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SQL Database Editor

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An article on a SQL database editor.

Sample Image - SQLEditor.gif


I wrote this little application as a favor to a friend, mostly to start the migration process from VB6 to .NET. It turned out to be quite a learning experience.


What do you do when you need to edit the data in a SQL Server database, and you don't have Enterprise Manager handy? That's the problem I had with the last application I wrote. And then one day, a friend asked me if I'd be able to write something like that. So I did, and I thought other programmers could use it too, so I'm posting the binaries as well as the source.

I found using ADO.NET, as opposed to ADO, a breeze. It's so easy to do things in .NET that couldn't be done in VB6. That's until I tried to use the CommandBuilder class on tables with no Primary keys. It turns out that the CommandBuilder class works only on tables with Primary keys defined. So, I wrote three functions to build the Insert, Update and Delete commands for tables with no Primary keys defined. Now, I'm no SQL guru, but up until now, I've had no problems with it. I must point out though that these functions work only on tables. You have to pass the name of a legitimate SQL table to the function, which will then return the SQL command string to insert, update or delete items from/to the table.

Using the code

As a courtesy to the folks who don't want to read through all the code in the app, here are the three functions, with their helper functions:

Private Sub BuildInsertCommand(ByRef dataAdapter As _
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter, _
ByVal tableName As String)
   Dim t_dt As DataTable = _
     GetTableColumnInfo(dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection, _
   Dim dv As New DataView(t_dt)
   Dim cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
   Dim dt As New DataTable
   Dim dca() As DataColumn
   Dim dc As DataColumn

   Dim sFilterFieldnames() As String
   Dim sParamNames() As String
   Dim sSQL As String
   Dim sTmp As String

   Dim sSQLDataType As String
   Dim lPrecision As Byte
   Dim lSize As Integer
   Dim lScale As Byte

   'Get the schema for the table to be read.
   dataAdapter.FillSchema(dt, SchemaType.Source)
   ReDim sFilterFieldnames(dt.Columns.Count - 1)
   ReDim sParamNames(dt.Columns.Count - 1)

   For Each dc In dt.Columns
      'Read & save the column names
      sFilterFieldnames(dc.Ordinal) = dc.ColumnName
      'Read the column names and generate parameter names.
      sParamNames(dc.Ordinal) = "@" + _
        RemoveIllegalChars(dc.ColumnName, m_RemoveChars)
   'Clean up
   dca = dt.PrimaryKey()

   'Insert Command ***********************************
   sSQL = "INSERT INTO [" + tableName + "] ("
   '   Fields
   For i As Integer = sFilterFieldnames.GetLowerBound(0) _
                    To sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0)
      sSQL = sSQL & "[" & sFilterFieldnames(i) & "]"
      If i <> sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0) Then
         sSQL = sSQL + ", "
         sSQL = sSQL + ")"
      End If
   '   Parameters
   sSQL = sSQL + " VALUES ("
   For i As Integer = sParamNames.GetLowerBound(0) _
                         To sParamNames.GetUpperBound(0)
      sSQL = sSQL + sParamNames(i)
      If i <> sParamNames.GetUpperBound(0) Then
         sSQL = sSQL + ", "
         sSQL = sSQL + "); "
      End If
   '   Do a SELECT again
   sSQL = sSQL + "SELECT "
   For i As Integer = sFilterFieldnames.GetLowerBound(0) To _
      sSQL = sSQL + "[" + sFilterFieldnames(i) + "]"
      If i <> sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0) Then
         sSQL = sSQL + ", "
      End If
   sSQL = sSQL + " FROM [" + tableName + "] WHERE ("
   '   WHERE Clause
   If dca.GetLength(0) > 0 Then
      'If the table contains a primary key, use that to find the record.
      For i As Integer = dca.GetLowerBound(0) To dca.GetUpperBound(0)
         dv.RowFilter = "COLUMN_NAME = '" & dca(i).ColumnName & "'"
         sSQLDataType = dv(0)("TYPE_NAME").ToString()

