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When are we gonna learn?

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22 May 2015CPOL17 min read 4K   2  
As you gain expertise you begin to realize how little you actually know and understand. I have found this to be true of most skills. It’s easy to fall into the trap where you believe that you continue to grow your expertise each year, and thus have less and less to learn.

As you gain expertise you begin to realize how little you actually know and understand. I have found this to be true of most skills. It’s easy to fall into the trap where you believe that you continue to grow your expertise each year, and thus have less and less to learn. Read on and I will demonstrate what I mean.

Books are statically-typed

(With the exception of e-books)

Books are fixed once they’re typeset and sent off to the publisher for printing. When you acquire one of these tomes, you hold a collection of thoughts, ideas, and discoveries taken as a snap-shot in time. On the other hand, the Internet is the present, continually moving towards the future. News stories are updated in real-time. Ideas, typos, and corrections are updated instantly.

We are producing more content than we can consume. Any idiot with access to the Internet (I am one of them) can publish their own thoughts on a blog. Some of us are less ignorant than others. Some blogs, news articles, tutorials or even YouTube videos are informative and worth consuming if you want to improve your craft.

Keeping Current

I like to try to keep current. I am amazed by all of the technologies or ideas that I learn about, that I thought were fairly new, but it turns out they are 15 years old now. It also amazes me when I have discussions with colleagues and some of the information and technologies I have known about for years seem brand-new to them.

A brief digression to pique your curiosity

Something that is similar, but actually a bit off-topic is learning that one of your favorite bands songs is actually a cover of another bands song. The previous bands work may have existed for two years or twenty years before the cover song was recorded by the other band. Yet, you were unaware that the previous song existed. Here are a few examples:

  • Alabama Song (Whiskey Bar) by Kurt Weill (1930);
        covered by Doors (1967)
  • Knockin’ On Heavens Door by Bob Dylan (1973);
        covered by Guns N’ Roses (1991)
  • Jolene by Dolly Parton (1974);
        covered by The White Stripes (2004)
  • School Day by Chuck Berry (1957);
        covered by AC/DC (1975)
  • Sweet Dreams by Eurythmics (1983);
        covered by Marilyn Manson (1995)
  • Tainted Love/ by Gloria Jones (1964);
        by Soft Cell (1981)

  • … And one of my favorites:
  • Hurt by Nine Inch Nails (1994);
        covered by Johnny Cash (2003)

Time to learn

There is great content on the Internet. Social networks like Twitter help bring some of these gems into the spot-light, albeit for a very short time. However, the resources do exist.

Here’s where I shock myself (metaphorically, I’m a Watt, I’m well grounded); after almost two decades of experience I have recognized many patterns of behavior, implementation techniques and development processes that seem to be more successful than others. I may still be trying to summarize and articulate my abstract conclusion, and I read a book, and discover the author is describing the exact conclusion that I had reached! Only I hadn’t yet been able to put my thought into words.

This is crazy, let’s check the printing date of these books:

  • Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software by Gamma, Helm, Johnson, Vlissides (1995)
  • The C++ Programming Language (Special Edition) by Bjarne Stroustrup (2000)
  • The Mythical Man Month by Fred Brooks (1975)!

What’s so special about these books?

The Stroustrup’s C++ and the Gang of Four book’s both have some extremely insightful chapter’s. They summarize a number of conclusions that I have either reached on my own, or that I did not have enough context to properly absorb if I happened to read them the first time. The Mythical Man Month is a collection of essays on software development, in which the wisdom has proven to be timeless.

Let me give a brief overview of the valuable insights that are documented in these books. These are concepts that if they were taught to me in college, I simply do no remember. My best guess is that I didn’t have enough context to relate all of the practical advice that is given especially compared to the overwhelming majority of theory that is taught at universities.

Fast forward one decade… Yes I started to recognize some of these patterns, and I picked up new books to read; yet these three books stand out. I am surprised that the information in these books are not better internalized and practiced in our industry. I know that I trade would be much better off if everyone understood these concepts. This information is not only for software developers, but software project managers and anyone that is involved in making decisions during a development project.

Design Patterns (The Gang of Four)

The most insightful chapter in this book is, Chapter 1. How could I miss that?

