A Fast square root function for Big Integers and floats. The algorithm uses a variety of new and existing ideas to calculate the square root with greater efficiency and better performance than other algorithms. The performance of this function only starts large numbers above 2^52. It is presented in both Java and C# versions.
Below is a fast square root function for big integers and floats. The algorithm uses a variety of new and existing ideas to calculate the square root with greater efficiency and better performance than other algorithms. The performance of this function only starts to stand out for numbers above 5 x 1014 (or 252).
The algorithm consists of a core integer square root function and a wrapper for BigFloats.
- Integer version - This function rounds down to the nearest integer(floor).
- BigFloats / Real number wrapper – An adapter for the Integer version that adds floating point and optional precision.
The integer square root function has been extensively tested with various test types and benchmarks.
Benchmarks have been done on this algorithm throughout its development. The benchmarks were first to compare against others and later to compare against my own versions. Since there is such a wide range in performance, log scale charts are used for comparisons. Please note that small differences equate to large performance differences. Some Big-O examples have been added as color bands for X3, X2 * Log(X), and X2. These bands all converge at 0,0, but the bottom of the chart has been removed for better visibility.

For the functions tested, there seemed to be four classes of performance. The time examples are from my test workstation and will vary slightly with different hardware.
- Big O(cn) – These take the longest to run for large numbers. A 40,000-digit binary number would translate to around 1e6000 years. These are not shown in the above chart.
- Big O(n3) – These are much faster than the O(cn) algorithms. A 40,000-digit binary number would translate to 500 seconds.
- Big O(n2 * log(n)) – These are the much faster and more thought-out algorithms. A 40,000-digit binary takes around just 230ms.
- Big O(n2) – This project is consistent with this band or maybe even slightly faster. A 40,000-digit binary number takes around 8ms.
Just show me the code, will you?
public static BigInteger NewtonPlusSqrt(BigInteger x)
if (x < 144838757784765629)
uint vInt = (uint)Math.Sqrt((ulong)x);
if ((x ≥ 4503599761588224) && ((ulong)vInt * vInt > (ulong)x))
return vInt;
double xAsDub = (double)x;
if (xAsDub < 8.5e37)
ulong vInt = (ulong)Math.Sqrt(xAsDub);
BigInteger v = (vInt + ((ulong)(x / vInt))) >> 1;
return (v * v ≤ x) ? v : v - 1;
if (xAsDub < 4.3322e127)
BigInteger v = (BigInteger)Math.Sqrt(xAsDub);
v = (v + (x / v)) >> 1;
if (xAsDub > 2e63)
v = (v + (x / v)) >> 1;
return (v * v ≤ x) ? v : v - 1;
int xLen = (int)x.GetBitLength();
int wantedPrecision = (xLen + 1) / 2;
int xLenMod = xLen + (xLen & 1) + 1;
long tempX = (long)(x >> (xLenMod - 63));
double tempSqrt1 = Math.Sqrt(tempX);
ulong valLong = (ulong)BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(tempSqrt1) & 0x1fffffffffffffL;
if (valLong == 0)
valLong = 1UL << 53;
BigInteger val = ((BigInteger)valLong << (53 - 1)) +
(x >> xLenMod - (3 * 53)) / valLong;
int size = 106;
for (; size < 256; size <<= 1) {
val = (val << (size - 1)) + (x >> xLenMod - (3 * size)) / val; }
if (xAsDub > 4e254) {
int numOfNewtonSteps = BitOperations.Log2((uint)(wantedPrecision / size)) + 2;
int wantedSize = (wantedPrecision >> numOfNewtonSteps) + 2;
int needToShiftBy = size - wantedSize;
val >>= needToShiftBy;
size = wantedSize;
do {
int shiftX = xLenMod - (3 * size);
BigInteger valSqrd = (val * val) << (size - 1);
BigInteger valSU = (x >> shiftX) - valSqrd;
val = (val << size) + (valSU / val);
size *= 2;
} while (size < wantedPrecision);
int oversidedBy = size - wantedPrecision;
BigInteger saveDroppedDigitsBI = val & ((BigInteger.One << oversidedBy) - 1);
int downby = (oversidedBy < 64) ? (oversidedBy >> 2) + 1 : (oversidedBy - 32);
ulong saveDroppedDigits = (ulong)(saveDroppedDigitsBI >> downby);
val >>= oversidedBy;
if ((saveDroppedDigits == 0) && (val * val > x))
return val;
With this project, I also wanted to make a BigFloat
version for large floating points. To do this, a few BigFloat
versions were constructed from scratch. Despite this, all that was needed was a simple wrapper function for the BigInteger
version. BigFloat
and BigInteger
versions are roughly the same. An encapsulating function, shown below, simply adds some spice to the BigInteger
version to track the precision and shifts.
(BigInteger val, int shift) SunsetQuestSqrtFloatUsingIntVersion
(BigInteger x, int shift = 0, int wantedPrecision = 0)
int xLen = (int)x.GetBitLength();
if (wantedPrecision == 0) wantedPrecision = xLen;
if (x == 0) return (0, wantedPrecision);
int totalLen = shift + xLen;
var needToShiftInputBy = (2 * wantedPrecision - xLen) - (totalLen & 1);
var val = SunsetQuestSqrt(x << needToShiftInputBy);
var retShift = (totalLen + ((totalLen > 0) ? 1 : 0)) / 2 - wantedPrecision;
return (val, retShift);
The pre/post calculations are relatively simple. In a nutshell, the precision we get out of the Sqrt
function is half what we put in. So, if we want 20 bits of precision, we just scale the size of the input X to 40 bits.
