Comments and Discussions
Reason for my vote of 1
God mode? This is just a search of the Control Panel!
Reason for my vote of 1
I also was very disappointed by the title of this post. Also, I came across the 2nd alternative earlier on CP.
Reason for my vote of 1
it's funny
Reason for my vote of 1
This tip should read 'How to Search the Control Panel'; it isn't a 'God' mode, and step 1 is superfluous. The title sounded exciting but was ultimately disappointing...
The Header is "God Mode" which I thought meant ALL control panel Items, Not a certain section like "sound", "service", or "mouse". I tried your way and it took me 5 times to find what I was looking for. I found that it is much easier just entering the "a" or "e", it's alot faster.
Reason for my vote of 1
Well, this is a search box. It will find applet that contains the search string. Far better to use a word like "mouse" for search as it will returns applets related to the mouse.
By the way, even easier it to type a part of the name of the applet in the task bar search box. You could type words like "sound", "service", "mouse"... to repidlt find applet (and other shorthcuts) related to that.
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