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ForEach extension on IList

4.67/5 (5 votes)
2 Oct 2011CPOL 10.8K  
Despite the existance of all that fancy lambda stuff, I would still write this the old-school way:var studentList = new List();foreach (var st in studentList) { if (st.Age == 0) st.AgeInMonths = DateTime.Now.Subtract(st.DOB).TotalDays / 30);} My solution needs ~160...
Despite the existance of all that fancy lambda stuff, I would still write this the old-school way:

var studentList = new List<student>();

foreach (var st in studentList) {
   if (st.Age == 0) st.AgeInMonths = DateTime.Now.Subtract(st.DOB).TotalDays / 30);

My "solution" needs ~160 characters versus ~174 characters in the op version (without the generic method). I also think it's easier to read for the majority of people - and that's the important point.


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