The shifts are mostly straightforward calculations. The “(totalLen & 1)
” is required to make sure we shift by an even amount. For example, the binary Sqrt of 10000 is 100. This result is simply a right shift by an even number. If we had Sqrt(0b100000) (aka 32), then the Sqrt is 0b101(aka 5), and this is not a simple right shift anymore. We just need to keep the input length an odd number in length.
The (totalLen > 0) ? 1 : 0)
part is because we always want to round to negative infinity for the return shift.
The Sqrt
functions here all round down to the nearest integer. This is the standard for integer functions. If the result of a sqrt function is 99.999999998, then it should be rounded down to 99. However, in some cases, rounding to the nearest integer is preferred. To do this, all that is needed is to calculate one extra bit of precision with the standard integer sqrt function. If that extra ends up being a '0', it would be rounded down, or if a '1' bit, then rounded up.
So, something like:
BigInteger SqrtNearestInt(BigInteger x)
x <<= 2;
var result = SunsetQuestSqrt(x);
if (result & 1 ==1)
result ++;
return (res >> 1);
Note: This is untested.
Extensive testing has been done for this algorithm, and I believe all the errors have been removed. However, to guarantee correctness, the following can be added near the end of the sqrt
function. It will have around a 10% performance cost.
BigInteger squared = val * val;
if (squared > x)
Console.WriteLine($"val^2 ({squared}) < x({x})");
throw new Exception("Sqrt function had internal error - value too high");
if ((squared + 2 * val + 1) ≤ x)
Console.WriteLine($"(val+1)^2({(squared + 2 * val + 1)}) ≥ x({x})");
throw new Exception("Sqrt function had internal error - value too low");
A considerable amount of time was spent testing the integer sqrt. It ran for several days on a 32-thread 1950x Threadripper with no errors.
Tests include:
- Verification 1: Common issues in the past number testing
- Verification 2: Brute Force Testing (Zero and up) [Ran up to 3.4e11 or 237]
- Verification 3: 2n + [-5 to +5] Testing
- Verification 4: n[2 to 7] + [-2 to 2] Testing
- Verification 5: n2 –[0,1] Testing – overlaps with Verification 4 but tests larger numbers
- Verification 6: Random number testing
The amount of testing has been extensive, so hopefully, there are no errors, however, if any are found, please report them.
Note: Java’s Sqrt
function was converted line by line from Java to C#, but for some reason, there are occasional errors in the last few bits when converted and run in C#. This is probably some rounding difference and has not been investigated. Java’s Sqrt
(in Java) does not have these errors.
I wanted to create a Java version since Java is one of the most used programming languages. I basically took the C# version and made some adjustments to it. My Java skills are minimal, so I’m sure more optimizations can be done. Using the Norton Plus, it is still about 15X-45X faster than the built-in Java BigInteger Sqrt for numbers between 64 bits and 10240 bits in length. The built-in Java version has the advantage of numbers under 64 bits in length since it can use private Java libraries. For numbers over 64 bits, Newton Plus is much faster, however, if we use private java BigInteger
methods and MutableBigInteger
, then we can achieve even greater performance.
The points below represent an average score for random numbers of different sizes. The gray points are the performance of Java’s Big Integer. The orange is this paper’s Newton Plus. Each dot represents the average of two trials, where each trial was a loop of thousands to millions of tests.
Random Notes:
- The yellow is the speed-up. It is just the NewtonPlus/JavasSqrt.
- It is up to 50X (5000%) faster for numbers around 10240 bits in length. For larger numbers, I would expect this to be even higher, like the C# chart.

Below we zoomed in on the vertical direction to get a better look.

A logarithmic view provides the best look. I think this is best at showing the comparison. Each horizontal line represents a 2X performance gain. A yellow speed-up is also shown here that uses the right-side axes. The speedup is just the NewtonPlus time divided by the Java version.

public static BigInteger NewtonPlusSqrt(BigInteger x) {
if (x.compareTo(BigInteger.valueOf(144838757784765629L)) < 0) {
long xAsLong = x.longValue();
long vInt = (long)Math.sqrt(xAsLong);
if (vInt * vInt > xAsLong)
return BigInteger.valueOf(vInt); }
double xAsDub = x.doubleValue();
BigInteger val;
if (xAsDub < 2.1267e37)
long vInt = (long)Math.sqrt(xAsDub);
val = BigInteger.valueOf
((vInt + x.divide(BigInteger.valueOf(vInt)).longValue()) >> 1);
else if (xAsDub < 4.3322e127) {
long bits = Double.doubleToLongBits(Math.sqrt(xAsDub));
int exp = ((int) (bits >> 52) & 0x7ff) - 1075;
val = BigInteger.valueOf((bits & ((1L << 52)) - 1) | (1L << 52)).shiftLeft(exp);
val = x.divide(val).add(val).shiftRight(1);
if (xAsDub > 2e63) {
val = x.divide(val).add(val).shiftRight(1); }
int xLen = x.bitLength();
int wantedPrecision = ((xLen + 1) / 2);
int xLenMod = xLen + (xLen & 1) + 1;
long tempX = x.shiftRight(xLenMod - 63).longValue();
double tempSqrt1 = Math.sqrt(tempX);
long valLong = Double.doubleToLongBits(tempSqrt1) & 0x1fffffffffffffL;
if (valLong == 0)
valLong = 1L << 53;
val = BigInteger.valueOf(valLong).shiftLeft(53 - 1)
.add((x.shiftRight(xLenMod -
(3 * 53))).divide(BigInteger.valueOf(valLong)));
int size = 106;
for (; size < 256; size <<= 1) {
val = val.shiftLeft(size - 1).add(x.shiftRight
(xLenMod - (3*size)).divide(val));}
if (xAsDub > 4e254) {
int numOfNewtonSteps = 31 -
Integer.numberOfLeadingZeros(wantedPrecision / size)+1;
int wantedSize = (wantedPrecision >> numOfNewtonSteps) + 2;
int needToShiftBy = size - wantedSize;
val = val.shiftRight(needToShiftBy);
size = wantedSize;
do {
int shiftX = xLenMod - (3 * size);
BigInteger valSqrd = val.multiply(val).shiftLeft(size - 1);
BigInteger valSU = x.shiftRight(shiftX).subtract(valSqrd);
val = val.shiftLeft(size).add(valSU.divide(val));
size *= 2;
} while (size < wantedPrecision);
val = val.shiftRight(size - wantedPrecision);
if (val.multiply(val).compareTo(x) > 0)
val = val.subtract(BigInteger.ONE);
BigInteger tmp = val.multiply(val);
if (tmp.compareTo(x) > 0) {
System.out.println("val^2(" + val.multiply(val).toString()
+ ") ≥ x(" + x.toString()+")");
if (tmp.add(val.shiftLeft(1)).add(BigInteger.ONE).compareTo(x) ≤ 0) {
+ val.add(BigInteger.ONE).multiply(val.add(BigInteger.ONE)).toString()
+ ") ≥ x(" + x.toString() + ")");
return val;
The World's fastest for Java and C#... I think so. But this project is not the world's fast square root.
