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ListView with Footer

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25 Jun 2012 2  
A listview control with footer.


A footer row with the column totals frozen at the bottom is a fairly common item on grids. You can probably get one by using a DataGrid, but there’s a good deal of complexity associated with DataGrids you might want to avoid.

Using the Code

I made a Custom Control ListViewF based on the standard ListView. You need to supply the ListViewF with a FooterObj which should be the same type of object you are displaying in the regular rows. You can specify a FooterStyle. Both FooterObj and FooterStyle can be instantiated in the XAML.

You will need to call the ListViewF.InitFooter function after the columns have loaded. The function creates a CellTemplateSelector for each GridViewColumn.

If the column is using DisplayMemberBinding it creates two CellTemplates – one for the regular cells and one for the footer. The regular cell template is just a TextBlock with the Text bound to whatever the DisplayMemberBinding was. The footer is the same but wrapped in a Border. The original DisplayMemberBinding is cleared so the DataTemplateSelector can be used.

If the column is using a CellTemplate it creates a footer template by adding a ContentPresenter with the original template as the ContentTemplate and then wrapping the ContentPresenter in a Border.

I don’t handle cases where the column already has a CellTemplateSelector. It shouldn’t be too hard to create a new selector that calls the original CellTemplateSelector and then either returns the original template or wraps it in a Border.

Points of Interest

You need to use a custom GridView that overrides the DefaultStyleKey. If you add columns using a normal GridView the Control goes back to using the regular ListView template.


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