Yeah, you are not alone when you dream of dragging and dropping. I did dream too. It's such an infinite ecstasy when you feel
the power of the mouse. Just clicking on an item, dragging it to some other window or control and to simply drop it there gives
you a feeling of supremacy. Alright, I guess I better stop with this juvenile gobbledygook and start talking serious stuff. Just
today morning I was thinking that it should be quite easy to drag and drop in .NET because that's what I have basically
encountered whenever I tried to do something with .NET. Everything is always so much more easier than when you are doing normal
SDK/MFC stuff or the Non-dot-Net stuff.
I created a simple C# Windows Forms application. Then I added two list boxes using the form designer. Now my intention was to
fill up the list box on the left with some text. By the time I complete the small sample program, I should be able to drag an
item from the list box on the left and to drop it on the list box on the right. It should have taken me only about an hour or
so, but I was really stuck at one point and luckily for me, James T Johnson offered a word of advice and solved all my
problems. He really is an amazing character, that JTJ, you would need to get really close to feel it though.
Well, before we proceed you can ogle at the screen shot made on *ahem* Windows XP Professional. I know most of you are
thinking now that this guy seems to be crazy if he thinks using XP is a big deal. But alas, little do they know the tribulations
faced by a 3rd worlder such as myself. In fact it's a bit of a good fortune that I am not still using DOS 5.0. Yeah, things are
that bad.

Let's go ahead
The control from which we drag the item is called as a drag-drop source. In our case this would be the list box on the left.
And similarly the control where we'll finally drop the dragged item is called the drag-drop target, which for us would be the
list box on the right. For those of you who haven't dragged and dropped before [specially people coming from a Linux background],
it's quite easy to accomplish. Click on an item, now without raising your finger off the mouse button drag the mouse cursor to
some other point, and release the mouse button, whereby you drop the item on that precise point. Make sure you drop it on a
drag-drop target control or window, otherwise the whole exercise would be meaningless.
The first thing we need to do is to make sure that the right list box is a drop target. Controls have a property called
which we need to set to true. You can do this using the form designer or manually via code.
this.listBox2.AllowDrop = true;
Now we need to add a handler for the MouseDown
event for the left list box. A MouseDown
occurs when you click the mouse anywhere within the list box control.
this.listBox1.MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler(
Well, the MouseDown
handler is simplicity itself. First we figure out which item is directly under the mouse,
when it is clicked. For this purpose we use the IndexFromPoint
function which turned out to be just what I wanted.
This was where James was of immense help to me. He pointed out this nice little function to me just when I was groping like a
drunken cat in deep black darkness. Well I simply cannot stop singing JTJ's praises today. Pardon me folks.
Once we have the text that is to be dragged, we call the DoDragDrop
function. This function takes two
public DragDropEffects DoDragDrop(object data,
DragDropEffects allowedEffects);
The first argument is the object that will be dragged out of the drag-drop source. In our case this will be the text of the
item in the list box that is directly under the mouse. The second argument is a DragDropEffects
enumeration. I am
showing you the various values possible in the table below. Of course you can also look it up in MSDN. I am using
cause that's what we are doing. We copy the data to the target and remove it from the source. We
need to check the value returned by DoDragDrop
and if it is equal to DragDropEffects.All
, this means
that the item was safely dropped on a valid target and thus we remove the item from our list box. Otherwise we should not remove
it as it means that the dropping was done in a meaningless area.
DragDropEffects Enumeration
Member Name |
Description |
All |
The data is copied, removed from the drag source, and scrolled in the drop target.
Copy |
The data is copied to the drop target.
Link |
The data from the drag source is linked to the drop target.
Move |
The data from the drag source is moved to the drop target.
None |
The drop target does not accept the data.
Scroll |
Scrolling is about to start or is currently occurring in the drop target.
private void listBox1_MouseDown(
object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
int index = listBox1.IndexFromPoint(e.X,e.Y);
string s = listBox1.Items[index].ToString();
DragDropEffects dde1=DoDragDrop(s,
if(dde1 == DragDropEffects.All )
Alright, now that we have setup the drag-drop source we need to work on the drag-drop target which for us is the listbox on
the right. There are four events associated with a drag-drop target. The events are DragEnter
, DragDrop
and DragLeave
. A DragEnter
occurs when the mouse pointer
has dragged something into the control's client area. A DragLeave
occurs if it is dragged out of the control's
client area without dropping the item. We won't concern ourselves with those two events.
The DragOver
event occurs after the DragEnter
event and we need to signal our readiness to accept
the dropped item. We do this by setting the Effect
property of the DragEventsArg
object passed to the
handler to one of the DragDropEffects
enumerations. If we set this to DragDropEvents.None
, then we have
essentially rejected the drop.
private void listBox2_DragOver(
object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e)
The DragDrop
event occurs if the mouse is releases on top of our control's client area. If we have not signaled
our readiness to accept the drop, then instead of a DragDrop
event a DragLeave
event occurs. We are
passed a DragEventArgs
object as our second parameter. This has a IDataObject
member called
. We call the GetDataPresent
member function on it to verify if the data format in the data is what
we are expecting. In our case we are expecting a string. So we check with DataFormats.StringFormat.
Then once we are
sure the data is in the expected format we call GetData
to retrieve our string and add it to our list box.
private void listBox2_DragDrop(
object sender, System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs e)
string str= (string)e.Data.GetData(
That's about it I guess. This is just a minimal introduction to dragging and dropping. But you can play around with it more.
Feel free to post you comments on the article forum, but do not mail me directly, specially not to my email
address. It's not a fast server for me and I do not enjoy popping too many mails from there. Thank You.