The fastest that I have found is the GMP Square Root. It is considerably faster. GMP/MPIR is likely faster because it is written in assembly and c – both low-level languages. When writing in asm/c, the hardware architecture can be used to its fullest, including SSE/MXX 128-bit instructions/registers, optimizing cache, and other close-to-metal tricks/instructions.
Here are some very rough comparisons: (in ns)
| GMP | This Project | Speed-Up |
1E+77 | 350 | 1058 | 3.0X |
1E+154 | 650 | 2715 | 4.2X |
1E+308 | 1150 | 5330 | 4.6X |
1E+616 | 1650 | 7571 | 4.6X |
1E+1233 | 2450 | 14980 | 6.1X |
1E+2466 | 4250 | 35041 | 8.2X |
1E+4932 | 6650 | 121500 | 18X |
1E+9864 | 17650 | 458488 | 26X |
1E+19728 | 51850 | 1815669 | 35X |
1E+39457 | 144950 | 6762354 | 47X |
All this speedup is done with different optimizations, tricks, techniques, technologies, creative ideas, or whatever we want to call them. Each one of these ideas adds to the overall performance. The ideas here come from myself and others.
First off, let’s review the basics. There are a few long-time-known methods of finding a square root, and the most popular is Newton’s method (also known as the Babylonian method or Heron’s method). It can be summarized into:
Let x = the number we want to find the sqrt of
Let v = a rough estimate of Sqrt(x)
v = (v + x / v) / 2
return v
When calculating a square root using Newton’s method (and other methods), we start by finding the most significate digits. This first step can be done by choosing a number that is half the number of bits as the inputs. So, the number 2101 (a 1 with 101 zeros in binary) will have a good starting point of around 251. This roughly gets us started with one bit of accuracy at the correct scale.
Then it’s time for the Newton iterations. For each iteration of v = (v + x / v) / 2
, the number of digits in precision doubles. An initial 1-bit guess doubled to 2 bits of accuracy, then 4, then 8, etc. (Note: shifts left out for simplicity)
Initial Guess: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000…
Iteration 1 of v = (v + x / v) / 2: 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000…
Iteration 2 of v = (v + x / v) / 2: 101101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010…
Iteration 3 of v = (v + x / v) / 2: 101101010000010100000101000001010000010100000101000…
Iteration 4 of v = (v + x / v) / 2: 101101010000010011110011001100111111101010111110110…
Iteration 5 of v = (v + x / v) / 2: 101101010000010011110011001100111111100111011110011…
It helps to view this in binary – as shown by the growing underlined correct bits above. In decimal (base10), this would be completely hidden. There are some insights into doing math in binary.
Okay, now that the basics are out of the way, let’s explore the different optimizations. I will start with more important ones, so at least check out the first few.
Okay, let me start out with my #1 optimization.
When calculating Newton's method, the costliest part is the division. The division is time-consuming for computers and humans alike. If somehow this division can be shrunk, it would put us in a much better place regarding the work needed for the calculation.
When doing typical Newton iterations by hand in binary, something jumps out. The “v +” is just the previous iteration of v tacked on the front. Furthermore, these bits are already there, so we are just upshifting the top half by 1. If we already have these bits, do we really need to have them in the divide? Can we somehow remove this part since we have it already? The answer is they don’t need to be in the divide. These bits are the first bits of the result, v. Remember the bits in V2 are x so if we just remove the V2 , then after it goes through the sqrt it would be like we just removed v, the thing we are trying to pre-remove.
A way to look at what “V +” is doing in classical Newton is that it just shifts the left side of X/V by one.. basically injecting a zero. In this example, the “V +” injects the zero in the brackets.
V + = 1011010100000100000000000000000
X / V = 1011010100000101111001100110011
sum: 10110101000001[0]01111001100110011
Notice the “V +” is just upshifting the top half by 1.
So, we already have half the bits here, so why keep them in the divide? When looking at the classical Newton above the X / V = 1011010100000101111001100110011. If we look at the X/V part, it can be thought of as two parts. The top half (in bold) that we already know because it already exists in the current V. And so that leaves just the bottom half we need to find.
To remove the leading v bits, the top half, we can deduct V2 from X in the numerator. The first half of the bits in V2 are the top bits of X. So, we are removing the V2 from X before the sqrt calculations or just V after the calculation.
Here is what it looks like if we pre-remove V2 from X.
V + = 10110101000001000000000000000000
(X-V^2)/V = 1111001100110011
sum: 10110101000001001111001100110011
Or we can do it without using add but and just concatenate the bits.
