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by Herre Kuijpers
Extending the standard ASP.NET GridView control to add a vertical scrollbar in the grid
by OriginalGriff
When I add a log reader, the size of the log can be huge, and get very slow to view. This makes the GridView do all the work of paging the data for you.
by Don Hoang
This post describes implementing ASP.NET Gridview using Bootstrap 4.
by Razi Syed
Easily bind a class to .NET data controls like GridView, FormView, etc., and get an updated object or list back in the code-behind effortlessly.

Latest Articles

by Telegram:@ArastoAhmadi
Tutorial to monitor database changes without using tools and by using a simpler trick
by Herre Kuijpers
Extending the standard ASP.NET GridView control to add a vertical scrollbar in the grid
by Don Hoang
This post describes implementing ASP.NET Gridview using Bootstrap 4.
by SagSD
Bootstrap pagination for gridview with CSS only

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7 Sep 2020 by Herre Kuijpers
Extending the standard ASP.NET GridView control to add a vertical scrollbar in the grid
30 Jul 2019 by Don Hoang
This post describes implementing ASP.NET Gridview using Bootstrap 4.
25 Apr 2012 by Razi Syed
Easily bind a class to .NET data controls like GridView, FormView, etc., and get an updated object or list back in the code-behind effortlessly.
21 Nov 2013 by ThatsAlok
TabHost control in MonoAndroid
14 Jul 2015 by ASP.NET Community
Learn how to extend your ASP.NET AJAX applications using the ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit. ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit: Installation and getting
13 Jul 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
A simple demo that explains how to do calculations in a GridView using JavaScript.
17 Dec 2012 by AshishChaudha
There are many scenarios in which the data can be bound in a Gridview, in which various operation other than provided by default by gridview needs to be implemented. In this article we will try to bind such operations with some more features.
6 Sep 2013 by JayJanarthanan
View a twitter feed in the Windows 8 UI grid - the fast way
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The GridView control was introduced with ASP.NET 2.0 and Visual Studio 2005 as a replacement for the DataGrid control.  While it has many
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
The question regarding how to check/uncheck CheckBoxes within a GridView control using JavaScript has been asked many times. Here is a quick
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Check out the Feature Specifications for Visual Studio 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5. These older documents give you an insight into what features made
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
GridView UtilitiesThe GetColumnIndexByHeaderText method shown below finds the column index inside a GridView control by passing to it a GridView
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
This article will show you how to deal with GridView control when you bind it from code behind and without using the DataSource Model.If
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
In this article I will sharing how to bind with GridView control with Database and without database using Data Table.Bind GridView with DatabaseI
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
RowSpan and ColSpan can be used in HTML design if merging of columns or rows is needed within a table.RowSpan can easily implemented in ASP.NET
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
In this article I am posting code about swapping GridView rows Up and Down using DataTables.Here is Aspx Code    
8 Oct 2015 by Irina Pykhova
This article describes the implementation of an extended GridView control for the Universal Windows Platform (UWP).
26 Aug 2018 by WyoMetz
Simple and easy paging of a WPF DataGrid with DataTable and LINQ queries
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Gridview control is a customizable and flexible control used to displaydata in tabular format. It has some nice features. But lacks of someclient
14 Sep 2011 by Abhijit Jana, Abhinav S
Frequently asked questions on ASP.NET GridView at CodeProject Question Answer forums.
12 Dec 2013 by Nirosh
Architecting a Windows Forms based system on top of a framework. This will help you develop a form based application faster.
5 Jun 2013 by Rajat Bittharia
Grid based on JSON data using MVC with Entity Framework and MySQL.
2 Apr 2014 by Anand Gunasekaran
Working with text file as database can querying as RDBMS with SQL Queries.
28 Apr 2014 by Declan Bright
A technique which ensures that an ASP.NET GridView displays nicely on small screen devices.
18 Jul 2014 by Alexander Batishchev
How to create a sorting expression from GridViewSortEventArgs using LINQ Expression Tree.
5 May 2011 by Sunasara Imdadhusen
Gets or sets the text to display in the empty data row rendered when a GridView control is bound to a data source that does not contain any records
5 Feb 2011 by RameshSengamalai
DataGrid in WPF using SQL Server Compact 3.5 Sp1
29 Aug 2017 by Ashwini Verma
Gridview in ASP.NET MVC
22 Aug 2014 by Anurag Gandhi
A custom GridView control which provides you an additional facility to group the data in gridview along with the facility to customise the Group Header and Group Footer
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Today i'm going to show you how to select all records in a gridview from one checkbox which located in gridview header.First set gridview like below
25 Aug 2014 by Anurag Gandhi
A simplified approach to group gridview data in ASP.NET MVC
20 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
Things to be taken care by developers while writing code or designing different layersPresentation Layer:Choose your UI elements
11 Oct 2013 by ASP.NET Community
ConceptWith the rise of ASP.NET 2.0 AJAX Extensions 1.0, developers were fascinated by the great AJAX Server controls, but they missed that some of
5 Sep 2010 by Ravi Karia
This article explains how to display large amount of data and implement search functionality in GridView in ASP.NET 3.5
8 Jul 2016 by AshishChaudha
Gridview that facilitates addition and removal of rows dynamically at run time
21 Nov 2013 by ThatsAlok
Demonstration of Android::GridView
18 Jan 2014 by John Bhatt
Let's learn how to make a scrollable GridView and Fix headers with simple steps.
26 Jun 2012 by tanweer
Easy way to implement ASP.NET GridView paging .
15 May 2014 by rhawk4
A component replacement for the standard GridView that adds filters to the header and does not require code changes on your page.
18 Oct 2010 by Gagey1971
A simple .NET control to display the 'standard' 13x13 grid for two card poker hands.
2 Dec 2013 by Gerald Gomes
Starting modular application development using Prism, WPF, and Unity container.
11 Oct 2011 by Rupesh Kumar Tiwari
GridviewFix is a helper jQuery plugin that solves the compatibility problem in between .NET Gridview and dataTable plugin.
20 Sep 2010 by raju melveetilpurayil
Delete Data in GridView Using Template Button
9 Jun 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
This article demonstrates how to implement a horizontal-wise cascading DropDownlist in ASP.NET GridView control on edit mode.
5 Jul 2016 by Vincent Maverick Durano
A simple demo on how to dynamically add rows in GridView with TextBox and DropDownList, retain the values on postbacks and save all row values at once using SQLBulkCopy.
7 Apr 2010 by Indrajeet Sutar
This article contains Custom Gridview Control with added features like Custom Pager Navigation Controls, custom Page Size with Drop Down List, Check Box Column, Serial Number Column
3 Jul 2010 by Stas Wolski
This tutorial shows how to display editable datagrid in Ruby on Rails environment with the help of dhtmlxGrid.
20 Aug 2017 by John Bhatt
How to set pagesize of your gridview at runtime? Let your user decide the how many records they want to see in a GridView screen.
23 Feb 2012 by User 7592706
Sometimes you have to save the content of a ListView to the user's filesystem. That's very easy to manage with the XmlText-Writer and Reader from the .Net Framework 2.0.
17 Feb 2016 by Aqeeel
Though GridView provides a way to implement paging however when the record count in very big we need to optimize it at the query level.
7 Dec 2014 by Shawn Lawsure
A usable suite of JavaScript UI controls written with TypeScript.