Gems are easily lost in this ocean of information. Over the years, I’ve read many articles here on CodeProject that I noted went underappreciated. As I come across such gems, I’ll put them here.
The Tip: The usefulness of an article isn’t always reflected by the rating. There are articles here on CodeProject that provide very useful insights without getting a stellar rating. So when you research a subject, take your time, and try to locate these gems.
Complex Data Binding a collection implementing IBindingList and ITypedList[^] Dan documents an important tidbit about ITypedList.GetItemProperties(PropertyDescriptor[] listAccessors)
Frans Bouma, principal developer behind LLBLGen Pro[^], has more information about this on his site:
Really complex databinding: ITypedList with weakly typed collections[^]
Applied Long-Running Active Object Pattern[^] - A thorough explanation of the Active Object Pattern, I haven't tested the code, but the author has made an impressive effort on the article. A very good description of this important pattern.
This two part series shows how to really improve the performance of serialization. A real eye opener! By leveraging the information provided by this article, you can seriously improve the performance of WCF and .NET remoting based solutions.
Your First Step to the Silverlight Voice/Video Chatting Client/Server[^], nice article on the subject.
SMS from Windows
Sending SMS using .NET[^] is a nice little article answering a question that pops up just about each day in the Q&A section.
Building Dynamic SQL In a Stored Procedure[^] is a simple tutorial on sp_executesql[^]. Knowing how to use sp_executesql
allows you to create very flexible stored procedures.
Windows Forms
Have a Great DesignTime Experience with a Powerful DesignSurface (Extended) Class[^] shows what can be achieved with a minimum effort using DesignSurface
[^], DesignSurface
enables you to create customizable user interfaces based on standard .NET mechanisms.
Windows Communication Foundation
WCF: Duplex MSMQ[^], a true gem, very useful when you have to deal with partially connected scenarios, like WiFi and mobile networks.
Windows Presentation Foundation
Executing Command Logic in a View Model[^] is a clear and focused article on commanding.
WPF Diagram Designer: Part 1[^] is one of the more interesting "under the hood" series on WPF.
Enumeration-based Command Line Utility[^] is a nice and easy to use framework for command line processing.
C++ Graphics
Paul Watts' article Guide to Image Composition with Win32 MsImg32.dll[^] is well worth reading.
I know I will find this list useful; maybe it will help others too.