Here’s how. If you are like me, you cracked open the book, saw the nicely drawn diagrams, well organized descriptions for each of the 23 design patterns described in the book, and simply skimmed through the patterns when searching for a clean solution.

It’s also very likely that you started reading Chapter 1, saw that the first five sections were primarily bullet-point lists of patterns, a few diagrams. Each of these first five sections are very brief. The section 1.6 starts, and it is dense with text. Very few diagrams, or bullet-point lists, just a lot of text.

So you skipped to the next chapter and started learning about A Case Study: Designing a Document Editor. Scratch that, after looking at the first few pages, you skipped chapter two as well and moved on to the next section entirely, The Design Pattern Catalog. Finally, in chapter 3 you start learning about the creational patterns.

If you did read all of chapter 1, and absorbed every iota of valuable wisdom, you can skip to the next book, but be sure to read the summary. For the rest of us, unless you had any amount of experience with object-oriented software development when you read this chapter, the majority of the value did not have a chance to sink in.

Here is what you may have missed, and why it is worth your time to revisit these few sections of Chapter 1 in the Gang of Four’s Design Patterns.

Section 1.6: How design patterns solve problems

The first few pages of this section describe how design patterns will help you solve problems. If you have done even a small amount of object-oriented development this material will seem obvious to you, and you have that urge to skim and skip. Don’t do it!

About five or so pages into this section, pg. 16 on my copy, there is a section titled Class versus Interface Inheritance. This is where the good stuff begins. The authors make a distinction between inheriting from a class to reuse existing functionality and inheriting from an interface to become compatible with an existing implementation. While both can facilitate polymorphism, inheriting from an interface is more likely to produce code that is truly polymorphic.

With regards to C++, public inheritance is the equivalent of inheriting from an interface. However, the lines are blurred, because if you’re actually inheriting from a class publically then you get both benefits, code reuse and polymorphic compatibility. The trouble begins when you begin to override the functions of the base class and alter the meaning of the interface. This breaks the concept described in Liskov’s Substitutability Principle (LSP).

Public Inheritance leads to a subtype

LSP helps guide you to a solution that allows you to easily replace a base-class instance, with any of its derived instances, and no special processing is required. This is the ultimate goal of polymorphism. When it is achieved, the payoff is enormous; it takes the form of elegant solutions that require very little code. If you adhere to LSP when you created a derived class, you are creating a subtype of the base class.

Robust and elegant polymorphism depends on creating proper subtypes. It is only possible to create a subtype of a base class when your derivation is public. The should be an immediate clue to know how to proceed. When you use protected or private derivation, you are only using deriving for the benefits of code reuse from the base class.

Taken to the extreme, this means it is a good practice to public derive from abstract base classes, classes in which every virtual function is declared pure virtual. This has the downside that you lose the benefit of immediate code reuse through derivation. However, your intention is all that more clear that you intend for this new class to be a subtype of the base class.

This section has much more to offer. It continues to discuss how to put the various reuse mechanisms to work; recommends choosing composition over inheritance, and even mentions inheritance versus parameterized types (generic programming). I recommend that you revisit this chapter, especially this section at least once a year.

As for the other two sections, 1.7 and 1.8, they briefly describe how to select then use a design pattern. These are brief and worth reviewing as well. Remember, a design pattern is simply that, a pattern. They are less effective if they are used as pre-written solutions expected to be dropped into place and used.

Software Design Patterns are not the solution to your problem. Rather, they provide guidance on how to create a robust solution. It’s important to remember that.

The C++ Programming Language (Special Edition)

That’s right! The special edition version is very important. This is the only version of the book that I am aware of that contains the three chapters that eloquently and succinctly summarize how to improve your software design, development and project management skills.

Part IV: Design Using C++

There are three chapters in this section. They start from a high-level, and each chapter moves its focus to topics that are more closely related to code, specifically C++:

  • 23. Development and Design
  • 24. Design and Programming
  • 25. Roles of Classes

Every time I return to these chapters, I need to pick up a new color of highlighter because I latch on to something that I missed in all of the previous times that I read these chapters. I am certain that eventually every word will be highlighted as I continue to return and read them.


