This article demonstrates how to create a Full Winform Application in C# for Visually Designing Cards using Images, Text, Lines and Shapes. Please note that this is not an example to show GDI+ capabilities, I am writing another sample for a full GDI+ based Vector Graphic Designing Winform Application with the same Idea.
What this example is about?

- It contains features required in a commercial application like, File Saving (Serialization) and Retrieving
- Associating file extension with your application so that user can dblclick .kds file and it will launch the card designer and open the selected file
- User can drag .kds file on KCards.Exe (application) Icon on desktop and it will open up the file like Word and other apps do
- Property Pages and Color Palettes
- Editing Features like Bring to Front, Send to Back and Duplicate, Resizing, Moving
- Some features like copy/paste/print, etc. are not working, I left them for you to write.
This sample demonstrates the idea of features involved in creating a visual designer application in C# Winforms from scratch.
It begins with creating classes for your drawing shapes, UserCanvas, Multiple Canvas Windows management and ends up with serialization into files.