In this article shows you how drag and drop works in WPF.
You can see the source and latest updates to this project HERE
Below is the class diagram of the application:

Starting from the bottom and going up, in the ViewModel
- The
can be dragged (you can drag the candidates), so it implements the IDragable
. - The
can be dragged and dropped (you can drag and drop into any element in the company organization chart), so it implement both the IDragable
and the IDropable
. - The
can be dropped (you can drop into the candidate list), so it implements the IDropable
Starting from the bottom and going up, in the ViewModel
- The
can be dragged (you can drag the candidates), so it implements the IDragable
. - The
can be dragged and dropped (you can drag and drop into any element in the company organization chart), so it implement both the IDragable
and the IDropable
. - The
can be dropped (you can drop into the candidate list), so it implements the IDropable
In the Behavior
- The
— Performs the actions to start the drag operation by picking up the data. It queries the IDragable
interface to record the data type being dragged. - The
— Performs the actions when the drop happens on a FrameworkElement
, which is the subclass of System.Windows.UIElement
that you commonly see in WPF. - The
— Performs the actions when an element is dropped onto a ListBox
In the View
- The
— Contains the nested controls that shows the organization chart. Since the nested controls are FrameworkElement
, it will just use the FrameworkElementDragBehavior
and the FrameworkElementDropBehavior
in the xaml declaration. - The
— Each element in the TreeView
are also FrameworkElement
, so it will also use the FrameworkElementDragBehavior
and the FrameworkElementDropBehavior
in the xaml declaration. - The
— Candidates are displayed using FrameworkElement
, so it will use the FrameworkElementDragBehavior
for dragging. A candidate is dropped into a ListBox
, which requires more details such as the drop location, therefore it will use the ListBoxDropBehavior
With this setup, you can just add the xaml
to the View
and the drag and drop functionality will come alive:
The main idea on the drag is to pick up the data that will be transferred as well as defining the data type that is transferred. The data type lets the system tell if the item can be dropped when the mouse moves over a particular area.
In the IDragable
interface, we have the following:
interface IDragable
Type DataType { get; }
void Remove(object i);
The DataType
property returns the type of the data that is being dragged.
The Remove
method removes the source data for a move operation. If it’s a copy operation, then you simply don’t call it. In our application, we will only implement the move operation per our business logic, though you can add the copy functionality if you like.
The IDragable
interface is implemented in the ViewModel
. In both the CandidateViewModel
and the OrgElementViewModel
, we return the DataType
as ElementViewModel
#region IDragable Members
Type IDragable.DataType
get { return typeof(ElementViewModel); }
is the parent class of both ViewModels
, which contains common properties such as the FirstName
and the LastName
. This allows you to drag items between the two types interchangeably:

