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Integrating the Intel(R) C++ Compiler for Android with multiple Android NDKs

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1 Jun 2015CPOL1 min read 7.7K   3  
Integrating the Intel(R) C++ Compiler for Android with multiple Android NDKs

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The Intel(R) C++ Compiler for Android* supports multiple Android NDKs usually (please check the product release notes for details).

The Intel C++ Compiler is integrated into one Android NDK specified during installation just like before. If there are multiple Android NDK installed, the script tool below coming with Intel C++ Compiler for Android can be used for integrating to additional Android NDK:

  • [icc-install-dir]/toolchains/ on Linux* or OS X*
  • [icc-install-dir]\toolchains\ndk_integration.cmd on Windows*
    For example, if you are using Intel(R) INDE product, default [icc-install-dir] will be C:\Intel\INDE\icc_android on Windows.

To integrate the Intel C++ Compiler for Android to a different Android NDK, follow the steps below:

  1. Assume that:
    • Intel C++ Compiler for Android is installed to [icc-install-dir]
    • The additional Android NDK is installed to [new-ndk-dir]
  2. On Linux* or OS X*:
    • Open a terminal window
    • cd [icc-install-dir]/toolchains/
    • ./ [new-ndk-dir]
    After running above commands, the Intel C++ compiler toolchain should be installed to [new-ndk-dir]/toolchains/x86-icc. "x86-icc" will be available in the ndk build environment.
  3. On Windows*:
    • Open a command window
    • cd [icc-install-dir]\toolchains\
    • .\ndk_integration.cmd [new-ndk-dir]

    After running above commands, the Intel C++ compiler toolchain “x86-icc” will be available in the ndk build environment.should be installed to [new-ndk-dir]\toolchains\x86-icc. "x86-icc" will be available in the ndk build environment.

This sample applies to:
Products: Intel® INDE; Intel® System Studio
Host OS: Windows (IA-32, Intel® 64); OS X*; Linux*
Target OS: Android*


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