Comments and Discussions
I started learning C++ yesterday via the best looking site I saw by googling "learn c++ online free" I downloaded Visual Studio last night, wrote my Hello World program after getting home this evening, and am essentially a total beginner. Those who rated this as 1 below for being obvious or expected knowledge aren't empathic with people such as myself who are the people who actually search for it. I came across this website purely by googling for this answer.
Next week, I expect to be modifying a C++ camera image analysis software program from measuring the width of a strip of metal passing though the field of view to detecting when that strip is coming out of an acid bath with residual rust. The intent is to automatically slow down the factory and minimise rework. To do this in my desired timeframe I want fast answers, which I have here.
Those who know such answers don't need to read them in the first place, let alone comment on their existence. Rate on the basis of content & clarity; how well does it meet the need? The answer is simple, accurate, implementable and stands the test of time: it works even when the Visual Studio package has been updated. Give credit where it is due.[^]
Reason for my vote of 5
Helped me fast. It does not need to be sophisticated entry to provide help. Thanks.
Reason for my vote of 1
This 'should be' basic knowledge for anyone writing software
Reason for my vote of 1
wtf ?
Reason for my vote of 1
That was a joke by the way. I cant believe some articles make it onto the site.
How do you save a file under a different name?
Reason for my vote of 1
OMG! Next time you tell us how to save files under a different name ;-/
or better yet where's the close button? how do you replace particular text throughout the whole document?
I'm sorry this is just an embarrassing Tip, has almost nothing to do with VS, any text editor has ctrl+g ctrl+h ctrl+c ctrl+v ctrl+x ctrl+a.
Reason for my vote of 5
Best short article of CP!!!
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