This is an amusing way in order to select a color from a page web.
Using the code
As it is knows that the coordinates of a color comes from Red Blue Green
(RGB), in order to create the intentional shadings we must convert to
Luninosità tone Saturation (HLS). The function is as follows :-
Private Sub Paletta(ByVal TargetForm As String, _
ByVal PalettaRow As Long, _
ByVal Saturation As Long)
Dim RGBColor As String
Dim Gray As Double
Dim lum As Double
Dim sat As Double
Dim hue As Double
Dim row As HtmlTableRow
Dim cell As HtmlTableCell
Dim RBGcolor As String
sat = Saturation / 100
For hue = 0 To 359 Step (360 / PalettaRow)
row = New HtmlTableRow()
For lum = 0.1 To 1 Step 0.02
cell = New HtmlTableCell()
HlsToRgb(hue, lum, sat, RGBColor)
cell.BgColor = RGBColor
cell.Controls.Add(New HyperLink())
DirectCast(cell.Controls(0), HyperLink).Text = "_"
DirectCast(cell.Controls(0), HyperLink).ForeColor = _
Color.FromArgb(Val("&h" & Mid(RGBColor, 1, 2)), _
Val("&h" & Mid(RGBColor, 3, 2)), _
Val("&h" & Mid(RGBColor, 5, 2)))
DirectCast(cell.Controls(0), HyperLink).NavigateUrl = _
TargetForm & "?&C=" & RGBColor
Next lum
Next hue
row = New HtmlTableRow()
For Gray = 0 To 255 Step 5.7
cell = New HtmlTableCell()
cell.BgColor = Right("00" & Hex(Gray), 2) & _
Right("00" & Hex(Gray), 2) & Right("00" & Hex(Gray), 2)
cell.Controls.Add(New HyperLink())
DirectCast(cell.Controls(0), HyperLink).Text = "_"
DirectCast(cell.Controls(0), HyperLink).ForeColor = _
Color.FromArgb(Gray, Gray, Gray)
DirectCast(cell.Controls(0), HyperLink).NavigateUrl = _
TargetForm & "?&C=" & Right("00" & Hex(Gray), 2) & _
Right("00" & Hex(Gray), 2) & Right("00" & Hex(Gray), 2)
Next Gray
End Sub
Private Sub HlsToRgb(ByVal H As Double, ByVal L As Double, _
ByVal S As Double, ByRef RGBColor As String)
Dim p1 As Double
Dim p2 As Double
Dim r As Double
Dim g As Double
Dim b As Double
If L <= 0.5 Then
p2 = L * (1 + S)
p2 = L + S - L * S
End If
p1 = 2 * L - p2
If S = 0 Then
r = Int(L * 255)
g = Int(L * 255)
b = Int(L * 255)
r = Int(QqhToRgb(p1, p2, H + 120) * 255)
g = Int(QqhToRgb(p1, p2, H) * 255)
b = Int(QqhToRgb(p1, p2, H - 120) * 255)
End If
RGBColor = Right("00" & Hex(r), 2) & Right("00" & Hex(g), 2) & _
Right("00" & Hex(b), 2)
End Sub
The function Paletta
previews the page where we give back
the result, given the number of lines that composes the table and the brightness
(that translates to "full" color or complete gray). After we have printed the
table, and have selected the proposed color, the result is collected through :
Points of Interest
This code has been translated from my site Web originally in ASP,
and served to modify all the elements of the page web (Links, tables, etc.)
This is the first version of the Pick Color, but I have some changes already
in mind for even more fun... Bye bye :)