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Unity,Android : Porting your unity game for testing

5.00/5 (3 votes)
24 Feb 2014CPOL2 min read 17.3K  
After a successful game release to Windows store ,I wanted to try with mobile platforms.I thought why can’t i port the same game (Bongo Soccer-200 downloads on win 8/8.1 as on today) to android? The issues i may face I have used an unity Terrain and a 3dMax goalpost in my game,which are h

After a successful game release to Windows store ,I wanted to try with mobile platforms.I thought why can’t i port the same game (Bongo Soccer-200 downloads on win 8/8.1 as on today) to android?

The issues i may face

  • I have used an unity Terrain and a 3dMax goalpost in my game,which are heavy for a mobile.
  • As the game is developed using unity basic version,there is no support asynchronous calls.
  • Mobile is always a light-platform compared to desktops/laptops and tablets.

Let’s a give a try.There is nothing to loose here.

Android was my first choice because to test any app on android,you don’t have to register or pay anything.Its’s FREE!!!!

Prerequisites :

  • Basic knowledge of Unity3d game engine/framework.
  • A fully developed Unity Game
  • Eclipse with Android SDK

Once you are ready,we can start testing your game on a mobile running on Android,

DEVICE on Eclipse :

1) Connect your phone to your laptop/desktop.

2) Open Eclipse IDE and check whether your device is detected.


3) Once you open DDMS,you should see your device here.If your device is not shown up,check your Android OS version and make a note of it.

Porting your game :

1) Open build settings and select android.


2) Texture Compression can be anything which is compatible with your mobile.

3) Check Google android project checkbox if you want an eclipse project.Development Build can be left unchecked.

4) Click on player settings,


Note : Company Name and product name are important.Its mandatory for all the platforms

5) Select appropriate Default orientation to test.If you are not sure select Auto Rotation

6) Icon and Splash Image settings are optional for testing.But they are always good to have.

7) Publishing Settings are very important


8) Bundle Identifier (reverse of your DNS/Domain Name) and Bundle Version settings are important and required.If you don’t see your device detected,the reason may be because your mobile is running  on an OS before 2.3.1.Try on a mobile running on Gingerbread or above.

9) Save the settings and run the game on unity.It will ask for a location on your laptop/desktop to save the .APK file.

10) Once the file is saved,You should see the game running on your Android mobile.

All the best !! Post your comment and Share this…

Recommended : 

Android-Getting Started (unity3d)

Filed under: Mobile, unity Tagged: Android, Android : Porting your unity game for testing, Android SDK, game development, testing game on android, Unity, unity game to android, UnityEngine


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