It is also helpful to lend out your copy and allow others to highlight sections that they find salient.

Other's highlighted

Scott Meyers Effective C++ is one of my most valued books on my shelf. I would dare say that when these three chapters are considered alone, they would be the most valuable collection of pages regarding software development that I would refer others towards. Thank you Dr. Stroustrup.

There is too much information for me to even attempt to scratch the surface. Overall, there is only about 100 pages total. I will however indicate some of the important concepts that Dr. Stroustrup gave words to things I had been thinking for years, but did not know how to organize them so succinctly. Chapter 23 is by far the most abstract, yet valuable content if this section.

Chapter 23: Development and Design

This chapter is a collection of observations of software development for organizations and individuals. One of the most important concepts to help guide any designer and developer is, “to be clear about what you are trying to build.” So many projects fail because they never establish that goal. There is no cookbook, or as, Fred Brooks, states silver bullet to replace intelligence and experience for design and development. Iteration is important in software development, especially experimentation and prototyping.

This chapter is what inspired a previous blog entry that I wrote Software Maintenance is a Myth[^]. Software does not fall apart or need regular maintenance to stay in good working order. Every time you make a change to a functional piece of software, you are performing a mini-engineering and development cycle.

There are brief discussions on the use of models, experimentation, the reuse of code, testing, and efficiency. Best of all, there are a few comments regarding project management. My favorite statement of all; it is added as an annotation at the bottom:

An organization that treats its programmers as morons will soon have programmers that are willing and able to act like morons only.

section 23.5 Management
I smile every time I think of that comment; I shake my head; then I go back to acting like a moron.

There is one last priceless piece of advice and direction from this chapter for anyone that is interested in improving their organization. I cannot paraphrase it, or state it any better that the words directly from the book:

Where innovation is needed, senior technical people, analysts, designers, programmers, etc., have a critical and difficult role to play in the introduction of new techniques. These are the people who must learn new techniques and in many cases unlearn old habits. This is not easy. These individuals have typically made great professional investments in the old ways of doing things and rely on successes achieved using these ways of operating for their technical reputation. So do many technical managers.

section 23.5.3 Individuals

The thought continues to emphasize the importance of communication. Communicate to both alleviate the fear of change, to avoid underestimating the problems that exist by sticking with the old ways, as well as not over-estimating the benefits of the proposed new ways.

Chapter 24: Design and Programming

Chapter 24: Roles of Classes

There is not much that I can really add that will be revolutionary for chapters 24 and 25, except that they are brief overviews of C++ and how to begin applying the concepts that are presented earlier in the book. Regardless of the number of other sources that you have read to learn and understand object-oriented development, I am almost certain you will find something new to add to your wisdom and experience.

The Mythical Man Month

This book is a collection of essays on software engineering. Some of the essays are based on case studies, such as Mr. Brooks experience at IBM as he took over the development of the OS/360. Other essays are based on observations and conclusions related to personal experience or studies performed by others.

Your obligation

If you have not read the Mythical Man Month you owe it to yourself, and the rest of us to read it. Just multiply all of the monetary values by $8.00 to account for the total inflation rate from 1960 to 2014 of 700%. With those adjustments, it will feel like you are reading a book that was printed just last year (for the first time at least).

Brook’s Law

Brook’s Law:

“Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later”

Brook’s Law originates from the chapter with the same title as the book, The Mythical Man Month. The rationale behind the concept is that time that the trained engineers currently producing on the project, must stop and focus efforts on training the new engineers to be productive. It is also important to consider the number of sequential versus independent tasks for the creation of a product schedule. Sequential tasks inherently limit the speed of the schedule based on previous dependencies.

An Enormous Source of Wisdom

This book contains many ideas, analogies, observations, conclusions and empirical evidence to help educate a software professional to become better in their craft. Conceptual Integrity in the design architecture is a common theme repeated throughout the book. Brooks describes the concept of a development team that is structured and as effective as a medical surgical team. The essay No Silver Bullet discusses how no project will duplicate the exact same circumstances of previously successful projects. Therefore you must always be willing to adjust and adapt to the differences if you are to succeed.