The Remove
method in the ViewModel
simply calls the Model
to perform the business logic on removing the element. You can look into the source code if you are interested in the details of the business logic.
Next we define the drag behavior, meaning what would we like to do when a drag occurs. The FrameworkElementDragBehavior
class inherits from the System.Windows.Interactivity.Behavior
class, which allows you to define the actions that you like to perform for events such as a mouse click or a mouse move. Below is the code:
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Windows;
using System.Windows.Interactivity;
using System.Windows.Input;
namespace DotNetLead.DragDrop.UI.Behavior
public class FrameworkElementDragBehavior : Behavior<FrameworkElement>
private bool isMouseClicked = false;
protected override void OnAttached()
this.AssociatedObject.MouseLeftButtonDown +=
new MouseButtonEventHandler(AssociatedObject_MouseLeftButtonDown);
this.AssociatedObject.MouseLeftButtonUp +=
new MouseButtonEventHandler(AssociatedObject_MouseLeftButtonUp);
this.AssociatedObject.MouseLeave +=
new MouseEventHandler(AssociatedObject_MouseLeave);
void AssociatedObject_MouseLeftButtonDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
isMouseClicked = true;
void AssociatedObject_MouseLeftButtonUp(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
isMouseClicked = false;
void AssociatedObject_MouseLeave(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (isMouseClicked)
IDragable dragObject = this.AssociatedObject.DataContext as IDragable;
if (dragObject != null)
DataObject data = new DataObject();
data.SetData(dragObject.DataType, this.AssociatedObject.DataContext);
(this.AssociatedObject, data, DragDropEffects.Move);
isMouseClicked = false;
The AssociatedObject
property from the parent class is the UI control in which the behavior is bound to. For example, if we add this behavior to a StackPanel
XAML declaration, then the AssociatedObject
is the StackPanel.
If the mouse is clicked down (and kept down) and moves out of the area, then we start the drag operation. When you have nested controls such as the detailed view of the organization chart, this is the most reliable way to detect the drag. If you don’t have nested controls, you may just use the MouseMove
event and check the mouse pressed state from MouseEventArgs
In the MouseLeave
event, we check the DataContext
of the UI control and see if it implements IDragable
. If yes, then that means the item can be dragged. We then get the data type being dragged by calling the IDragable
interface and start the drag operation by calling System.Windows.DragDrop.DoDragDrop
To enable the drag operation, we simply add the xaml to the View
for the control that you would like to drag. For example in the TreeView
, we defined the following to drag the StackPanel
from the TreeView
<TreeView x:Name="tvMain" ItemsSource="{Binding Root}" BorderThickness="0">
<HierarchicalDataTemplate ItemsSource="{Binding Children}">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="{Binding ImagePath}" MaxHeight="22" MaxWidth="22"/>
<TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center">
<MultiBinding StringFormat=" {0} {1}">
<Binding Path="FirstName"/>
<Binding Path="LastName"/>
And the same goes for the Detailed View:
and the Candidate View:
The goal of the drop operation is to:
- Give visual cues on if the item can be dropped into an area when the mouse hovers over
- Transfer the data to the destination
- Remove the data from the source (if it’s a move operation and not a copy operation)
Below is our IDropable
interface IDropable
Type DataType { get; }
void Drop(object data, int index = -1);
The DataType
property defines the data type that can be dropped into an area. Just like the drag operation, we define the DataType
that can be dropped as ElementViewModel
in the ViewModel
so that we can perform drag and drop between the candidate list and the company organization chart:
#region IDropable Members
Type IDropable.DataType
get { return typeof(ElementViewModel); }
The Drop
method adds the data to the target. The optional index
parameter is for the location of the drop such as a ListBox
which we will cover in the next section. Since the ViewModel
implements this interface, the method simply calls the business logic in the Model
. You can look into the source code if you are interested on the business logic implementation.
Next, we will look at the FrameworkElementDropBehavior
class. Similar to the drag behavior, the FrameworkElementDropBehavior
is inherited from the Behavior
class, but we define other events that we will handle. Below shows the list of events:
void AssociatedObject_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (dataType != null)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(dataType))
IDropable target = this.AssociatedObject.DataContext as IDropable;
IDragable source = e.Data.GetData(dataType) as IDragable;
if (this.adorner != null)
e.Handled = true;
void AssociatedObject_DragLeave(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (this.adorner != null)
e.Handled = true;
void AssociatedObject_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (dataType != null)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(dataType))
if (this.adorner != null)
e.Handled = true;
void AssociatedObject_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (this.dataType == null)
if (this.AssociatedObject.DataContext != null)
IDropable dropObject = this.AssociatedObject.DataContext as IDropable;
if (dropObject != null)
this.dataType = dropObject.DataType;
if (this.adorner == null)
this.adorner = new FrameworkElementAdorner(sender as UIElement);
e.Handled = true;
In the DragEnter
event, we record the data type that can be dropped into this area (so that we can decide the visual cues to give), and we initialize the adorner for displaying the red dots around the corner:
private Type dataType;
private FrameworkElementAdorner adorner;
void AssociatedObject_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (this.dataType == null)
if (this.AssociatedObject.DataContext != null)
IDropable dropObject = this.AssociatedObject.DataContext as IDropable;
if (dropObject != null)
this.dataType = dropObject.DataType;
if (this.adorner == null)
this.adorner = new FrameworkElementAdorner(sender as UIElement);
e.Handled = true;
In the DragOver
event, we will decide if the data type can be dropped. If yes, then we need to show the mouse cursor as an item that can be dropped plus drawing the red dots around the corner of the destination by calling the adorner:

void AssociatedObject_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (dataType != null)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(dataType))
if (this.adorner != null)
e.Handled = true;
private void SetDragDropEffects(DragEventArgs e)
e.Effects = DragDropEffects.None;
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(dataType))
e.Effects = DragDropEffects.Move;
In the DragLeave
event, we remove the red dots around the corner by calling the adorner:
void AssociatedObject_DragLeave(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (this.adorner != null)
e.Handled = true;
In the Drop
event, we perform the data transfer. We simply call the Drop
method of the IDropable
interface to add data to the destination, and call the Remove
method of the IDragable
interface to remove the data from the source:
void AssociatedObject_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (dataType != null)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(dataType))
IDropable target = this.AssociatedObject.DataContext as IDropable;
IDragable source = e.Data.GetData(dataType) as IDragable;
if (this.adorner != null)
e.Handled = true;
And that’s all the behavior we need to define. By adding the xaml tags to the View
and we can drop the items into any FrameworkElement
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<Image Source="{Binding ImagePath}" MaxHeight="22" MaxWidth="22"/>
<TextBlock VerticalAlignment="Center">
<MultiBinding StringFormat=" {0} {1}">
<Binding Path="FirstName"/>
<Binding Path="LastName"/>
Now we show you how to drop items into a ListBox
First notice that the IDropable
interface for the candidates is in the CandidateListViewModel
and not the CandidateViewModel
, because we will drop items into the candidate list and into a single candidate:

