This tip is .NET-Core version of "Exploring a folder and its subdirectories using ASP.NET MVC".
Using the Code
This demo uses a default ASP.NET Core web application.

We need to add Explorer Controller and its Index View, add ExplorerModel.cs, some edit in Startup.cs and also add "Folder" that contains the files and folders for explore and download.

Explorer Model
First of all, we need some models. So we add ExplorerModel.cs to Models. This file contains three classes. You could add any property that you want to the classes. In this demo, we made some simple models.
A class for DirModel
that contains directory information.
public class DirModel
public string DirName { get; set; }
public DateTime DirAccessed { get; set; }
A class for FileModel
that contains file information.
public class FileModel
public string FileName { get; set; }
public string FileSizeText { get; set; }
public DateTime FileAccessed { get; set; }
A class for ExplorerModel
that contains directories and files list and few other properties as below:
public class ExplorerModel
public List<DirModel> DirModelList;
public List<FileModel> FileModelList;
public String FolderName;
public String ParentFolderName;
public String URL;
public ExplorerModel(List<DirModel> dirModelList, List<FileModel> fileModelList)
DirModelList = dirModelList;
FileModelList = fileModelList;
Injection in Explorer Controller
To be able to use ContentRootPath
and HttpContext.Request
, we need 2 injections in ExplorerController
as below:
public class ExplorerController : Controller
private readonly IHostingEnvironment _hostingEnvironment;
private readonly IHttpContextAccessor _httpContextAccessor;
public ExplorerController(IHostingEnvironment hostingEnvironment,
IHttpContextAccessor httpContextAccessor)
_hostingEnvironment = hostingEnvironment;
_httpContextAccessor = httpContextAccessor;
Index Action in Explorer Controller
public IActionResult Index(string path)
var folderPath = _hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath + "\\Folder\\";
var realPath = folderPath + path;
if (System.IO.File.Exists(realPath))
var fileBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(realPath);
return File(fileBytes, "application/force-download");
else if (Directory.Exists(realPath))
List<DirModel> dirListModel = MapDirs(realPath);
List<FileModel> fileListModel = MapFiles(realPath);
ExplorerModel explorerModel = new ExplorerModel(dirListModel, fileListModel);
if (realPath.Last() != '/' && realPath.Last() != "\\")
{ explorerModel.URL = "/Explorer/" + path + "/"; }
{ explorerModel.URL = "/Explorer/" + path; }
var request = _httpContextAccessor.HttpContext.Request;
UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder
{ Path = request.Path.ToString() };
explorerModel.FolderName = WebUtility.UrlDecode(uriBuilder.Uri.Segments.Last());
Uri uri = new Uri(uriBuilder.Uri.AbsoluteUri.Remove
(uriBuilder.Uri.AbsoluteUri.Length -
explorerModel.ParentFolderName = uri.AbsolutePath;
return View(explorerModel);
return Content(path + " is not a valid file or directory.");
has only one action. Index
action gets the path
public IActionResult Index(string path)
How we can use path
as UrlParameter
If we browse "http://localhost:45114/Explorer/", we will see the files and directories in "Folder" and if we browse "http://localhost:45114/Explorer/Test%20Folder%201/Folder1/", we will see the files and directories in "Folder\Test Folder 1\Folder1" Because everything after "Explorer/" is our path
and path
contains some slashes and maybe spaces, so we can use URL: "Explorer/{*path}" in Explorer routes.MapRoute
. So we must add the code below to Startup.cs.
name: "Explorer",
template: "Explorer/{*path}",
defaults: new { controller = "Explorer", action = "Index" });
The following code will define the folder, that you want to use it for exploring, you could use any method that you prefer to define this, like using Web.Config
, Injection or ... It's not important. This code is just used for demo.
var folderPath = _hostingEnvironment.ContentRootPath + "\\Folder\\";
var realPath = folderPath + path;
Now we will check if the realPath
is a file that exists. If it exists, we will send the contents of file as the response by using "return File(realPath, "application/octet-stream")
". See this for more information about File. We will use "application/octet-stream
" as contentType
(See this).
if (System.IO.File.Exists(realPath))
var fileBytes = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(realPath);
return File(fileBytes, "application/force-download");
If realPath
wasn't a file, then we check if it's a directory or not.
else if (System.IO.Directory.Exists(realPath))
return View(explorerModel);
return Content(path + " is not a valid file or directory.");
For using browser ability to correctly browsing the folders, every path needs to end with slash. The following codes do these.
if (realPath.Last() != '/' && realPath.Last() != "\\")
{ explorerModel.URL = "/Explorer/" + path + "/"; }
{ explorerModel.URL = "/Explorer/" + path; }
Then we need to map the list that contains DirModels
private List<DirModel> MapDirs(String realPath)
List<DirModel> dirListModel = new List<DirModel>();
IEnumerable<string> dirList = Directory.EnumerateDirectories(realPath);
foreach (string dir in dirList)
DirectoryInfo d = new DirectoryInfo(dir);
DirModel dirModel = new DirModel
DirName = Path.GetFileName(dir),
DirAccessed = d.LastAccessTime
return dirListModel;
Also, we need to map the list that contains FileModels
private List<FileModel> MapFiles(String realPath)
List<FileModel> fileListModel = new List<FileModel>();
IEnumerable<string> fileList = Directory.EnumerateFiles(realPath);
foreach (string file in fileList)
FileInfo f = new FileInfo(file);
FileModel fileModel = new FileModel();
if (f.Extension.ToLower() != "php" && f.Extension.ToLower() != "aspx"
&& f.Extension.ToLower() != "asp" && f.Extension.ToLower() != "exe")
fileModel.FileName = Path.GetFileName(file);
fileModel.FileAccessed = f.LastAccessTime;
fileModel.FileSizeText = (f.Length < 1024) ?
f.Length.ToString() + " B" : f.Length / 1024 + " KB";
return fileListModel;
Finally, we provide the needed values for the explorerModel.ParentFolderName
and explorerModel.FolderName
, then return explorerModel
to Explorer Index View.
UriBuilder uriBuilder = new UriBuilder
{ Path = request.Path.ToString() };
explorerModel.FolderName = WebUtility.UrlDecode(uriBuilder.Uri.Segments.Last());
Uri uri = new Uri(uriBuilder.Uri.AbsoluteUri.Remove
- uriBuilder.Uri.Segments.Last().Length));
explorerModel.ParentFolderName = uri.AbsolutePath;
return View(explorerModel);
Explorer Index View
The description included in code:
ViewBag.Title = "Folder Explorer";
@if (Model.URL.ToLower() != "/explorer/")
<a title="Parent" href="@Model.ParentFolderName">
<img src="~/images/up.png" alt="Up" style="width: 20px; height: 20px; border: none" />
@foreach (FolderExplorer.Models.DirModel dir in Model.DirModelList)
<img src="~/images/folder.png" alt="Folder Logo" align="top" style="width: 20px;
height: 20px; border: none" />
<a href="@(Model.URL + dir.DirName)/" title="@dir.DirName">@dir.DirName</a>
. . . . . . @dir.DirAccessed
@foreach (FolderExplorer.Models.FileModel file in Model.FileModelList)
<a href="@(Model.URL + file.FileName)"
title="@file.FileName" target="_blank">
</a>. . . . . . @file.FileSizeText
. . . . . . @file.FileAccessed
Related Tip
You can find the .NET MVC 4.0 version in this tip.
Hope it helps. Please don't forget to mark your votes, suggestions and feedback to improve the quality of this tip.