that failed on report's top, so you have easy access to failed tests.
Assume you have an image to show in the report, just put its URL in the test message, stdout or stderror and
Trxer automatically will show your image in the final HTML report.
What you should do is surround the URL with quotes like the following:
And the result will be:

Providing a clear view to understand stacktraces:

Status Bar
Status bar indicates whether test run has failed or passed.
Test run failed

Test run passed

Supporting Versions
TRXER supports Visual Studio 2010 and higher (xmlns="http://microsoft.com/schemas/VisualStudio/TeamTest/2010")
but can easily support lower versions by lowering the '2010' year to whatever you like.
Supporting Browsers
Trxer supported by all major browsers that supports Html5 Canvas.
TrxerConsole is an EXE file.
Open command prompt and type the following:
TrxerConsole.exe <file.trx>
The output will be at the trx folder under the name "file.trx.html" which we can see below: