About the Download
The download file is very big, the reason is there are two projects contained inside the zip file. One is a desktop application and the other one is an Android application.
I began to learn programming half of a years ago and I began to write this application about a month ago. I began from 0 knowledge to network and server. So I couldn’t make sure that I have written a very perfect program. But, this application does exactly what I need for synchronizing between Android and desktop. It is how the application looks like. Check it out with the following video:
How It Works

The picture above shows how the data is transferred. Database server is a bridge to allow data move from Android to desktop and move from desktop to Android. That’s all, simple right! Of course, that’s other way such as cloud computing or others. Based on my knowledge, this is an easier way I know.
Develop Environment
My development environment is Java JDK version 1.7.0_13, Eclipse SDK (Juno version 4.2.1), XAMPP 1.8.1, MySQL Connector/J 5.1.23, android 4.2. Because every software I used to develop this application is open-source, I spent zero cost on this project.
Program Flow Chart

The flow chart above shows how data is passing through between Android and desktop.
When user presses a button on UI thread to ask Android, read what desktop has written, Android will begin access to MySQL server. In server side, two PHP files (update database and read database PHP files) is created and located at htdocs. After Android, there will be success to access into server, then Android will begin searching the PHP files requested (either update or read PHP files) through HTTP protocol.
Request asks for read database PHP file to work. When read database PHP file is executed, PHP file will begin its work by logging in to database and retrieving the data requested what desktop has written into database. Then, PHP gets the data it wants from database, it will pass it again to Android and Android will get the data and put it on UI thread to show user what data was retrieved from database. If the desktop asks for what Android has written, it (desktop) will do exactly the same things as what Android did. Desktop will go into database adapter request for data it wants. Then database adapter will log in to database server through Java-MySQL connector and search for what Android has written into database. After database adapter gets what it wants, it will pass the data to desktop and desktop will put it on screen to show user what data it (desktop) got.
Source Code
is an Android project. Inside this project, there are three Java source code (JsonParser
, JsonPost
and MainThread
). - JsonParser.java contains the
method. There is no input data to URL, only retrieve data from the PHP file. - JsonPost.java contains the
method. This method allows data post into PHP file. - MainThread.java is a UI thread work that calls the button or
method allows user talk with machine. mysqlDesktop
is a Java Swing project. Inside this project, there are three Java source code files and one external jar that is DatabaseAdapter.java, jConnector.java, and MainFrame.java, and mysql-java Connector. - jConnector.java contains the source code that allows Java project to connect to MySQL database.
- DatabaseAdapter.java is used to make database work get easier to carry it out.
- MainFrame.java is a source code that allows user to talk with device through Windows Form.