"V" concatenated with "(X-V^2)/V"
= 1011010100000100 concatenated with 1111001100110011
= 10110101000001001111001100110011
Below is one iteration of Newton Plus. This should be repeated until the desired precision is met.
void NewtonPlus(BigInteger x, int xLenMod, ref int size, ref BigInteger val)
int shiftX = xLenMod - (3 * size);
BigInteger valSqrd = (val * val) << (size - 1);
BigInteger valSU = (x >> shiftX) - valSqrd;
val = (val << size) + (valSU / val);
size *= 2;
The parameters:
- "
" is The input. The value we are trying to find the Sqrt of. - "
" is Len(X)
rounded up to the next even number. It is just calculated once. - "
" is a maintained current size of val
. This is so it does not need to be recalculated each time the method below is called. The size is also doubled when the method is called. - "
" is the current result. Each call to this function doubles the precision.
Just for comparison, here is a typical Newton.
void NewtonClassic(BigInteger x, int xLenMod, ref int size, ref BigInteger val)
BigInteger tempX = x >> xLenMod - (3 * size) + 1;
val = (val << (size - 1)) + tempX / val;
size <<= 1;
In the simplest form, it looks like:
Vn+1 = (Vupshifted) + (Xdownshifted - V2upshifted) / V
With full detail:
XLenMod = IntLog2(X) + (IntLog2(X) mod 2) Vn+1
=(V << (IntLog2(V)+1)) + ([X >> ((XLenMod - 3 * IntLog2(V)) - (V2 << IntLog2(V))] / V)
Or with concatenation…
Vn+1=V Concat with ([X >> ((XLenMod - 3 * IntLog2(V)) - (V2 << IntLog2(V))] / V)
- For the concatenate method to work, we must have the V part exact. If the “Xdownshifted - V2upshifted” results in a negative number, it is not exact and would fail.
- Since, at this point, the “V +” or, more precisely, “(V << (IntLog2(V) + 1)) +” is just left shifting V in front and then adding, we can just do a concatenation. Shifting V and adding the two is much more work when they could simply be concatenated.
Let’s say we want to find the square root of 123456789 (111010110111100110100010101).
We will start in Line 3 (See table below) with a v of “101” here. (Note: The first few bits can be estimated using the binary length of the number we are trying to find the Sqrt(x)
. If even, we start with “110” else, if odd, we start with “101”. The above has 27 digits, so our initial pick is “101”.)
First, we do a classic Newton Step in Lines 5-7. We are using the classic Newton step here because it is faster on small numbers since we have 64-bit registers anyway, but also, in this example, it doubles to show how the classic Newton version looks.
Then on Lines 8-14, a Newton Plus iteration is completed. Line 8 is v squared and then left shifted.
Then on Line 10, we pre-subtract out the V2 from X. This is the magical step here. We remove V2 do the sqrt, then add just V back in.
On Line 12, we do the typical divide but with a smaller numerator than the standard Newton.
On Line 13, we upshift V and then add it to T on Line 14. One could argue, though, that we “Add V” with the standard Newton, so how is this any different? It is different because we are restoring V back in verses with the standard Newton the “+V” is just upshifting the top half of the bits by 1.
Line | | | Decimal | Binary | Len |
1 | Number: | | 123456789 | 111010110111100110100010101 | [27] |
2 | | | | | |
3 | Initial Pick | V=27(is odd) | 5 | 101 | [3] |
4 | | | | | |
5 | Newton Step | Shift X >> | 29 | 11101 | [5] |
6 | | X/V | 5 | 101 | [3] |
7 | | V=V+↑ | 10 | 1010 | [4] |
| | | | | |
8 | NewtonPlus Step | V2, << | 800 | 1100100000 | [10] |
9 | | Shift X >> | 941 | 1110101101 | [10] |
10 | | X-V2 | 141 | 10001101 | [8] |
12 | | T=(X-V2)/V | 14 | 1110 | [4] |
13 | | Shift V << | 160 | 10100000 | [8] |
14 | | V=T+(V<<) | 174 | 10101110 | [8] |
15 | True answer | | 173 | 10101101 | [8] |
16 | Off by | | 1 | 1 | [1] |
| | | | | |
17 | NewtonPlus Step | V2, << | 3875328 | 1110110010001000000000 | [22] |
18 | | Shift X >> | 3858024 | 1110101101111001101000 | [22] |
19 | | X-V2 | 17304 | 100001110011000 | [15] |
20 | | T=(X-V2)/V | 99 | 01100011 | [8] |
21 | | Shift V << | 44544 | 1010111000000000 | [16] |
22 | | V=T+(V<<) | 44445 | 1010110110011101 | [16] |
23 | True answer | | 44444 | 1010110110011100 | [16] |
24 | Off by | | 1 | 1 | [1] |
| | | | | |
25 | NewtonPlus Step | V2, << | 6.47285E+13 | 1110101101111011001001001001001000000000000000 | [46] |
26 | | Shift X >> | 6.47269E+13 | 1110101101111001101000101010000000000000000000 | [46] |
27 | | X-V2 | 1618771968 | 1100000011111001000000000000000 | [31] |
28 | | T=(X-V2)/V | 36421 | 1000111001000101 | [16] |
29 | | Shift V << | 2912747520 | 10101101100111010000000000000000 | [32] |
30 | | V=T+(V<<) | 2912711099 | 10101101100111000111000110111011 | [32] |
31 | True answer | | 2912711096 | 10101101100111000111000110111000 | [32] |
32 | Off by | | 3 | 11 | [2] |
Here, it is in more of a math-like format…

Or with concatenation…

Random Notes:
is simply the length in bits of the input X.
is only calculated once. If X's length is odd, then we add 1. This number should always be even.