         If sSQLDataType.Equals("text") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("ntext") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("image") Then

            sTmp = "[" + dca(i).ColumnName + "] LIKE @" + _
                   RemoveIllegalChars(dca(i).ColumnName, _
            sTmp = "[" + dca(i).ColumnName + "] = @" + _
                   RemoveIllegalChars(dca(i).ColumnName, _
         End If

         If dca.GetLength(0) > 1 Then
            sSQL = sSQL + "(" + sTmp + ")"
            sSQL = sSQL + sTmp
         End If
         If i <> dca.GetUpperBound(0) Then sSQL = sSQL + " AND "
      'otherwise use a combination of the fields.
      For i As Integer = sFilterFieldnames.GetLowerBound(0) _
                         To sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0)
         dv.RowFilter = "COLUMN_NAME = '" & sFilterFieldnames(i) & "'"
         sSQLDataType = dv(0)("TYPE_NAME").ToString()

         If sSQLDataType.Equals("text") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("ntext") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("image") Then

            sTmp = "[" + sFilterFieldnames(i) + "] LIKE " + sParamNames(i)
            sTmp = "[" + sFilterFieldnames(i) + "] = " + sParamNames(i)
         End If

         If sFilterFieldnames.GetLength(0) > 1 Then
            sSQL = sSQL + "(" + sTmp + ")"
            sSQL = sSQL + sTmp
         End If
         If i <> sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0) Then
            sSQL = sSQL + " AND "
   End If
   sSQL = sSQL + ")"

   'Create a new command object
   cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(sSQL)
   'Set it's connection from the Select cammand in the DataAdapter
   cmd.Connection = dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection()

   '   Add Parameters
   For i As Integer = sFilterFieldnames.GetLowerBound(0) _
                      To sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0)
      dv.RowFilter = "COLUMN_NAME = '" & sFilterFieldnames(i) & "'"
      sSQLDataType = dv(0)("TYPE_NAME").ToString()
         lPrecision = CType(dv(0)("PRECISION").ToString, Byte)
      Catch ex As Exception
         lPrecision = 38
      End Try
      If lPrecision > 38 Then lPrecision = 38
      lSize = CType(dv(0)("LENGTH").ToString, Integer)
      lScale = CType(IIf(dv(0)("SCALE").ToString.Equals(""), 0, _
                                   dv(0)("SCALE").ToString), Byte)

      cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter(sParamNames(i), _
                             GetSQLType(sSQLDataType), _
                             lSize, _
                             ParameterDirection.Input, _
                             dt.Columns(sFilterFieldnames(i)).AllowDBNull, _
                             lPrecision, _
                             lScale, _
                             sFilterFieldnames(i), _
                             DataRowVersion.Current, _
   'Clean up

   'Set the command object
   dataAdapter.InsertCommand = cmd
End Sub
Private Sub BuildUpdateCommand(ByRef dataAdapter As _
       System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter, _
       ByVal tableName As String)
   Dim t_dt As DataTable = _
     GetTableColumnInfo(dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection, tableName)
   Dim dv As New DataView(t_dt)
   Dim cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
   Dim dt As New DataTable
   Dim dca() As DataColumn
   Dim dc As DataColumn

   Dim sFilterFieldnames() As String
   Dim sParamNames() As String
   Dim sOrigParamNames() As String
   Dim sSQL As String
   Dim sTmp As String

   Dim sSQLDataType As String
   Dim lPrecision As Byte
   Dim lSize As Integer
   Dim lScale As Byte

   'Get the schema for the table to be read.
   dataAdapter.FillSchema(dt, SchemaType.Source)
   ReDim sFilterFieldnames(dt.Columns.Count - 1)
   ReDim sParamNames(dt.Columns.Count - 1)
   ReDim sOrigParamNames(dt.Columns.Count - 1)

   For Each dc In dt.Columns
      'Read & save the column names
      sFilterFieldnames(dc.Ordinal) = dc.ColumnName
      'Read the column names and generate parameter names.
      sParamNames(dc.Ordinal) = "@" + _
          RemoveIllegalChars(dc.ColumnName, m_RemoveChars)
      'Read the column names and generate Original parameter names.
      sOrigParamNames(dc.Ordinal) = "@Original_" + _
          RemoveIllegalChars(dc.ColumnName, m_RemoveChars)
   'Clean up
   dca = dt.PrimaryKey()

