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How to prevent Re-Post action caused by pressing browser's Refresh button

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5 Feb 2012CPOL 85.9K   41   16
Simple Web User Control prevents unexpected action caused by Refresh Button

The Problem

When a user presses the Browser's Refresh button (Or F5/Ctrl+R etc.) the browser resends the last request data to the server.
This action causes an Unexpected Re-Post action (if there was one).
In some cases, it can be very problematic (For example, in shopping website when the user clicks on "Add to Cart" button and then presses the Refresh button - the item will be added twice !!!)

The solution

We will store a unique code (in my case Guid) on both client and server and compare them on every request action. If the two codes are not equal, the action will be canceled and the page will reload ('GET' method).

Add Web User Control with this code:


Add a hidden field to hold client code
<asp:HiddenField runat="server" ID="_repostcheckcode" />

Code behind

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

private void CancelUnexpectedRePost()
    string clientCode = _repostcheckcode.Value;

    //Get Server Code from session (Or Empty if null)
    string serverCode = Session["_repostcheckcode"] as string  ?? "";

    if (!IsPostBack || clientCode.Equals(serverCode))
        //Codes are equals - The action was initiated by the user
        //Save new code (Can use simple counter instead Guid)
        string code = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
        _repostcheckcode.Value = code;
        Session["_repostcheckcode"] = code;
        //Unexpected action - caused by F5 (Refresh) button

Now you can drag the User Control to every page you want to handle that problem, or you can drag it to your Master Page to handle the problem in the entire site.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Team Leader
Israel Israel
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Comments and Discussions

QuestionMulti-tab experience? Pin
stamminator19-Sep-19 9:35
stamminator19-Sep-19 9:35 
How does this implementation work if the user is using more than one tab? For example:

1. User loads home.aspx via a GET request on tab 1. Tab's _repostcheckcode hidden field is "1337" (for simplcity's sake). Session["_repostcheckcode"] is also 1337.
2. User does a regular POST on tab 1.
3. User loads home.aspx via a GET request on tab 2. Tab's _repostcheckcode hidden field is "9876". Session["_repostcheckcode"] is now 9876.
4. On tab 1, user refreshes page and selects "OK" when prompted by the browser to re-POST.
5. CancelUnexpectedRePost method compares tab 1's hidden field value of 1337 to the session's 9876 value and erroneously determines that it is not a re-POST. GET redirect does not take place.

It seems like this will break in this case.
QuestionWorked for me Pin
Member 230073021-Feb-19 9:07
Member 230073021-Feb-19 9:07 
QuestionIt does not work for me Pin
Member 109731836-Sep-18 19:01
Member 109731836-Sep-18 19:01 
QuestionMy vote 5 Pin
Millone23-Jan-15 8:04
Millone23-Jan-15 8:04 
QuestionUpdate Panel Timer activation causes full repost Pin
ScotSunnergren8-Jul-14 11:01
ScotSunnergren8-Jul-14 11:01 
QuestionVote 5 Pin
Guna14319-May-14 18:35
Guna14319-May-14 18:35 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
niubay5-Sep-12 22:29
niubay5-Sep-12 22:29 
GeneralMy vote of 4 Pin
SurangiTi27-Aug-12 19:59
SurangiTi27-Aug-12 19:59 
Member 91711282-Aug-12 1:10
Member 91711282-Aug-12 1:10 
Questionprevent Re-Post action by pressing browser's Refresh Pin
Michael Chiew27-Jul-12 19:03
Michael Chiew27-Jul-12 19:03 
QuestionSuggestion Pin
Jens Meyer12-Mar-12 6:21
Jens Meyer12-Mar-12 6:21 
GeneralReason for my vote of 5 i realy needed this one , greate pos... Pin
uri bahbut8-Feb-12 1:58
professionaluri bahbut8-Feb-12 1:58 
GeneralReason for my vote of 5 i realy need that , very good one !!... Pin
uri bahbut8-Feb-12 1:55
professionaluri bahbut8-Feb-12 1:55 
GeneralReason for my vote of 2 what happens when a user has more th... Pin
enoreth5-Feb-12 4:28
enoreth5-Feb-12 4:28 
GeneralReason for my vote of 5 Good tip Pin
Adriano Buscema1-Feb-12 0:17
Adriano Buscema1-Feb-12 0:17 
GeneralReason for my vote of 5 Nice Tip Pin
ThatsAlok31-Jan-12 21:05
ThatsAlok31-Jan-12 21:05 

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