In the above, we are calculating the full answer of V2, but we really only need to calculate the bottom half. The top half of V2 already exists in x. So, instead of doing the full V2 in V2 - X, we only need to calculate the bottom half of the digits of V2 and can then stop. At this point, though, the x still has these bits, so they would need to be removed. We really just need a middle portion of x for this.
Calculating the bottom half of V2 and then subtracting a subset of bits in x will give us the new bits. These new additional bits can then be appended to the current v we have been building.
I attempted this in C#, but .NET’s BigInteger
does not really allow us to calculate only the bottom half of V * V. I did try the ModPow()
but it did not seem like the performance was that great because ModPow()
is doing division where I really just wanted to stop calculating V * V halfway through. Also, my implementation had some errors and was not always correct. A custom BigInteger
class would probably need to be built.
void NewtonPlus(BigInteger x, int xLenMod, ref int size, ref BigInteger val)
BigInteger tmp2 = (BigInteger.ModPow(val, 2, BigInteger.One << (size + 1)) << (size));
BigInteger tmp3 = ((x >> (xLenMod - (3 * size))) &
((BigInteger.One << (2 * size + 1)) - 1));
BigInteger valSU2 = tmp3 - tmp2;
val = (val << (size + 1)) + (valSU2 / val);
size = (size << 1) + 1;
Impact: Medium
Used by: none – a personal idea (The name “Newton Plus” is just a name I assigned.)
We figure out an initial size, so if we keep doubling it, it will end up with the precision we want.
Say the result is expected to be 600 bits in size, and we get an initial free guess with 64 bits of known accuracy. If we used Newton to keep doubling, we get 128, 256, 512, and then we do a partial at 579.
| 64-bit Memory Segments for BigInteger Storage | Time |
Initial Value | 64 | | | | | | | | | | 0 |
Newton Loop 1 | 64 | 128 | | | | | | | | | 2*2=4 |
Newton Loop 2 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | | | | | | | 4*4=16 |
Newton Loop 3 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | 320 | 384 | 448 | 512 | | | 8*8=64 |
Newton Loop 4 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | 320 | 384 | 448 | 512 | 576 | 640 | 9*9=81 |
Now we can improve on this by starting on a size that, if we keep doubling it, will result in the target size or slightly larger.
| 64-bit Memory Segments for BigInteger Storage | Time |
Initial Value | 37 | | | | | | | | | | 0 |
Newton Loop 1 | 64 | 74 | | | | | | | | | 2*2=4 |
Newton Loop 2 | 64 | 128 | 148 | | | | | | | | 3*3=9 |
Newton Loop 3 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | 296 | | | | | | 5*5=25 |
Newton Loop 4 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | 320 | 384 | 448 | 512 | 576 | 592 | 9*9=81 |
Each empty block versus the previous table is a saved calculation.
There is still a way to improve this even more. From the example table above, we ended up at 592. That is 13 bits more than we needed. And in the step before that, we have 7 bits more than we need. This is because our starting size of 64 bits was small, so it did not give us much resolution. Instead, we can start with a max initial value of 128. We can get this simply by using our 64 initial and doing one Newton iteration. This Newton iteration would be very fast since it is so small. But now, if we use the larger number again, we will get 73. (579 -> 290 -> 146 -> 73) When we keep doubling this with 73 back up, we get 73 -> 146 -> 292 -> 584. Notice we now only calculated 584 bits and not 592 like before. This is closer to our target of 579. In this example, it would not have sped anything up, but if a “Loop 5/6” row existed, some blocks would disappear.
Overall, the larger the target size, the larger the initial size should be. For this algorithm, I skip this on small numbers and do the right sizing around 500 bits.
One other approach is to re-adjust several times. Maybe the right size on every nth iteration.
To generate a starting size, we can start with the full size, then keep halving it until it is small enough to fit in an initial guess. 579 -> 290 -> 146 -> 74 -> 37. So, 37 would be our starting point. Something like:
int startingSize = expectedOutputSize;
while (startingSize > 64) { startingSize >>= 1; doublingCt++; }
Here, startingSize
would contain the initial size we need. 64 bits is the accuracy of our initial guess in this example. And doublingCt
would be how many Newton iterations we need to do.
Another way to do this that works well for large numbers:
int doublingCt = BitOperations.Log2((uint)((wantedPrecision – 1) / 64)) + 1;
int startingSize = ((wantedPrecision – 1)>> doublingCt) + 1;
Impact: Major (no impact on numbers below 4e127, large impact on larger numbers)
Used by: None – a personal idea
We can use the built-in hardware square root function that exists on most processors today. A double floating-point square root function will take in up to 53 significate binary digits and give us 26 bits of precision on the output.
Using the built-in floating-point, exposed with Math.Sqrt(someDouble)
in C# will yield the exact answer up to 13 bits in precision, and it may round up for results up to 28 bits. So, functions can try and use the hardware Sqrt directly when the input is small. This does not work well if the input is over 53 bits in size. This trick has been used by many different square root implementations like Java’s BigInteger
Square root function.
Double-Precision Hardware Square Root Precision |
Input Range (Bit size): | 0-26 | 26-57 |
Input Range (number): | 0 – 67108863 | 67108864 - 2^57 |
Output Accuracy in Bits: | 13 bits | 28.5 bits |
Output Accuracy as Number: | 0 – 8,191 | 8192 - 379625062 |
Accuracy: | Exact! (Always rounded down) | Either Rounded Up or Down |
Impact: Major (on smaller numbers only)
Class: Hardware-Software-Specific (hardware feature)
Used by: Commonly used – The first use I could find of using a double’s square root for smaller numbers (under double.max
If we want to find the square root of a larger number that is over the 53-bits we can get directly from the hardware, we can just reduce the size by right shifting it, then do the hardware square root, then re-inflate the size by left shifting. This will leave us with the answer but only with the first 53 bits.