   'Update Command ***********************************
   sSQL = "UPDATE [" & tableName & "] SET "
   '   Fields
   For i As Integer = sFilterFieldnames.GetLowerBound(0) _
                      To sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0)
      sSQL = sSQL + "[" + sFilterFieldnames(i) + "] = " + sParamNames(i)
      If i <> sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0) Then
         sSQL = sSQL + ", "
         sSQL = sSQL + " "
      End If
   '   Parameters
   sSQL = sSQL + " WHERE "
   If dca.GetLength(0) > 0 Then
      'If the table contains a primary key, use that to find the record.
      For i As Integer = dca.GetLowerBound(0) To dca.GetUpperBound(0)
         sTmp = "[" + dca(i).ColumnName + "]"

         dv.RowFilter = "COLUMN_NAME = '" & dca(i).ColumnName & "'"
         sSQLDataType = dv(0)("TYPE_NAME").ToString()

         If sSQLDataType.Equals("text") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("ntext") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("image") Then

            sSQL = sSQL + "(" + sTmp + " LIKE @Original_" + _
                   RemoveIllegalChars(dca(i).ColumnName, _
            sSQL = sSQL + "(" + sTmp + " = @Original_" + _
                   RemoveIllegalChars(dca(i).ColumnName, m_RemoveChars)
         End If

         If i <> dca.GetUpperBound(0) Then
            sSQL = sSQL + " AND "
            sSQL = sSQL + "; "
         End If
      'otherwise use a combination of the fields.
      For i As Integer = sFilterFieldnames.GetLowerBound(0) To _
         sTmp = "[" + sFilterFieldnames(i) + "]"

         dv.RowFilter = "COLUMN_NAME = '" & sFilterFieldnames(i) & "'"
         sSQLDataType = dv(0)("TYPE_NAME").ToString()

         If sSQLDataType.Equals("text") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("ntext") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("image") Then

            If dt.Columns(sFilterFieldnames(i)).AllowDBNull Then
               sSQL = sSQL + "((" + sTmp + " LIKE " + _
                      sOrigParamNames(i) + ") OR _
                      (" + sTmp + " IS NULL AND " + _
                      sOrigParamNames(i) + " IS NULL))"
               sSQL = sSQL + "(" + sTmp + " LIKE " + _
                              sOrigParamNames(i) + ")"
            End If
            If dt.Columns(sFilterFieldnames(i)).AllowDBNull Then
               sSQL = sSQL + "((" + sTmp + " = " + _
                      sOrigParamNames(i) + ") OR _
                      (" + sTmp + " IS NULL AND " + _
                      sOrigParamNames(i) + " IS NULL))"
               sSQL = sSQL + "(" + sTmp + " = " + sOrigParamNames(i) + ")"
            End If
         End If

         If i <> sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0) Then
            sSQL = sSQL + " AND "
            sSQL = sSQL + "; "
         End If
   End If
   '   Do a SELECT again
   sSQL = sSQL + "SELECT "
   For i As Integer = sFilterFieldnames.GetLowerBound(0) To _
      sSQL = sSQL + "[" + sFilterFieldnames(i) + "]"
      If i <> sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0) Then
         sSQL = sSQL + ", "
      End If
   sSQL = sSQL + " FROM [" + tableName + "] WHERE ("
   '   WHERE Clause
   If dca.GetLength(0) > 0 Then
      'If the table contains a primary key, use that to find the record.
      For i As Integer = dca.GetLowerBound(0) To dca.GetUpperBound(0)
         dv.RowFilter = "COLUMN_NAME = '" & dca(i).ColumnName & "'"
         sSQLDataType = dv(0)("TYPE_NAME").ToString()

         If sSQLDataType.Equals("text") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("ntext") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("image") Then

            sTmp = "[" + dca(i).ColumnName + "] LIKE @" + _
                   RemoveIllegalChars(dca(i).ColumnName, _
            sTmp = "[" + dca(i).ColumnName + "] = @" + _
                   RemoveIllegalChars(dca(i).ColumnName, m_RemoveChars)
         End If

