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Edge Detection Using C,Win32 SDK and GDI+

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19 Apr 2002 5  
This article shows how to perform edge detection using C,Win32 SDK and GDI+

Sample Image - Edge_Detection.jpg


This article is an adaptation of Christian Graus article on the same topic which was in C#. I was keen to do the same in C and hence this article. Though simple I had lot of trouble porting the code from C# to C. I want to take this opportunity to thank Christian for his help in making this program work.

Initializing GDI+

Take the November 2001 platform SDK CD and straight away install the whole thing. Make sure to have gdiplus.dll in your application directory. Also go to tools/options/directories in Visual Studio to point to the GDI+ lib and header files. Important: :They should be at the top of the include list to avoid conflicts.


  1. Create a simple Win32 application - select empty project  
  2. Add a new file Main.cpp
  3. Include the following:
    • ws2_32.lib in the project/settings/link 
    • Add this code to your cpp file:
      #define UNICODE
      #include <windows.h>
      #include <gdiplus.h>
      #include <math.h>
      #include <stdio.h>
      using namespace Gdiplus;
      LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND, UINT, WPARAM, LPARAM); //WinProc prototype

  4. Your WinMain should look like this
       HWND                hWnd;
       MSG                 msg;
       WNDCLASS            wndClass;
       GdiplusStartupInput gdiplusStartupInput;
       ULONG_PTR           gdiplusToken;
       // Initialize GDI+.
       GdiplusStartup(&gdiplusToken, &gdiplusStartupInput, NULL);
            = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
       wndClass.lpfnWndProc    = WndProc;
       wndClass.cbClsExtra     = 0;
       wndClass.cbWndExtra     = 0;
       wndClass.hInstance      = hInstance;
       wndClass.hIcon          = LoadIcon(NULL, IDI_APPLICATION);
       wndClass.hCursor        = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
       wndClass.hbrBackground  = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH);
       wndClass.lpszMenuName   = NULL;
       wndClass.lpszClassName  = TEXT("Edge Detection");
       hWnd = CreateWindow(
          TEXT("Edge Detection"),   // window class name
          TEXT("Edge Detection"),  // window caption
          WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW,      // window style
          CW_USEDEFAULT,            // initial x position
          CW_USEDEFAULT,            // initial y position
          CW_USEDEFAULT,            // initial x size
          CW_USEDEFAULT,            // initial y size
          NULL,                     // parent window handle
          NULL,                     // window menu handle
          hInstance,                // program instance handle
          NULL);                    // creation parameters
       ShowWindow(hWnd, iCmdShow);
       while(GetMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0))
       return msg.wParam;
    }  // WinMain
  5. Your Window procedure should look like this:
    LRESULT CALLBACK WndProc(HWND hWnd, UINT message, 
       WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)
       HDC          hdc;
       PAINTSTRUCT  ps;
       case WM_CREATE:
    		return 0;
       case WM_PAINT:
          hdc = BeginPaint(hWnd, &ps);
          EndPaint(hWnd, &ps);
          return 0;
       case WM_DESTROY:
          return 0;
          return DefWindowProc(hWnd, message, wParam, lParam);
    } // WndProc
  6. Your OnPaint() looks like this:
    VOID OnPaint(HDC hdc)
       Graphics graphics(hdc);
       Bitmap b(L"Calvin.jpg");
       Bitmap* b2;
       INT iWidth = b.GetWidth();
       INT iHeight = b.GetHeight();
       Rect rect(0,0,iWidth,iHeight);
       b2 = b.Clone(rect,PixelFormat24bppRGB); 
       BitmapData bmData;
       BitmapData bmData2;
       b.LockBits(&rect,ImageLockModeRead | ImageLockModeWrite,
       b2->LockBits(&rect,ImageLockModeRead |ImageLockModeWrite,
       int stride = bmData.Stride;
       unsigned char * p = (unsigned char *)bmData.Scan0;
       unsigned char * p2 = (unsigned char *)bmData2.Scan0;
       int nOffset = stride - iWidth*3; 
       int nWidth = iWidth * 3;
       int nPixel = 0, nPixelMax = 0;
       p += stride;
       p2 += stride;
       int nThreshold = 0;
      for(int y=1;y < (iHeight-1);++y)
         p += 3;
         p2 += 3;
         for(int x=3; x < (nWidth-3); ++x )
            nPixelMax = abs((p2 - stride + 3)[0] - (p2+stride-3)[0]);
            nPixel = abs((p2 + stride + 3)[0] - (p2 - stride - 3)[0]);
            if (nPixel>nPixelMax)
               nPixelMax = nPixel;
            nPixel = abs((p2 - stride)[0] - (p2 + stride)[0]);
            if (nPixel>nPixelMax)
                nPixelMax = nPixel;
            nPixel = abs((p2+3)[0] - (p2 - 3)[0]);
            if (nPixel>nPixelMax)
                nPixelMax = nPixel;
            if (nPixelMax < nThreshold) 
    	    nPixelMax = 0;							
            p[0] = (byte) nPixelMax;
            ++ p;
            ++ p2;
         p += 3 + nOffset;
         p2 += 3 + nOffset;
       graphics.DrawImage(&b, iWidth+10, 0, iWidth, iHeight);      

That's It

Write to me for any problems/explanation. I will be glad to respond.


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