Say we want to find the square root of 2596139662575945865093856568695112. Our number has a length of 111 bits...
Now this is too large to fit in a hardware square root. So, let’s truncate it to fit in 53 bits. We can remove 2 bits at a time (not 1!!!). We need to remove any multiple 2 bits at a time because that is essentially like pulling out a 4, 16, 64, etc. When taking this out before the square root, it would be easy to put it back in. So, if we pull out five 2-bit pairs (or right shift 10), we would just re-add five bits back by left shifting 5 after performing the hardware square root.
We can remove the right side by doing a right shift of 58(29x2) to make it 53 bits…
We would then need to put this in the fraction part of a double floating point and then do a hardware square root. The output, in the fraction bits of a double, would look like this:
Great, now we have the first 53 bits of the number, but we really need 56 bits for the whole answer. We can follow this up with a Newton iteration for the extra precision we need. Using one Newton iteration doubles the 53-bits to 106-bits – enough for the 56 bits of precision we need.
For small numbers, this gives us a nice boost, but unfortunately, for larger numbers, this boost becomes less relevant. This optimization does not help with the BigO performance. We are saving around five Newton iterations at the start, and these are the quickest to compute iterations as well. We are basically saving ourselves a fixed amount of time off any larger sqrt function.
On my CPU, it saves about 0.8 µs on a calculation. On a smaller number, like 1e14, this is very noticeable (0.85µs to .05µs is a 16X speedup) however, as the numbers get into the big number territory, the 0.8µs becomes irrelevant. Something that would have taken 1 ms would take 0.9992 ms with this optimization. The big-O notation would skip this optimization since it is a constant speedup.
Impact: Major (on smaller numbers only, no BigO help)
Used by
- Patricia Shanahan, Jun 30, 2000. [mentioned only] https://groups.google.com/g/comp.lang.java.programmer/c/dcGNwTpKHUc/m/yU8ObqKK7-AJ, https://groups.google.com/g/comp.lang.java.programmer/c/PlfTNI7OU4g/m/sWhmE3Yuu60J
- Fava, September 8, 2007 http://allergrootste.com/big/Retro/blog/sec/archive20070915_295396.html
- Brian Burkhalter, September 24, 2015 on 11:27, bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JDK-4851777
- jddarcy, May 20, 2016, https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/commit/4045a8be07195acac7fb2faef0e6bf90edcaf9f8
- Java’s BigDecimal Sqrt method since version 9. java/9 : java.base/java/math/MutableBigInteger.java (yawk.at)
- Max Klaxx, September 15, 2020 https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3432412/calculate-square-root-of-a-biginteger-system-numerics-biginteger/63909229#63909229
When doing Newton’s Sqrt by hand in binary, one can quickly see that each iteration doubles the precision. The number of steps can be pre-calculated, or the precision can be monitored as the answer grows. This is better than checking to see if the answer is correct or has stopped changing, as that requires more computation.
shiftX = xLenMod - (3 * size);
while (size < wantedPrecision) <-----Escape here when desired precision met.
BigInteger topOfX2 = (x >> shiftX);
BigInteger valSquared4 = (val * val) << (size - 1);
BigInteger valSU = topOfX2 - valSquared4;
BigInteger div = valSU / val;
val = (val << size) + div;
shiftX -= 3 * size;
size <<= 1;
Impact: Major
Class: Fundamental
Used by: not used for integer square roots before, but has been used for floating point square roots:
A binary tree that can find the best method to handle an input of a given size is useful. This is borderline obvious, and the impact on this is minor, but I wanted to include it.
The below example shows 4 levels deep…

Impact: Minor
This one might be a C# thing, but casing a double to a long before the sqrt will result in some extra performance.
if (xAsDub < 67108864)
return (int)Math.Sqrt((ulong)xAsDub);
This only works for numbers under 67108864.
Impact: Numbers less than 257: Major; Numbers greater than 257: None (or minor negative impact)
Class: Hardware-Software-Specific (compiler/language feature - may only apply to C#)
Used by: For this project, I used the idea from:
This optimization is borderline obvious, but I will include it. When performing Newton’s method, only spend time calculating the in-precision bits. We may get some initial guess, say 53 bits, so we do not need to start working on a container the full size of the result at the start. It is only the last step we would do this.
If one just did Newton’s method directly using while(desired_precision_not_met) V = (V + X/V) / 2 without downshifting, we are doing lots of unneeded computing. It seems obvious, but in the beginning, this is not clear.
To show this, say we are calculating the sqrt of some number that is 600 bits. A naive approach would be to work with all the 600 bits of “X” the entire time. The table below shows the time taken to work with the full width the entire time.
| 64-bit Memory Segments For BigInteger Storage | Time |
Newton Loop 1 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | 320 | 384 | 448 | 512 | 576 | 600 | 9*9=81 |
Newton Loop 2 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | 320 | 384 | 448 | 512 | 576 | 600 | 9*9=81 |
Newton Loop 3 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | 320 | 384 | 448 | 512 | 576 | 600 | 9*9=81 |
Newton Loop 4 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | 320 | 384 | 448 | 512 | 576 | 600 | 9*9=81 |
| | | | | | | | | | | 204 |
But we do not need to calculate all of this. The darker shaded area is outside the current precision, so these calculations can be skipped!