         If dca.GetLength(0) > 1 Then
            sSQL = sSQL + "(" + sTmp + ")"
            sSQL = sSQL + sTmp
         End If
         If i <> dca.GetUpperBound(0) Then sSQL = sSQL + " AND "
      'otherwise use a combination of the fields.
      For i As Integer = sFilterFieldnames.GetLowerBound(0) To _
         dv.RowFilter = "COLUMN_NAME = '" & sFilterFieldnames(i) & "'"
         sSQLDataType = dv(0)("TYPE_NAME").ToString()

         If sSQLDataType.Equals("text") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("ntext") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("image") Then

            sTmp = "[" + sFilterFieldnames(i) + "] LIKE " + sParamNames(i)
            sTmp = "[" + sFilterFieldnames(i) + "] = " + sParamNames(i)
         End If

         If sFilterFieldnames.GetLength(0) > 1 Then
            sSQL = sSQL + "(" + sTmp + ")"
            sSQL = sSQL + sTmp
         End If
         If i <> sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0) Then
            sSQL = sSQL + " AND "
   End If
   sSQL = sSQL + ")"

   'Create a new command object
   cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(sSQL)
   'Set it's connection from the Select cammand in the DataAdapter
   cmd.Connection = dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection()

   '   Add Parameters
   For i As Integer = sFilterFieldnames.GetLowerBound(0) To _
      dv.RowFilter = "COLUMN_NAME = '" & sFilterFieldnames(i) & "'"
      sSQLDataType = dv(0)("TYPE_NAME").ToString()
         lPrecision = CType(dv(0)("PRECISION").ToString, Byte)
      Catch ex As Exception
         lPrecision = 38
      End Try
      If lPrecision > 38 Then lPrecision = 38
      lSize = CType(dv(0)("LENGTH").ToString, Integer)
      lScale = CType(IIf(dv(0)("SCALE").ToString.Equals(""), _
                             0, dv(0)("SCALE").ToString), Byte)

      cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter(sParamNames(i), _
                             GetSQLType(sSQLDataType), _
                             lSize, _
                             ParameterDirection.Input, _
                             dt.Columns(sFilterFieldnames(i)).AllowDBNull, _
                             lPrecision, _
                             lScale, _
                             sFilterFieldnames(i), _
                             DataRowVersion.Current, _
      cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter(sOrigParamNames(i), _
                             GetSQLType(sSQLDataType), _
                             lSize, _
                             ParameterDirection.Input, _
                             dt.Columns(sFilterFieldnames(i)).AllowDBNull, _
                             lPrecision, _
                             lScale, _
                             sFilterFieldnames(i), _
                             DataRowVersion.Original, _
   'Clean up

   'Set the command object
   dataAdapter.UpdateCommand = cmd
End Sub
Private Sub BuildDeleteCommand(ByRef dataAdapter _
        As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter, _
        ByVal tableName As String)
   Dim t_dt As DataTable = _
     GetTableColumnInfo(dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection, tableName)
   Dim dv As New DataView(t_dt)
   Dim cmd As SqlClient.SqlCommand
   Dim dt As New DataTable
   Dim dca() As DataColumn
   Dim dc As DataColumn

   Dim sFilterFieldnames() As String
   Dim sOrigParamNames() As String
   Dim sSQL As String
   Dim sTmp As String

   Dim sSQLDataType As String
   Dim lPrecision As Byte
   Dim lSize As Integer
   Dim lScale As Byte

   'Get the schema for the table to be read.
   dataAdapter.FillSchema(dt, SchemaType.Source)
   ReDim sFilterFieldnames(dt.Columns.Count - 1)
   ReDim sOrigParamNames(dt.Columns.Count - 1)

   For Each dc In dt.Columns
      'Read & save the column names
      sFilterFieldnames(dc.Ordinal) = dc.ColumnName
      'Read the column names and generate Original parameter names.
      sOrigParamNames(dc.Ordinal) = "@Original_" + _
               RemoveIllegalChars(dc.ColumnName, m_RemoveChars)
   'Clean up
   dca = dt.PrimaryKey()

