by raddevus
Steps for building a device you can add to your existing garage door, which implements an atmega328, bluetooth (hc-05) and relay module which will allow you to open your garage door from any paired Android device.
by Intel
This article covers and expands upon the material from the Hands-on Lab Intel® Internet of Things (IoT) Developer Kit SFTL005 presented at the Intel® Developer Forum 2015
by deangi
A Bluetooth LE scanner gathers data on a schedule from one or more BLE servers and forwards it to WiFi.
by Intel
Connecting the Intel® Edison board to your Android Phone with Serial Port Profile (SPP)
by deangi
A Bluetooth LE scanner gathers data on a schedule from one or more BLE servers and forwards it to WiFi.
by deangi
An ESP32 with a temperature/humidity sensor are configured as a bluetooth low energy server to provide remote monitoring
by Minh Danh Nguyen (ToughDev)
Dual-system Bluetooth keyboard setup: Seamless pairing with Windows 11 and Ubuntu 22
by André Marcos (Advisor), Gabriel Trepak, Vinícius Barauna Santana
Automating the Residential Lighting Activation Process Using Arduino