A better solution would be to grow the calculation as the precision increases. When the number of in-precision bits doubles in each iteration, we would also grow the number size.
| 64-bit Memory Segments For BigInteger Storage | Time |
Newton Loop 1 | 64 | 128 | | | | | | | | | 2*2=4 |
Newton Loop 2 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | | | | | | | 4*4=16 |
Newton Loop 3 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | 320 | 384 | 448 | 512 | | | 8*8=64 |
Newton Loop 4 | 64 | 128 | 192 | 256 | 320 | 384 | 448 | 512 | 576 | 600 | 9*9=81 |
| | | | | | | | | | | 165 |
Since the calculations get exponentially more expensive with larger numbers, shortening these makes a large impact. The first table shows that it took 204 units of time vs. 165 units of time.
Impact: Major (no impact on numbers below 1e30, large impact on larger numbers)
Class: Fundamental
Used by: Commonly used (example:s Java’s BigInteger Sqrt)
If we are trying to find the sqrt of 15, for example, and our answer is 4, then there was a round-up somewhere. This often happens in both the hardware sqrt and in software. The expected behavior from a sqrt is to floor (round down) the result. So, in that example, 3 would be correct. We could have discovered this round-up by simply squaring our answer of 4, to get 16. If 16 is greater than our 15, then the answer is too high and needs to be brought down with a simple decrement.
if (result * result > x)
This method is much faster than doing a full Newton iteration and checking if the result stabilized. This has 3 operations: (1) multiply (2) a compare with the large x and a (3) decrement.
This can be optimized even further; we only need to calculate and compare the small part of the “result * result” and input “X” where the difference would be. And that would be in the middle, then going to the right. See the further optimizations section below.
Impact: Minor
Class: Fundamental
Used by: Personal idea - however, later, I noticed it was used by others:
The hardware Sqrt()
that is part of the double will yield about 53 bits.
if (x < 144838757784765629)
uint vInt = (uint)Math.Sqrt((ulong)x);
if ((x ≥ 4503599761588224) && ((ulong)vInt * vInt > (ulong)x))
return vInt;
Impact: Minor, very small numbers only
Class: Software/Hardware specific
Used by: none - personal observation
NOTE: This optimization has been depreciated and is not in the current draft.
If we increment x before, the result is correct between 2e16 and 2e31.
if (xAsDub < 4e31 && xAsDub > 2e16)
long v = (long)Math.Sqrt(BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble
(BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits(xAsDub) + 1));
return (v + (x / v)) >> 1;
Impact: Minor – only helps in the range 2e16 to 2e31
Class: Hardware-Software-Specific (floating points)
Used by: none – something found with experimentation
NOTE: This optimization has been depreciated and is not in the current draft.
This is much like one of the prior ones but supports underflow by 1.
BigInteger valSq = val * val;
if (valSq > x)
else if ((valSq + (val << 1) + 1) ≤ x)
Impact: Minor
Class: Fundamental
Used by:
NOTE: This optimization has been depreciated and is not in the current draft.
An annoying issue with rounding that would creep up is that the dreaded XXXX.11111111111101 type results that would round up. At first, I carried a growing extra set of bits, and if these resulted in a 11111111’s style number, I would detect and round down. Later, after looking at the binary output, it seemed better just to search the decimal binary bits (but skip the last BITS_IN_BACK) zero. If it was zero, then we have a suspected round-up. However, there were instances when this would fail, and it happened when the leading bits were had several 1’s. (i.e. 11111111101001…). In either of these cases, we had a suspected round-up at hand. I must admit that this was more of a guess, so if any part has an error, it would be this.
const int BITS_IN_BACK = 4;
const int BITS_IN_FRONT = 8;
BigInteger mask = ((BigInteger.One <<
(curShift - Size - BITS_IN_BACK)) - 1) << BITS_IN_BACK;
BigInteger remainder = (mask & val);
val >>= curShift - Size;
if (remainder.IsZero
|| ((val >> (exp - BITS_IN_FRONT) == (1 << BITS_IN_FRONT - 1))
&& ((x.GetBitLength() % 2) == 1)))
if (val * val > x)
Impact: Minor (no impact on numbers below 4e127, large impact on larger numbers)
Source: None – a personal idea
This optimization was already touched upon earlier.
The following Newton Plus calculation can possibly be improved.
Vn+1 = (Vupshifted) + (Xdownshifted - V2upshifted) / V
In the above, we are calculating the full answer of V2, but we really only need to calculate the bottom half. The top half of V2 already exists in X. So, instead of doing the full V2 (in the "V2 - X"), we only need to calculate the bottom half of the digits of V2 and can then stop. At this point, though, the x still has these bits, so they would also need to be removed. We really just need a middle portion of x for this.
Calculating the bottom half of V2 and then subtracting a subset of bits in x will give us the new bits. These new additional bits can then be appended to the current v we have been building.
I attempted this in C#, but the built-in BigInteger
does not really allow us to calculate only the bottom half of v*v. I did try ModPow()
but it did not seem like the performance was that great because the ModPow
function is doing division where I really just want to stop calculating v*v halfway through. Also, my implementation had some errors and was not always correct. A custom BigInteger
class may need to be built.
void NewtonPlus5(BigInteger x, int xLenMod, ref int size, ref BigInteger val)
BigInteger tmp2 = (BigInteger.ModPow(val, 2, BigInteger.One << (size + 1)) << (size));
BigInteger tmp3 = ((x >> (xLenMod - (3 * size))) &
((BigInteger.One << (2 * size + 1)) - 1));
BigInteger valSU2 = tmp3 - tmp2;
val = (val << (size + 1)) + (valSU2 / val);
size = (size << 1) + 1;
Another way is we can kind of do this is to remove the top 25% of the bits in v before the V * V.