   'Delete Command ***********************************
   sSQL = "DELETE FROM [" & tableName & "] WHERE "
   '   Parameters
   If dca.GetLength(0) > 0 Then
      'If the table contains a primary key, use that to find the record.
      For i As Integer = dca.GetLowerBound(0) To dca.GetUpperBound(0)
         sTmp = "[" + dca(i).ColumnName + "]"

         dv.RowFilter = "COLUMN_NAME = '" & dca(i).ColumnName & "'"
         sSQLDataType = dv(0)("TYPE_NAME").ToString()

         If sSQLDataType.Equals("text") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("ntext") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("image") Then

            sSQL = sSQL + "(" + sTmp + " LIKE @Original_" + _
                   RemoveIllegalChars(dca(i).ColumnName, _
                   m_RemoveChars) + ")"
            sSQL = sSQL + "(" + sTmp + " = @Original_" + _
                   RemoveIllegalChars(dca(i).ColumnName, _
                   m_RemoveChars) + ")"
         End If

         If i <> dca.GetUpperBound(0) Then
            sSQL = sSQL + " AND "
         End If
      'otherwise use a combination of the fields.
      For i As Integer = sFilterFieldnames.GetLowerBound(0) _
                         To sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0)
         sTmp = "[" + sFilterFieldnames(i) + "]"

         dv.RowFilter = "COLUMN_NAME = '" & sFilterFieldnames(i) & "'"
         sSQLDataType = dv(0)("TYPE_NAME").ToString()

         If sSQLDataType.Equals("text") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("ntext") Or _
            sSQLDataType.Equals("image") Then

            If dt.Columns(sFilterFieldnames(i)).AllowDBNull Then
               sSQL = sSQL + "((" + sTmp + " LIKE " + _
                      sOrigParamNames(i) + ") OR _
                      (" + sTmp + " IS NULL AND " + _
                      sOrigParamNames(i) + " IS NULL))"
               sSQL = sSQL + "(" + sTmp + " LIKE " + sOrigParamNames(i) + ")"
            End If
            If dt.Columns(sFilterFieldnames(i)).AllowDBNull Then
               sSQL = sSQL + "((" + sTmp + " = " + _
                      sOrigParamNames(i) + ") OR _
                      (" + sTmp + " IS NULL AND " + _
                      sOrigParamNames(i) + " IS NULL))"
               sSQL = sSQL + "(" + sTmp + " = " + sOrigParamNames(i) + ")"
            End If
         End If

         If i <> sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0) Then
            sSQL = sSQL + " AND "
         End If
   End If

   'Create a new command object
   cmd = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(sSQL)
   'Set it's connection from the Select cammand in the DataAdapter
   cmd.Connection = dataAdapter.SelectCommand.Connection()

   '   Add Parameters
   For i As Integer = sFilterFieldnames.GetLowerBound(0) _
                      To sFilterFieldnames.GetUpperBound(0)
      dv.RowFilter = "COLUMN_NAME = '" & sFilterFieldnames(i) & "'"
      sSQLDataType = dv(0)("TYPE_NAME").ToString()
         lPrecision = CType(dv(0)("PRECISION").ToString, Byte)
      Catch ex As Exception
         lPrecision = 38
      End Try
      If lPrecision > 38 Then lPrecision = 38
      lSize = CType(dv(0)("LENGTH").ToString, Integer)
      lScale = CType(IIf(dv(0)("SCALE").ToString.Equals(""), _
               0, dv(0)("SCALE").ToString), Byte)

      cmd.Parameters.Add(New SqlClient.SqlParameter(sOrigParamNames(i), _
                             GetSQLType(sSQLDataType), _
                             lSize, _
                             ParameterDirection.Input, _
                             dt.Columns(sFilterFieldnames(i)).AllowDBNull, _
                             lPrecision, _
                             lScale, _
                             sFilterFieldnames(i), _
                             DataRowVersion.Original, _
   'Clean up

