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Force Locale on Android

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29 Sep 2010CPOL1 min read 1  
While playing with localization on the Android for my app I came upon an annoying bug.It seems running on Motorola Milestone the fonts were getting smaller on each locale update.I use the following code for locale changing (from

While playing with localization on the Android for my app I came upon an annoying bug. It seems running on Motorola Milestone the fonts were getting smaller on each locale update.

I use the following code for locale changing (from

String languageToLoad  = "de";
Locale locale = new Locale(languageToLoad);
Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.locale = locale;
getBaseContext().getResources().updateConfiguration(config, null);

Also in the AndroidManifest.xml I have (without this entry you get "Something wrong here, didn't expect "mypackagename" to be resumed"):


Here is how my screen should look like:

And here is how it was looking on Motorola Milestone.

After changing the Locale from Preferences the fonts keep gettting smaller and smaller

This was very annoying. I did not know exactly why this was happening. So I decided to reproduce the Milestone in the emulator. I got the specifications of the Milestone from the web and created in Eclipse an AVD with a resolution of 480x854 and density of 240.

After that I was able to reproduce the bug. It seems the density was the issue here. I searched for Android density and after some tries I found the solution. It seems I needed to have this in the AndroidManifest.xml


The most important is the android:anyDensity =" true ". After this, the application was shown correctly even on the Motorola Milestone.  

I hope this will be of help and don't forget to check out my enhanced logcat tool here

Edit: please read the comments of the article on my blog, you may find solutions to some of your localization problems - e.g. changing orientation resets locale, etc.

Edit 2: people have reported that sometimes the location resets to system default. Please read my post here: locale change does not affect menu  


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