Next we write the ListBoxDropBehavior
class with the events that we would like to handle. The events are the same as those defined in the FrameworkElementDropBehavior
class but the code is made specifically for dropping items into a ListBox
public class ListBoxDropBehavior : Behavior<ItemsControl>
private Type dataType;
private ListBoxAdornerManager insertAdornerManager;
protected override void OnAttached()
this.AssociatedObject.AllowDrop = true;
this.AssociatedObject.DragEnter +=
new DragEventHandler(AssociatedObject_DragEnter);
this.AssociatedObject.DragOver +=
new DragEventHandler(AssociatedObject_DragOver);
this.AssociatedObject.DragLeave +=
new DragEventHandler(AssociatedObject_DragLeave);
this.AssociatedObject.Drop +=
new DragEventHandler(AssociatedObject_Drop);
In the DragEnter
event, we initialize the adorner layer to be the area covering the entire ListBox
, this is so that we can add and remove adorners for individual items in the ListBox
void AssociatedObject_DragEnter(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (this.dataType == null)
if (this.AssociatedObject.DataContext != null)
if (this.AssociatedObject.DataContext as IDropable != null)
this.dataType =
if (this.insertAdornerManager == null)
this.insertAdornerManager = new ListBoxAdornerManager
(AdornerLayer.GetAdornerLayer(sender as ItemsControl));
e.Handled = true;
In the DragOver
event, we need to show the red dots above or under the item that we will be dropping over. We first get the UIElement
that is dropped over from the mouse position relative to the ListBox
, then determine if it is above or below the item and call the adorner manager to update the red dots:
void AssociatedObject_DragOver(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (this.dataType != null)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(dataType))
if (this.insertAdornerManager != null)
ItemsControl dropContainer = sender as ItemsControl;
UIElement droppedOverItem =
UIHelper.GetUIElement(dropContainer, e.GetPosition(dropContainer));
bool isAboveElement = UIHelper.IsPositionAboveElement
(droppedOverItem, e.GetPosition(droppedOverItem));
this.insertAdornerManager.Update(droppedOverItem, isAboveElement);
e.Handled = true;
Since the DragOver
event is executed continuously when the mouse is over the area, we need the update of the adorners to be efficient. In the Update
method of the adorner manager, we simply exit the method if no change is needed, otherwise we clear the old adorner and draw a new one:
internal void Update(UIElement adornedElement, bool isAboveElement)
if (adorner != null && !shouldCreateNewAdorner)
if (adorner.AdornedElement == adornedElement &&
adorner.IsAboveElement == isAboveElement)
adorner = new ListBoxAdorner(adornedElement, this.adornerLayer);
adorner.IsAboveElement = isAboveElement;
this.shouldCreateNewAdorner = false;
In the DragLeave
event, we clear the adorner from the ListBox
void AssociatedObject_DragLeave(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (this.insertAdornerManager != null)
e.Handled = true;
In the Drop
event, we will insert the new item at the correct location in the ListBox
. We first get the UIElement
that was dropped over from the mouse position relative to the ListBox
, then we find the correct index to insert the item. Finally, we call the Drop
method of the IDropable
interface to insert the data:
void AssociatedObject_Drop(object sender, DragEventArgs e)
if (this.dataType != null)
if (e.Data.GetDataPresent(dataType))
ItemsControl dropContainer = sender as ItemsControl;
UIElement droppedOverItem = UIHelper.GetUIElement
(dropContainer, e.GetPosition(dropContainer));
int dropIndex = -1;
dropIndex = dropContainer.ItemContainerGenerator.IndexFromContainer
(droppedOverItem) + 1;
if (UIHelper.IsPositionAboveElement
(droppedOverItem, e.GetPosition(droppedOverItem)))
dropIndex = dropIndex - 1;
IDragable source = e.Data.GetData(dataType) as IDragable;
IDropable target = this.AssociatedObject.DataContext as IDropable;
target.Drop(e.Data.GetData(dataType), dropIndex);
if (this.insertAdornerManager != null)
e.Handled = true;
And that’s all. Just add the xaml to the CandidateView
and you can then drop items into it:

Although there are a lot more things that you can do, we hope you find this project helpful in implementing your own WPF drag and drop applications.