How to use the Token Manager plugin for Wordpress[
The Token Manager allows web developers to program PHP
and JavaScript
into tokens that can be used throughout WordPress
. Tokens can be placed into themes, templates, pages, widgets, etc. The code in the token is processed and then injected into the token name. It allows web developers to package their code into components for easy reuse and maintenance while speeding up development time and distribution. The tokens are also aware of WordPress
and can utilize all the common libraries and database from within the token. This allows for unlimited possibilities with web page design, third party api, WordPress
api, PHP
frameworks, web 2.0, other WordPress
plugins, etc. The tokens can even be used within other tokens for replacement of text, making HTML
, JS
, fully dynamic.
The Token Manager has been built to work with WordPress MultiSite
as well as single blog installations. By activating it on the network, it will add the capabilities to control tokens across WordPress
sites and blogs. It will also store all tokens in custom tables that are not attached to WordPress
, allowing for easy upgrades, backup and version changes.
WordPress Standard Installation
1. Upload the contents of 'token-manager' to '/wp-content/plugins/token-manager' within your WordPress
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in the WordPress
3. Visit the Token Manager Settings Page and turn on the features you desire.
4. Add some token types in the manager.
5. Add some tokens in the manager.
6. Assign the token to a WordPress
7. Put {your_token_name}
in the assigned page, template, widget, theme, etc.
8. Visit the page to see the token replacement.
WordPress MultiSite Installation
1. Upload the contents of 'token-manager' to '/wp-content/plugins/token-manager' within your WordPress
2. Network activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in the WordPress
Network Admin.
3. Visit a desired network site or blog dashboard.
4. Visit the Token Manager Settings Page and turn on the features you desire.
5. Add some token types in the manager.
6. Add some tokens in the manager.
7. Assign the token to a WordPress
8. Put {your_token_name}
in the assigned page, template, widget, theme, etc.
9. Visit the page to see the token replacement.
Token Management
The management of tokens is very simple, with built in ajax controls to allow assignment of tokens to individual and all pages. It also separates out frontpage assignment, giving you the freedom to control exactly what is seen on the frontpage. The manager also keeps track of who created and last updated the tokens in WordPress.
Token Parameters
The Token Manager now supports token parameters. You can specify a string or integer parameter by adding them behind the token name. You can then access the parameter from within the token code, allowing for unlimited code possibilities.
Error Handling
and token errors are handled by the Token Manager and can be
displayed by turning on custom settings in the manager. This gives
developers the full control to know where errors are occurring within
their token code. The error setting can also be turned off for live
sites. This protects you from displaying error information on public
sites. All errors that occur in the tokens, unless fatal, will not stop
the webpage from being displayed. So feel free to code your ideas
without worring about errors halting
1. Here is a screen shot of adding a token that creates a copyright.

2. Here is what the Token Manager looks like.
3. This screen shot shows how to assign tokens to pages.
4. This screen shot shows adding the token text to the page we assigned.
5. Shows the actual copyright token being rendered in a view.
6. Example helloworld, showing how to use the HTML
7. Example helloworld, showing how to use the PHP
8. Example helloworld, showing how to use the CSS
9. Example helloworld, showing how to use the JS
10. Shows the actual helloworld token being rendered in a view.
11. Shows the actual helloworld token running the JavaScript
12. The error handler showing a PHP
error on the page.
13. Show all key value pairs for the page with settings turned on.
14. Shows the token ordering for processing tokens in a specific custom order.