There are also commentaries on the “Second System Effect", in which you build one to throw it away. In the 20th anniversary edition of the book, Brooks re-evaluates the topics and his ideas from 20 years earlier, and states that quicker feedback loops are a better solution. This means smaller development cycles, and continually feedback through testing and integration while the system is still under construction. Ideas very similar to agile thinking.

I think most importantly, Brooks continues to underscore how important effective communication is between the management, technical leadership, software developers and every other role in the project. Communication relates to another well-known law:

Conway’s Law:

organizations which design systems … are constrained to produce designs which are copies of the communication structures of these organizations.
–Melvin Conway

It appears that this statement was dubbed in 1968 at the National Symposium on Modular Programming, the same conference in which Larry Constantine introduced the concept of Coupling and Cohesion[^].

… And now to the point

I read and hear over and over, “There has got to be a better way of doing things, and here it is…". I have read quite frequently that Computer Science and Software Engineering are in their infancies compared to other engineering disciplines. Every now and then Software Engineering is proclaimed to not even be an engineering discipline, it is an art or a craft; anything but science. I don’t want to defend or dispute any of these claims.

What I really want to say:


We continue to repeat the same mistakes that we were making 50 years ago. To add insult to injury, it is costing companies more money, and there are many more of us making these exact same mistakes. In fact, labor statistics forecast there are a shortage of software professionals; companies need more of us to repeat these mistakes and waste their money.

Software is a profession where a little bit of knowledge, even less experience, and absolutely no wisdom can be dangerous; probably any mixture of those three qualities. It seems that we spend entirely too much time inventing the Next Big Technology and less time learning sound practices and skills. Some programmer, or company thinks that the existing programming languages are the problems, “Things would be better if we left out this feature, but added this feature, and then slap some lipstick on it along with a snazzy name.”

I am not a civil engineer, but even in my studies of computer science we were taught the lesson of the Tacoma Narrows bridge. I would imagine that civil engineers perform an even deeper case study of that engineering anomaly as well as others. Possibly even perform experiments and study other projects that were both successful and unsuccessful.

Much of the knowledge and wisdom imparted by these resources are wasted if the reader does not have enough experience to associate context for these concepts that are being described. That is why I suggest you revisit the books in your personal and corporate libraries. Keep track of authors of blogs that you find valuable, even if all of their content doesn’t seem to apply to you. You may happen to revisit an entry in the future that you are ready to absorb because you have new experiences that apply.


Basically, I’m frustrated for two reasons, 1) I had to stumble upon this information many years too late, 2) I may have actually been presented with this information earlier in my career and I was not mature or wise enough to recognize its value.

For those of you that I said it was probably ok to skip to the summary, please do a better job of spreading this knowledge around. Work at becoming a mentor. If you don’t like mentoring, I know, sometimes it can be frustrating, point out the info to the engineer that does enjoy mentoring. The surprise to me in all of this is that I stumbled upon this nuggets of knowledge even though some of them had been in my library for at least a decade. It was not until I had enough experience and was ready to absorb this wisdom, or even had some context with which to associate the advice.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
United States United States
I am a software architect and I have been developing software for nearly two decades. Over the years I have learned to value maintainable solutions first. This has allowed me to adapt my projects to meet the challenges that inevitably appear during development. I use the most beneficial short-term achievements to drive the software I develop towards a long-term vision.

C++ is my strongest language. However, I have also used x86 ASM, ARM ASM, C, C#, JAVA, Python, and JavaScript to solve programming problems. I have worked in a variety of industries throughout my career, which include:
• Manufacturing
• Consumer Products
• Virtualization
• Computer Infrastructure Management
• DoD Contracting

My experience spans these hardware types and operating systems:
• Desktop
o Windows (Full-stack: GUI, Application, Service, Kernel Driver)
o Linux (Application, Daemon)
• Mobile Devices
o Windows CE / Windows Phone
o Linux
• Embedded Devices
o VxWorks (RTOS)
o Greenhills Linux
o Embedded Windows XP

I am a Mentor and frequent contributor to with tutorial articles that teach others about the inner workings of the Windows APIs.

I am the creator of an open source project on GitHub called Alchemy[^], which is an open-source compile-time data serialization library.

I maintain my own repository and blog at[^], because code maintenance does not have to be a living hell.

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