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An Office 2003-like popup notifier

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23 Mar 2006CPOL1 min read 316K   7.1K   182   113
A nice little control to help the user notice you're trying to tell him something...

Image 1


This is a simple project, a control that mimics the Microsoft® Outlook® 2003 mail alert.


This control has several features. Among them, you'll find:

Image 2

Progressive appearance - transparency

Image 3

MSN Messenger like pop-ups (any size, color, etc.)

Image 4

Another sample

This control is 100% drawn in the code, there is absolutely no other dependencies than System.Drawing and System.Windows.Forms.

You can include a ContextMenuStrip when clicking on the "down arrow" button.

Using the code

The controls is made of two basic classes:

  • A form (the part that will actually show up).
  • A class that contains all the properties that will be includable on forms.

The class contains two timers, one used for the appearing/disappearing animation, the other (configurable) is used to define how much time the popup is shown before it disappears.

This is how the form is actually shown:

fPopup.Size = Size
fPopup.Opacity = 0
fPopup.Location = _
  New Point(Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Right_
   - fPopup.Size.Width - 1, _

The form is does the drawing in the Paint event.

I'm using these functions to obtain a color that is similar but lighter/darker. There might exist another method.

Private Function GetDarkerColor(ByVal Color As Color) As Color
    Dim clNew As Color
    clNew = Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, DedValueMin0(CInt(Color.R), _
            Parent.GradientPower), DedValueMin0(CInt(Color.G), _
            Parent.GradientPower), DedValueMin0(CInt(Color.B), _
    Return clNew
End Function

And to avoid flickering...

Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.OptimizedDoubleBuffer, True)
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.ResizeRedraw, True)
Me.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, True)

Points of Interest

None really, it's nice, it's fun, it's colorful... that's it :)


  • March 2006 - V 1.0.


This article, along with any associated source code and files, is licensed under The Code Project Open License (CPOL)

Written By
Software Developer (Senior)
Switzerland Switzerland
This member has not yet provided a Biography. Assume it's interesting and varied, and probably something to do with programming.

Comments and Discussions

AnswerNew / Update to this Notification Popup Pin
MacSpudster20-Feb-14 12:38
professionalMacSpudster20-Feb-14 12:38 
GeneralMy vote of 5 Pin
dipan chikani15-Sep-12 2:23
dipan chikani15-Sep-12 2:23 
NewsNew Version of this Control with many Bugs fixed (Link inside) Pin
Simon B.3-Nov-11 4:54
Simon B.3-Nov-11 4:54 
Questioncontrols property Pin
sergio5822-Jul-11 4:08
sergio5822-Jul-11 4:08 
GeneralShowing multiple popups at the same time. Pin
kdlc19-Jan-09 7:56
kdlc19-Jan-09 7:56 
GeneralUnable to close the popup with the close button!!! Pin
harvindersingh1151-Oct-08 3:04
harvindersingh1151-Oct-08 3:04 
GeneralRe: Unable to close the popup with the close button!!! Pin
edzjx13-Feb-10 8:49
edzjx13-Feb-10 8:49 
GeneralRe: Unable to close the popup with the close button!!! Pin
jamslove16-Aug-10 4:29
jamslove16-Aug-10 4:29 
GeneralRe: Unable to close the popup with the close button!!! Pin
nikoskritikos30-Aug-10 5:47
nikoskritikos30-Aug-10 5:47 
GeneralRe: Unable to close the popup with the close button!!! Pin
Member 1145156917-Aug-15 23:17
Member 1145156917-Aug-15 23:17 
QuestionHow to use this in a project C# Pin
harvindersingh11529-Sep-08 3:22
harvindersingh11529-Sep-08 3:22 
AnswerRe: How to use this in a project C# Pin
harvindersingh1151-Oct-08 4:03
harvindersingh1151-Oct-08 4:03 
GeneralRe: How to use this in a project C# Pin
lasai27-Jan-10 15:48
lasai27-Jan-10 15:48 
GeneralExcellent Work........... Pin
Member 401738119-Aug-08 6:14
Member 401738119-Aug-08 6:14 
GeneralFrom right to left order Pin
ammsamm22-Oct-07 0:40
ammsamm22-Oct-07 0:40 
GeneralNew version anyone Pin
Nicolas Wälti25-Aug-07 23:21
Nicolas Wälti25-Aug-07 23:21 
GeneralRe: New version anyone - I'd be glad Pin
semmel7110-Oct-07 8:04
semmel7110-Oct-07 8:04 
GeneralRe: New version anyone Pin
Takeru A.G.23-Dec-07 6:22
Takeru A.G.23-Dec-07 6:22 
JokeRe: New version anyone Pin
garyjohn_200031-Dec-07 6:06
garyjohn_200031-Dec-07 6:06 
NewsUnused Code Pin
pablleaf21-Jun-07 12:07
pablleaf21-Jun-07 12:07 
NewsRedundant Line of Code Pin
pablleaf21-Jun-07 10:38
pablleaf21-Jun-07 10:38 
GeneralSmall Doubt Pin
GayuDams26-Apr-07 2:05
GayuDams26-Apr-07 2:05 
GeneralOpacity Problem with multiple stacking popups Pin
fperugini22-Mar-07 10:18
fperugini22-Mar-07 10:18 
AnswerRe: Opacity Problem with multiple stacking popups Pin
fperugini23-Mar-07 4:33
fperugini23-Mar-07 4:33 
QuestionRe: Opacity Problem with multiple stacking popups Pin
Styxke5-Apr-07 20:27
Styxke5-Apr-07 20:27 

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