15. New Token Manager Screen Shot - Version 1.0 in Real Use

16. Token Code Editor with Highlighting

Frequently Asked Questions
My token is not appearing on my page?
You must assign your token from the Token Manager to page. Visit the tokens link. Click on the icon that looks like pages. Search for a page. Assign that page or multiple pages to the token by clicking on the arrow buttons.
What are token types?
Token types are created by you. They allow you to organize your code into categories of type. i.e text, control, template, thirdparty
How do I assign the front page or all pages to my token?
Visit the tokens link. Click on the icon that looks like pages. In the search box type 'frontpage
' for frontpage or 'all pages
' for all pages. Then click on the arrow button to assign it.
Where does my token go if I delete it from the Token Manager?
No worries! It does not delete the token, it just deactivates it from the Token Manager. You would still be able to find it in the database tables. Future enhancements will probably include the functionality to retrieve it.
How does this plugin support WordPress MultiSite?
When activated as a network plugin, you can assign unique tokens in each site and blog from their corresponding dashboards.
Is there a history of action on the tokens?
Yes, The Token Manager records an xml file in the table recording actions taken. Future versions of Token Manager will include history managing tools.
Do you support token code versioning systems?
Yes!, but only in the professional versions. The standard free version uses versioning in the background, but doesn't give you the tools to manage it. If you would like to find out more about the professional version please visit
If I write a PHP code incorrectly, will it halt my WordPress?
No, not unless it is a fatal error. Common errors in syntax will be displayed with an error message, if the Token Manager has the settings enabled. If the settings are not turned on, it will display a blank token.
How do I write dynamic HTML, CSS and JS?
code is supported in all coding tabs. Also token codes are also supported in other tokens starting from top to bottom ordering of types.
Do you support token backup?
Yes!, but it is a manual process in the standard version. You must edit each token and copy the contents from each code tab. Professional versions include a simple detailed backup system with versioning and restore tool. If you would like to find out more about the professional version please visit
How do I make suggestions or bug reports?
Please visit the WordPress
forums for this plugin or visit the main website at
How do I optimize my tokens to load faster?
By directly assigning each token to a specific page and only using 'all pages
' sparingly.
How do I keep my token PHP code from having naming convention and collision errors?
By using classes and unique naming, just like you would do writing any PHP
code. Please refer to
Do I have to write the beginning and ending script tags for PHP, CSS and JS?
No, they are added for you. If you are injecting PHP
code into another language, then yes, `<?PHP ?>
` would be required.
Are PHP shortcodes supported `<? ?>`?
No, not at this time. You must use `<?PHP ?>
` for your PHP
Do all codes inline on the page?
Yes, for now each code inlines into the page, but future enhancements will allow you to make things external.
How do I add token parameters?If you have a token named `example`, you could add parameters to extend it like so: {example
, `Param1
`, `Param2
`, ParamInt3
This will pass param1, param2 and param3 to example token. Token parameters accept strings and integers. You can use either double or single quotes around parameters. If you have quotes inside quotes you need to escape them. If you use `{` or `}` in your strings, make sure you encode them. To access the parameters within your token code use the following: $GLOBALS["ARGS"][0]
Updated database and changed history data type from TEXT to MEDIUMTEXT to allow more token updates than 400+. Added in mysql return errors on update statements.
Security update to remove XSS with 'tid' in tokenedit.php and typeedit.php. No other changes, safe to update.
Added in search for page by id. Added in process id into status hover. Fixed link locations. Fixed support menus to display on top of other controls with proper z-index. Added in sorting links for id, name and type. Moved delete and version button to right side. Changed some status menus to correct textual information. No database changes safe to update.
No database changes. Added in CodeMirror version 2.3 source code editor. Allows for code highlighting PHP, JS, CSS and HTML. Also has find and replace features built in. Fixed a couple css size issues with form elements.
Token Manager has been revamped to include parameters for tokens. No database changes, only large optimizations of code and processing. Added in hover help icons and hover status messages. Fixed delete process for token types. Fixed token ordering issues. Added in searching by ids and names. Changed layout a little. Hopefully, I didnt break much! You should upgrade and tell me what you think of the new changes.
New feature added that allows you to process the tokens in a specific custom order. Small database table (tokenmanager
) change. Added column (processorder
). This change will require previous versions to add in the new column and assign a process order id to existing tokens.
Added in a setting to remove donation button. Added in a coffee message. Working on token ordering for next release. No changes to database.
Reversed token replace order to make sure extended tokens are replaced first. Added in REQUEST_TEMPLATESURL
to the extended tokens. No changes to database.
Added in setting option to remove automatic WordPress
to the extended tokens. No changes to database.
Cleaned Up PHP
Error Notices and Changed plugin name from 'token manager
' to 'token-manager
' because wordpress zip program packs it that way causing my code to break down. Cleaned up readme file also. Submitted icons folder into svn.
Added changes to tokenmanager.php for role capabilities from 'Admin
' to 'activate_plugins
'. This allows plugin to work for single installs as well as multi-site.
Initial release
Future Enhancements
- Setting to only allow admin to see token errors.
- Allow tokens to pass data by token call - Completed May 15, 2012.
- Token Ordering - Completed Feb 18, 2012
- Code Optimization
- WordPress Token Injection Menus
- Sorting Systems
- Better Searching
- Code Editor
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