Impact: Medium, 4% to 6% faster (would contribute to the BigO angle)
Class: Fundamental
Source: None – a personal idea
The basic part of a Newton Iteration is two parts: (1) as left shifted version of V part and the X/V:
val = (val << shiftAmt) + tempX / val
But when viewing the current v in binary, something stands out. (the left side stays the same)
Iteration 4: v = (v + x / v) / 2 1011010100000100
Iteration 5: v = (v + x / v) / 2 10110101000001001111001100110011
The left underlined side is from the “val << shiftAmt” and the right side is the “tempX/val”. So, we can just really do a concatenation instead. The left shift and add is work that does not need to be done. We can just really append the bits together.
So, in my C# example, I do a "shift and add" version because the built-in BigInteger
class does not support concatenation. However, this can still be done by creating a custom BigInteger
class with this property.
Also, the full space for V could be reserved to prevent unnecessary memory copies. And we just fill in the X/V part (bits to the right of the underlined bits) with iterations. So we just write the result V once!
Impact: Unknown
Class: Fundamental and platform
Source: None – a personal idea
On each Newton Iteration, we sometimes get some free bits of accuracy on accident because of lucky guesses. If you look at Iteration 3 below, we received 5 bits of accuracy by luck. When the next Newton iteration happens, it amplifies these accidents by two.
Maybe we can detect these and use this to our advantage. There would be some overhead, however, so the usefulness would probably be minimal (or any at all). To limit the overhead, we could try and detect these in every x number of loops – maybe every 4 or 8 iterations.
Here is an example of this. The underlined bits would be guaranteed precision. The red bits are lucky guesses. Iteration 1 has no lucky guesses. Iteration 2 has 5 lucky guesses! Iteration 3 has two lucky guesses (last two zeros) and the doubling effect of the previous line (so 2*5 + 2), etc. This is more of a drastic example for demonstration.
Initial Guess: 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Iteration 1: v = (v + x / v) / 2 110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
Iteration 2: v = (v + x / v) / 2 101101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010
Iteration 3: v = (v + x / v) / 2 101101010000010100000101000001010000010100000101000
Iteration 4: v = (v + x / v) / 2 101101010000010011110011001100111111101010111110110
Iteration 5: v = (v + x / v) / 2 101101010000010011110011001100111111100111011110011
Iteration 6: v = (v + x / v) / 2 101101010000010011110011001100111111100111011110011
How many free bits can we expect to get? Half the time, we happen to get 1 bit, a quarter of the time, we get the first 2 bits. An eighth of the time - 3 bits, etc. So, ½ + ¼ + 1/8 + 1/16 + 1/32.. = 1 bit (on average per row, but amplified on following rows)
After these lucky guesses, the next Newton iteration doubles (and then quadruples, etc.) these guesses. If my math is right, for 6 Newton iterations, we would save 1 + 2+(1) + 4+(2+1) + 8+(4+2+1) + 16+(8+4+2+1) + 32+(16+8+4+2+1) = 1,3,7,15,31,63 = = 122 (free bits on average after six iterations).
I have not done anything with this because of the small performance gain. Also, there would be overhead checking this, which might worsen it.
Impact: Small
Class: Fundamental
Source: None – a personal idea
Use mutable BigIntegers
instead of the unchangeable, immutable BigInteger struct
– internal only. In C#, the memory assigned to a BigInteger
cannot be modified, so any modifications, even as simple as an increment, force a new memory allocation. The benefits only grow with larger numbers, resulting in better Big O-type performance. Java does support this, however, using the following structure: X.add(1).divide(2)
Impact: Medium
Class: Hardware-Software-Specific (compiler/language feature)
This project can be translated into a C function that would be even faster. C tends to have better performance to do the extensive pre-compiler and has fewer limitations as memory can be accessed directly. A wrapper could then expose the C function to other higher-level languages. Since a C wrapper native call would have some overhead, it would make sense only to use it for larger numbers… maybe the SqrtForReallyBigInts()
can be native only. Native wrapper functions are more problematic, though, and not as portable.
Impact: Minor
Class: Hardware-Software-Specific (compiler/language feature)
I needed a Big Integer square root function for a project I was working on. I looked around, found a few, and selected one I liked. The one I liked was not on a site I use called StackOverflow, so I re-posted it (with credit to the author/date). After some time passed, there was a post by MaxKlaxx. MaxKlaxx posted benchmarks comparing his and several others, including the one I re-posted as "SunsetQuest" – even though it was not mine. The one with Sunsetquest was one of the lowest performers, and if anyone knows much about me, I’m all about efficient code – duh! So, I decided to make my own sqrt function to see if I could take the lead.
Max’s algorithm was fast from small to large integers, using the built-in hardware SQRT()
for small numbers and as an initial guess for larger numbers combined with Newton iterations.
After several weeks of working on it here and there, I gave up and wrote, “THIS PROJECT WAS A DISASTER!!!!! 1/8/2021”. But, after some time went by, ideas started bubbling up. The first one was basically trying to split the sqrt into smaller square roots. Long story short, that idea was a flop! But ideas kept flowing for some reason, usually in the middle of the night. The next idea was to pre-calculate the number of steps Newton steps instead of waiting for it to settle. The next idea was to start with an initial size, so when we keep doubling the bit-width using Newton’s method, we end up with just the size needed. Finally, one more idea was to change Newton’s method to make each division step smaller – I named this Newton Plus – though hindsight, maybe it should be Newton Minus since we are pre-subtracting some numbers. Let’s just say we are adding a negative number.
With all these working together, the square root is super quick. This solution is 43X faster for larger numbers than the next fastest C# algorithm I could find. At first, I was trying to create something faster than everyone else, but after some time, I was just trying to compete against myself.
- 3/14/2022: Initial version
- 7/1/2023: I noticed that the HTML was swapping "<=" and ">="!!! I am sure this caused confusion. Luckily, the CodeProject download and GitHub code files did not have this issue. I also did some other HTML fixes, general cleanup/grammar, and made the examples easier to follow.