As C# does not offer a underlying base class for Numbers, you have to write one that can work with all numbers without specifying the Type directly
As I am working on my Project Morestachio, I wanted to allow users to either supply numbers from code but also allow number operations in my Template. That was where the trouble started and I needed to operate on two numbers that might not be the same or have unknown types. As I already had to write a parser to get the number from the text template, I decided to allow all numbers to be wrapped into the Number.cs class and implemented all common operations on it.
Hint: The source on github contains references to the Morestachio
Project within the MorestachioFormatter
region. If you want to use only the Number.cs class, you are safe to delete this whole region. The Number.cs attached to this tip does not contain this region!
Number.cs is of interest for everyone who got numbers but without knowing what the number represents. Number.cs can parse any number from string
according the rules of C# (Integral numeric types (C# reference) and Real literals).
Using the Code
Number.cs has three different ways in which to create a new instance of Number.cs:
bool Number.TryParse(string, CultureInfo, out Number)
This tries to parse a string
into a number based on the literal and the C# rules.
Use the constructor to create a new number with the internal .NET type
implicit operator Number(Long|ulong|int|uint|byte|sbyte|short|ushort|float|double|decimal)
Number.cs implements the implicit casting operator for all .NET Number types
You can get a list of all supported .NET types by calling Number.CsFrameworkIntegralTypes
and Number.CsFrameworkFloatingPointNumberTypes
respectively. Note that those lists are only informatial.
Now that you got your instance of Number.cs, you can make operations with it. There are two general ways in operating with Number.cs:
- Call the operation functions like:
Add(Number): Number
Substract(Number): Number
Multiply(Number): Number
Divide(Number): Number
Modulo(Number): Number
ShiftLeft(Number): Number
ShiftRight(Number): Number
GreaterThen(Number): bool
LessThen(Number): bool
Equals(Number): bool
Same(Number): bool
IsNaN(): bool
Max(Number): Number
Min(Number): Number
Pow(Number): Number
Log(Number): Number
Log10(Number): Number
Negate(): Number
Abs(): Number
Round(Number): Number
Sin(): Number
Sinh(): Number
Sqrt(): Number
Tanh(): Number
Cos(): Number
Cosh(): Number
Acos(): Number
Asin(): Number
Atan(): Number
Atan2(): Number
Truncate(): Number
Ceiling(): Number
Floor(): Number
Note: Equals(Number)
will first check if both numbers are of the same .NET type and then call Same(Number)
for value equality check
- Use C# operators. Number.cs implements the following operators on itself:
+ Number
Number - Number
Number << Number
Number >> Number
Number == Number
Number != Number
Number < Number
Number > Number
Number <= Number
Number >= Number
In addition to these operations on itself (Number + Number
or Number < Number
), you can also use the following operators on all other .NET number types:
Number + long|ulong|int|uint|byte|sbyte|short|ushort|float|double|decimal
Number - long|ulong|int|uint|byte|sbyte|short|ushort|float|double|decimal
Number * long|ulong|int|uint|byte|sbyte|short|ushort|float|double|decimal
Number / long|ulong|int|uint|byte|sbyte|short|ushort|float|double|decimal
Number % long|ulong|int|uint|byte|sbyte|short|ushort|float|double|decimal
These operators just call the methods from point 1.
Number.cs takes care of the implicit conversion of values from an operation. That means like in cs if you add two numbers together where one number is a floating point number, the result will always be a floating point number of the same type and if you add two integers together, the result will always be of the type that has more precision. This is done by a rating of numbers that exists within the Number.CsFrameworkFloatingPointNumberTypes
and Number.CsFrameworkIntegralTypes
. The function Number.GetOperationTargetType
will return the type that takes prevalence over another. The operation then always looks the same like this:
Example Add
public Number Add(Number other)
var targetType = GetOperationTargetType(this, other);
if (targetType == typeof(decimal))
return new Number(ToDecimal(null) + other.ToDecimal(null));
if (targetType == typeof(double))
return new Number(ToDouble(null) + other.ToDouble(null));
if (targetType == typeof(float))
return new Number(ToSingle(null) + other.ToSingle(null));
if (targetType == typeof(ulong))
return new Number(ToUInt64(null) + other.ToUInt64(null));
if (targetType == typeof(long))
return new Number(ToInt64(null) + other.ToInt64(null));
if (targetType == typeof(uint))
return new Number(ToUInt32(null) + other.ToUInt32(null));
if (targetType == typeof(int))
return new Number(ToInt32(null) + other.ToInt32(null));
if (targetType == typeof(ushort))
return new Number(ToUInt16(null) + other.ToUInt16(null));
if (targetType == typeof(short))
return new Number(ToInt16(null) + other.ToInt16(null));
if (targetType == typeof(byte))
return new Number(ToByte(null) + other.ToByte(null));
if (targetType == typeof(sbyte))
return new Number(ToSByte(null) + other.ToSByte(null));
throw new InvalidCastException($"Cannot convert {other.Value}
({other.Value.GetType()}) or {Value} ({Value.GetType()}) to a numeric type");
The same as over other
number type the object Number.cs is implemented as a readonly struct
and is immutable. The code is tested and implemented for:
- netstandard2.0
- netcoreapp2.0 netcoreapp2.1 netcoreapp2.2 netcoreapp3.0
- net46 net461 net462
- net47 net471 net472
Other Methods
Number.cs has methods for checking ether an Number
or an object for ether beeing an Floating point number or an Integral number.
static IsFloatingPointNumber(Number|object): bool
static IsIntegralNumber(Number|object): bool
It also contains fields for:
static readonly Zero: Number
//a field representing an 0 int static readonly MinusOne: Number
//a field representing an negative 1 int static readonly NaN: Number
//this is a wrapper to the double.NaN
To be comparable and equaltable with all possible values, Number.cs also implements the following interfaces:
At last, you can also use the AsParsableString
method to get a reparsable string
A Word on Performance
I recently did some performance tests as I was interested in how much time was spent on casting and evaluation of the right operation type and I was not surprised that the Number.cs class is around ~2000 times slower than the native operation. But this was mostly due to unoptimised code. I tested 10.000.000 add operations with the C# native +
operator on 2 int
s and done the same with two Number.cs classes. I (unsurprisingly) found that 2 major performance problems where the enumeration of the list of Number.CsFrameworkIntegralTypes
, Number.CsFrameworkFloatingPointNumberTypes
and to some extent surprisingly for me, the performance of the Number.Value
getter. So I hard-coded the Number.GetOperationTargetType
and removed the access to the Number.Value
and access the value directly via its member variable. That helped a lot and Number.cs is now "only" ~140 times slower than a native operation.
Points of Interest
I looked into a lot of code on github and everywhere else and was not able to find something like this general purpose so I decided to write it myself. I will keep developing the number.cs class as I might want to support more functions like added support for Math
functions in the future, so checkout the original file.
The Morestachio Project
Number.cs is part of Morestachio, an project for Text Transformation completely written in C#. It would be very kind of you if you check it out:
- 28th June, 2020: Init commit
- 16th September, 2020: Updated version to 2.0 containing performance fixes and additional math methods
- 25th September, 2020: Updated version to 3.0 containing more
functions and better code comments
A nice guy.
And WPF Developer.
like everything I can get my hand on in .net.
But never java.