If you want to embbeded a web browser in your application,
with dotnet 2.0 there's a new control WebBrowser
A good article about WebBrowser ) .it's the
engine of Internet Explorer.
I discover recently there's an Mozilla
ActiveX Plug-in, so I have tried to make a
c# wrapper class to have the choose between Internet Explorer
and Mozilla to render the Html page.
This article will show about to use the Mozilla ActiveX, and how to have both IE , and Mozilla.
I don't go really inside the Mozilla Active X, may be for a update of this article.
I make a small test application, with the two html
rendering objet,
I take two screenshots:
One with IE, and the second why Mozilla.
To make the different between the 2 browser , look the context
Internet Explorer :
Mozilla :

Installing the Mozilla ActiveX
Install the
ActiveX Plug-in.
Click on the toolbox with the right button , choose Items.
You will find in Com object this line MozillaBrowser Class underlined
So when you have selected it , a new icon appear in the

Using the code
The class WrapperWebBrowser.cs
public WrapperWebBrowser(
ref AxMOZILLACONTROLLib.AxMozillaBrowser moz,
ref System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowser ie
public enum EnumTypeBrowser { IE, MOZILLA };
public EnumTypeBrowser TypeBrowser;
public void SetDocumentCompleteEvent(DelegateDocumentComplete docCompleteEvent)
public void Navigate(string url)
If you want to use the WrapperWebBrowser.cs
you have to make a WebBrowser
and axMozillaBrowser
WrapperWebBrowser wrapperWebBrowser = null;
public Form1()
wrapperWebBrowser = new WrapperWebBrowser(ref this.axMozillaBrowser1,ref this.webBrowser1);
private void DocumentComplete(string url)
this.Text = url;
If you change the property wraperWebBrowser.TypeBrowser then
the window of the browser you choose will be visible and
the other browser window will be not visible of course.
Points of Interest
There's some difference between WebBrowser and
AxMozillaBrowser, but they are quite similar .
There's Navigate in each, the name of the callback when the
Document is complete change a little bit:
And the prototype of the Event too:
private void webBrowser_DocumentCompleted(object sender,
WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs e)
private void axMozillaBrowser_DocumentComplete(object sender,
AxMOZILLACONTROLLib.DWebBrowserEvents2_DocumentCompleteEvent e)