   'Set the command object
   dataAdapter.DeleteCommand = cmd
End Sub
Private Function GetSQLType(ByVal sSQLTypeName _
           As String) As System.Data.SqlDbType
   Select Case sSQLTypeName.ToLower()
      Case "bigint"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.BigInt
      Case "binary"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Binary
      Case "bit"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Bit
      Case "char"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Char
      Case "datetime"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.DateTime
      Case "decimal"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Decimal
      Case "float"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Float
      Case "image"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Image
      Case "int"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Int
      Case "money"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Money
      Case "nchar"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.NChar
      Case "ntext"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.NText
      Case "nvarchar"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.NVarChar
      Case "real"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Real
      Case "smalldatetime"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.SmallDateTime
      Case "smallint"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.SmallInt
      Case "smallmoney"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.SmallMoney
      Case "sql_variant"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Variant
      Case "text"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Text
      Case "timestamp"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Timestamp
      Case "tinyint"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.TinyInt
      Case "uniqueidentifier"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier
      Case "varbinary"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.VarBinary
      Case "varchar"
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.VarChar
      Case Else
         GetSQLType = SqlDbType.Variant
   End Select
End Function
Private Function GetTableColumnInfo(ByRef connection _
        As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, _
        ByVal tableName As String) _
        As System.Data.DataTable

   Dim t_cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand("sp_columns")
   t_cmd.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure
   t_cmd.Connection = connection
   t_cmd.Parameters.Add("@table_name", _
         SqlDbType.NVarChar, 384).Value = tableName

   Dim t_da As New SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(t_cmd)
   Dim t_dt As New DataTable

      GetTableColumnInfo = t_dt
   Catch ex As Exception
      GetTableColumnInfo = Nothing
   End Try

End Function
Private Function RemoveIllegalChars(ByVal _
       value As String, ByVal chars As String) As String
   Dim i As Integer

   For i = 0 To chars.Length - 1
      value = value.Replace(chars.Substring(i, 1), "")
   Return value
End Function

Points of Interest

First and foremost, I would like to offer my thanks to guys like Tim Dawson, Jeff Atwood, and Rockford Lhotka for the free use of their code and controls. Special mention is made in the About box of the application.

Please note: I have not included Tim Dawson's SandBar or SandDock controls with the zips, although the application needs these to function. Please download the controls from his site.

Nough said! I hope somebody finds this application useful. Even better would be if somebody could extend it, and repost it.


Version 1.3.1687.36192: released.


This article has no explicit license attached to it but may contain usage terms in the article text or the download files themselves. If in doubt please contact the author via the discussion board below.

A list of licenses authors might use can be found here

Written By
South Africa South Africa
I'm a mechanical engineer working in the pipe manufacturing business, although programming has been my first love for the past twelve years.

My languages of choice are VB.NET, VB6 and C#, in that order. I took last year off from programming, as me and my family moved into a new house, and there were things to be done. When I started up again, I discovered that not only had my .NET abilities gone rusty, but also my VB6 abilities.

Anyway, I love programming. I think .NET is the best thing since sliced bread (coming from VB6).

Comments and Discussions

GeneralGetSQLType Pin
TicTac2Kcal13-Aug-05 23:39
TicTac2Kcal13-Aug-05 23:39 
GeneralSignIn Locks up Application Pin
Don Baechtel15-Jan-05 4:50
Don Baechtel15-Jan-05 4:50 
GeneralRe: SignIn Locks up Application Pin
Charl Pohlmann19-Jan-05 0:14
Charl Pohlmann19-Jan-05 0:14 
GeneralRe: Ported for ORACLE? Pin
Charl Pohlmann18-Oct-04 3:51
Charl Pohlmann18-Oct-04 3:51 
GeneralNice try, with interesting snippets Pin
Allann31-Aug-04 12:45
Allann31-Aug-04 12:45 
GeneralRe: Nice try, with interesting snippets Pin
Charl Pohlmann8-Sep-04 19:47
Charl Pohlmann8-Sep-04 19:47 
That’s weird, as I wrote it on a disconnected system. Only, I used MSDE and not SQL server, but that shouldn’t make a difference.

Send me your modified code, and I'll take a look at it.


Bungy jumpers do it upside down!

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