This is an implementation of Microsoft Blue Yonder tutorial that comes with Beta 2 SDK. The Microsoft .NET Speech SDK V1.0 Beta 2 contains:
- Tools for creating and debugging grammars and prompts.
- Sample applications and tutorials.
- ASP.NET controls for creating voice-only and multimodal SALT applications.
- Speech add-ins for Microsoft Internet Explorer browser software.
- New desktop version of the Microsoft speech recognition engine.
- The Microsoft Text-to-Speech (TTS) engine.
Creating a Speech Application
Basic steps to adding speech functionality:
- Design an overall application flow (Web page structure and call flow for a telephone application).
- Create or import the basic ASP.NET input controls, database access code, and other standard application elements.
- Define the Grammar, the structured set of phrases that a user may say to the application.
- Define the Prompts, what the application says to the user in a voice-only environment.
- Use Speech Controls to integrate grammars and prompts and merge them with the Web application.
These speech controls will also allow you to implement the overall dialog flow for a voice-only application.
Basic steps for building a speech-enabled web application:
- Set Speech Controls
- Build Grammars
- Define Prompts
- Test and run application
Blue Yonder

In this simple web-based project, you will be speech-enabling a sample Web application that will allow a user to select their seat and meal preferences for a flight booking on a fictitious airline.
To run this program, you should have:
- IIS (Internet Information Services should be running)
- Then you should install � Microsoft Visual Studio .NET
- After that, install The Microsoft .NET Speech SDK V1.0 Beta 2
I�ve run it on Windows 2000 professional Service Pack 3. But it should work fine on Windows XP Service Pack 1.
In IIS, you should create a virtual directory for the folder �BYAirlines�. And in Visual Studio .NET Solution Explorer, make sure that the file WebForm1.aspx is set as start page. The zip file should be extracted under the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft .NET Speech without changing its name.
When you run this program, you need a high quality microphone (USB microphone is recommended) and you should press on the Speak Seat and Meal Request box. Then you should say something like � Give me OR I want a window seat and a vegetarian meal .. Then you should see your order written in the above two boxes.
I haven�t worked in any type of speech recognition projects before, but after working with this tool, I found things to be easier than what I thought of. In conclusion, I hope that you found this implementation to be useful for you.. at least, you don�t have to write the code. Just concentrate on understanding it.